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bodhidave bodhidave

humanistic psychodynamic #Buddhist deconstructionist ... and all-round sweet guy

interested in cross-cultural parallels in #meditation traditions and #contemplative practice

particular interest in #Dōgen #Zen, #Vipassana, the practice of #jhāna, the West's #ViaNegativa and The Cloud of #Unknowing .

(also @bodhidave on Spoutible and BlueSky) .

[header is the Zen rock garden of Ryōan-ji; avatar is an enso]


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“Museum of Austerity” tells story of those killed due to punitive UK benefits system
  • @Fudoshin @[email protected]

    And I'm reminded, as a psychologist and a Buddhist,* that being kind and humane to others benefits us, too. It really does.

    (*In my over-educated view, being a psychologist and a Buddhist are the same thing in the end.)