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Local Cop Confronted Trump Gunman Before Shooting—But Backed Away: Report
  • From what I see what went wrong is letting the speech continue after receiving a report of a gunmen, and then even worse they let the speech continue after visually confirming the gunmen.

    The cop should have radiod "investigatig a gunmen on this rooftop" and as soon as he did they should have stopped the speech and gotten Trump to safety.

  • Local Cop Confronted Trump Gunman Before Shooting—But Backed Away: Report
  • The FBI identified Crooks by analyzing his DNA, officials told local CBS affiliate KDKA, as he did not have any identification on him.

    This is the part that makes me go wtf...

    How did they go from sampling his DNA and identifying him in that short amount? I don't remember the exact time, but it seemed like it took about 5 hours.

    Edit: It's been a long day and I guess my timeline is way off. I thought they identified the suspect last night, but apparently it was sometime early this morning. That makes the turn around time a lot less wtf.

  • Over half of Dems say Biden should drop out after debate
  • The progressive wing is only about 12% of the Democratic voter base. If about 56% of Democrats want Biden to withdraw then at most 12% of those are progressive, leaving about 44% who could be the corporate Democrats that aren't the first targets of the fascists.

  • Trump Fumbles Repeatedly in Terrifying Speech at Florida Rally
  • I appreciate the good faith response rather than FUD and dismissive memes.

    I agree with all of your concerns about the Biden administrations lack of communication and his age. However I disagree that any of those candidates are particularly exciting, they all have pretty much the same national and forgein policies Biden, they're just younger.

    At this point being not Biden might be exciting enough for some people. Whoever the candidate is they'll still have the general DNC baggage turning of black voters. They'll have the same support for Israel turing of the anti-Israeli voters. Plus they'll have whatever individual baggage they have that most voters don't know about.

    Also we have no idea how they'll perform in a national debate or how successful they'll be at campaigning. Running a presidential campaign is a completely different monster than a state race.

    I don't disagree that an alternative to Biden needs to be considered, but I don't see a clearly better candidate out there or a way to replace Biden that won't cause even more problems for the DNC.

  • Trump Fumbles Repeatedly in Terrifying Speech at Florida Rally
  • That's 36%, not 35%. According to the link you shared overall Biden is polling about 40%, 2.2% behind Trump.

    That also shows Trump at 36%, so polling at 36% is pretty good for that tiny subset of the poll you shared.

    Here's a link to the entire poll that you decided not to share for some reason.

    Interestingly enough the headline for the poll you didn't link is "Only Michelle Obama bests Trump as an alternative to Biden in 2024". I wonder why you went out of your way to obfuscate that.

  • Democrats lose ground in 6 states with election forecaster’s postdebate shift.
  • I'm pretty sure the people voting for Trump and those that are suppressing the Biden vote because "Biden can't win" are the reasons Trump is polling ahead of Biden.

    There's a couple really simple things you can do to help defeat Trump. First, vote for the person running against Trump. The second, stop trying to suppress the vote for the person running against Trump. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

  • Whether It’s Biden or Someone Else, Gaza Remains Top Priority for “Uncommitted” Voters
  • That's a reasonable take and I appreciate you taking the time to share. I can see your point that increasing the uncertainty means that the new DNC candidate has an opportunity to pick up a larger share once the unsure voters pick. This seems like a sort of mutated version of the gamblers fallacy to me.

    Having a larger uncertainty pool doesn't really provide any advantage for Democrats. While theres opportunity for the DNC candidate to pick up votes from this pool of voters there's also opportunity for Trump to pick up votes once they know more about the other candidates.

    Without more information the most likely outcome is Trump picks up about 51.5% of undecided voters and the other candidate picks up about 48.5%. If we know why these voters are unsure then we can make a more educated guess about how they might vote for each candidate and we might be able to say the DNC candidate will pick up the required votes.

    Unfortunately we don't know why they're unsure so saying that the best thing Biden can do is drop out just isn't supported by the information available.

    On a personal note I think Biden should announce he's old and tired and just doesn't have 4 more years of being president in him. After that drop out of the campaign, endorse another candidate, and announce a clear plan for how the DNC is going to actually select the next candidate.

    If he doesn't make it extremely clear that dropping out his decision, or there's no clear and transparant plan on how the next candidate will be selected, then it's going to start a civil war in the DNC that will hand the presidency to Trump.

  • Time to blow out the candles
  • I'm going to assume this is a good faith question. What's wrong with Harris is that she is essentially polling the exact same as Biden despite not being blamed for inflation, the Gaza invasion, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, appearing senial in a debate, not being old, etc. That is to say that despite having none of that baggage hanging over her head, she essentially has the same chances of winning as Biden.

  • Whether It’s Biden or Someone Else, Gaza Remains Top Priority for “Uncommitted” Voters
  • I think I see what you're trying to say. You're saying "the best candidates are the unknown people, the nobodies, because Trump is getting 46% to 47% of the vote against them, rather than the 48% he's getting against Biden".

    I drew the specious conclusion that you were refering to Joe Biden as the best candidate because he is polling the highest among candidates (tied with Harris) at 45%, has nearly the same margin of victory against Trump as all other candidates (2%-3%), has beaten Trump already, already has a massive campaign infrastructure, and is the current nominee.

    On your last comment, more important than Donald Trump losing 2% to "Not Sure" is the fact that he's still beating all the candidates by 2%-3%. Without more information the best assumption we can make is that the undecided voters will vote the same as the decided voters once they have enough information.

    As I said before, the only real conclusions we can draw with certainty from these polls is fewer people know who these candidates are than know Joe Biden.

  • Whether It’s Biden or Someone Else, Gaza Remains Top Priority for “Uncommitted” Voters
  • I was using the same language as the OP when referring to the poll, but if you feel better about yourself now good job.

    You draw a pretty extreme conclusion about the polling of a generic candidate. Honestly it sounds like another specious conclusion that's been drawn because it agrees with a bias. I'm open to being wring and am interested in how you came up with it.

    This CNN article has some pretty interesting discussion about generic candidates. The general consensus seems to be that generic candidates simply indicate a party preference rather than a judgment about a particular candidate.

  • Whether It’s Biden or Someone Else, Gaza Remains Top Priority for “Uncommitted” Voters
  •'s not part of the poll.

    That quote comes directly from the poll you linked.

    ...that means their floor is where Biden is.

    That's a specious conclusion you're jumping to because it supports your biases. With out more information it's more likely that once the respondents know who the candidates are the overall responses will fall in line with the population averages and the candidates polling results will be the same as they are now.

    All we can confidently conclude for now is "39%-71% of people polled don't know who the candidates in the polls were".

  • Biden campaign rally - 6/28/2024 WATCH LIVE: Biden attends campaign event in Raleigh, North Carolina after first presidential debate

    Watch PBS News for daily, breaking and live news, plus special coverage. We are home to PBS News Hour, ranked the most credible and objective TV news show.Ne...

    WATCH LIVE: Biden attends campaign event in Raleigh, North Carolina after first presidential debate

    Biden looked completely different at this rally compared to the debate last night.

    Maybe it was the prepared script and notes, maybe he was really sick and had some covid head fog, or maybe it was sundowners. I don't know what changed, but he seems like an actual fullt functioning human here.

    9 Billionaires in Silicon Valley are opening up to Trump. It's not just because of taxes.

    Donald Trump is set for a major stop in the 2024 money race Thursday when he travels to Silicon Valley for a high-profile fundraiser with tech billionaires.

    Billionaires in Silicon Valley are opening up to Trump. It's not just because of taxes.
    15 Trump’s Ugly, Hateful Attacks on Media Suddenly Take a Dangerous Turn

    His posting of a video of a man cursing at Joe Scarborough sends a broader message: If elected, he’ll use state power to come after countless other Americans.

    Trump’s Ugly, Hateful Attacks on Media Suddenly Take a Dangerous Turn
    26 Iranian film director Mohammad Rasoulof flees after jail sentence

    Mohammad Rasoulof was sentenced over his new film, which is to be premiered at the Cannes festival.

    Iranian film director Mohammad Rasoulof flees after jail sentence