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Sometimes VSCode just shows you a gal

    She seems to be taking it in stride. She has the opportunity for some epic trolling with that power…

  • New study suggests that lab-grown meat produces up to 25 times more CO2

    According to a new study, lab-grown meat is probably worse for the planet in terms of emissions than traditional meat.

    New study suggests that lab-grown meat produces up to 25 times more CO2
    4 Polycrisis, Unraveling, Simplification, or Collapse: Coming Soon to a Planet Near You?

    A new report seeks to build a coherent narrative about the roots of the 'polycrisis,' the signs of its arrival and evolution, and why we should be thinking differently about the future.

    Polycrisis, Unraveling, Simplification, or Collapse: Coming Soon to a Planet Near You?

    10 Worst Aerospace Companies

    2 subscribers? that can't be right
  • I see 67 subscribers from my end.

  • Our Say: Regenerative Agriculture - Drawing down where our Governments are not
  • For the past few years, we’ve been trying this at the small scale with a few neighbors. We have a few cows and a small flock of sheep. It’s amazing how much the soil improves each year.

  • Three generations of egyptian walking onions
  • My wife made a salad tonight with a stalk used in place of scallions. I liked the flavor a lot. Tasted like scallions with the heat of strong garlic. I’m a fan. 😀

  • Three generations of egyptian walking onions
  • I believe the whole plant is edible, but I was planning on pulling the plant for the bulbs (which should be shallot sized) and re-planting the sets for next year.

  • Three generations of egyptian walking onions
  • I was just checking mine out this morning. I put them in two years ago and I think I'll get a (small) harvest this year. Woot!