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YSK: Blankets with smallpox isn't real. It's literally made up history. At no point did the genocide of native Americans happen due to being purposely given blankets riddled with smallpox. It happened
  • Also if you have sauce for oral storytelling of it happening, I will definitely add it to my list of resources. I've never found anything concrete.

    Only people saying they've heard it, but nobody with first hand accounts even from gossiping aunties and cousins lol --- Rehashing the same fake history meme like everyone else. I've only ever found third or further removed sources by people saying similar stuff online who've never set foot on a rez. This is all explained in the sources above too.

  • Videos show Israeli soldiers in Gaza burning food, vandalizing a shop and ransacking private homes | CNN
  • I like how you don't mention what kind of supremacist lol. Human supremacy ftw!

  • Videos show Israeli soldiers in Gaza burning food, vandalizing a shop and ransacking private homes | CNN
  • Do you genuinely believe there are people out there who aren't born predisposed to violence? This is a well known fact and a reason we have prisons for people who are not able to be rehabilitated. There aren't nearly as many monsters out there as people think, but they're there.

    People like serial killers are well known for having relatively normal upbringings but go on to become murderers/rapists. Some even come from loving, caring, and enthusiastic homes.

    People can hand-wave genetic predisposition all they want, it doesn't make genetic heritability for a multitude of of disorders untrue. Nor does it change how you rolled poorly in the genetic lottery and now you're stuck with a male brain inside a female body.

    No amount of therapy is going to keep some poor pedophile's brain wired to find children attractive from finding that they're attractive. They get to live their entire cursed existence hating themselves even if they never hurt a single kid.

    People give biology way too little credit for the monsters that society has to deal with. And as shown above, a lot of it isn't due to culture, how you were raised, or if you were loved. It's because you hit the genetic snake eyes and you don't have the little thing in the back of your brain that finds rape and murder repulsive.

    Genetics doesn't absolve them of their guilt, but it's one piece of a puzzle that too few people give credit for. For the same reason why one kid can do coke once and never try it again, and another ends up having their life spiral out of control for a decade due to addiction.

  • A Mississippi House candidate is charged after a Satanic Temple display is destroyed at Iowa Capitol

    Mississippi/Population 2.95 million (2021)

    That tracks lol. There are good people everywhere, but sometimes you do walk into an area where everyone around you is just a giant PoS.

  • Award ceremony suspended after writer compares Gaza to Nazi-era Jewish ghettos
  • This time?

    America supports whoever we think will benefit us the most geopolitically lol. Israel is a centerpiece in the MENA which can't really be ignored for how much pressure they put on their neighbors.

  • Award ceremony suspended after writer compares Gaza to Nazi-era Jewish ghettos
  • For the lazy, it's their 6th, 7th, and 8th links.

    Projected Air Temperature Extremes and Maximum Heat Conditions Over the Middle-East-North Africa (MENA) Region | Earth Systems and Environment

    Climate change projections for the Middle East–North Africa domain with COSMO-CLM at different spatial resolutions - ScienceDirect

    Climate Change and Weather Extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East - Zittis - 2022 - Reviews of Geophysics - Wiley Online Library

  • Predictable
  • Chill out Louis.

  • Tornados left a swath of destruction in parts of Tennessee. A baby swept up in a twister was found alive on a downed tree
  • Just to add to the other comment... Mobile homes. There's a reason why the poor and infirm live there. No structural integrity. Light up like a match. Little protection against any serious weather. Mobile homes are notorious for uping kill counts for natural disasters.

  • It's a curse
  • Having to carry every BLOPS game between two people while everyone else was average or worse. Every night for like 2 years lol.

  • Can someone knowledgeable explain what's going on at the Vatican? Trump-loyal Catholic leaders are being defanged. Diversity and acceptance are being promoted.
  • Could you remind us who was the Pope before Jesus?

    Saint Peter or are you trying to put words in OPs mouth lol?

  • YSK: Blankets with smallpox isn't real. It's literally made up history. At no point did the genocide of native Americans happen due to being purposely given blankets riddled with smallpox. It happened
  • Indeed. 'They' giving natives blankets with smallpox was never a thing. Never colonials doing it to be assholes. Never other government entities committing secret biological warfare. Neither are true and have no root in historical truth.

    There is one instance at Fort Pitt in which it was 'recorded' to have been done. The veracity of the claims are dubious at best, and more than likely outright lies according to most historians for that area and period now.

    Regardless, one instance even if verifiably and undoubtedly true would not make the false history of 'Blankets with smallpox' use colloquially true.

    Assholes weren't giving out blankets with smallpox at every chance to natives. Even the US Government wasn't giving them out as secret warfare. Blankets with smallpox got spread so much and used so often because it sounded plausible and kinda funny when you're in primary school. It's simply something people say that think is true, but it's not rooted in historical accuracy.

    Smallpox went through the native population like wildfire without any such help. And it was the US Government's near carte blanche policy on exterminating and whitewashing native history at every other point that created the situation like we have today. Only 2% of the US population has any native genetics in it with the vast majority of that 2% coming from Alaska lol.

    Even going with the Oppression Olympics, Natives rank worst on nearly every possible metric we look for. Health, poverty, age, etc.

  • YSK: Blankets with smallpox isn't real. It's literally made up history. At no point did the genocide of native Americans happen due to being purposely given blankets riddled with smallpox. It happened
  • So you're saying you read one of many links I included of many about that specific instance then... agreed with me? Why are you confused?

  • YSK: Blankets with smallpox isn't real. It's literally made up history. At no point did the genocide of native Americans happen due to being purposely given blankets riddled with smallpox. It happened
  • A lot of people errantly believe that natives died out almost exclusively from smallpox (blankets) with a 'little' help from the government.

    This was not the case. Smallpox absolutely devastated the native population, but the government did everything it could in most areas to exacerbate native deaths. It's a lot easier on an american's 'white' guilt when you can point to a novel disease for a population as doing most of the leg work. Rather than understanding that across every state and territory natives had their culture erased, their genetics bred out of existence, and were slaughtered at almost every opportune time up to even the 1990's.

  • You Should Know blanketswithsmallpox

    YSK: Blankets with smallpox isn't real. It's literally made up history. At no point did the genocide of native Americans happen due to being purposely given blankets riddled with smallpox. It happened

    YSK: Blankets with smallpox isn't real. It's literally made up history. At no point did the genocide of native Americans happen due to being purposely given blankets riddled with smallpox. It happened due to them being exterminated piecemeal by the US Government and invaders. It's another piece of history whitewashed because of a historical ear worm with ALMOST zero truth. Native deaths came from the smallpox doing it's own thing while the US Government did the rest. There weren't explorers handing them out trying to kill natives, the government didn't have some sinister plot with blankets with smallpox, even if people were trying to kill natives with blankets riddled with smallpox, it wouldn't have worked... It's bullshit. Researchers and historians firmly believe it cannot really be passed on that way. Smallpox is a super fragile virus, it dies quickly outside of the body. You cannot give people blankets and contract smallpox from it the same way you can't contract herpes sitting on a toilet seat or AIDS from kissing someone with it.

    If this were reddit you'd see it pinned on my profile. Alas, that's deleted so I'm going to try to post something similar here so I can cite it. Unfortunately a mod more recently deleted my last info dump when random people inevitably try to ad hominem so I'm doing it here again.


    Sauce regarding the 1 'verified' instance where a US Officer tried to give natives 2 blankets and a handkerchief at Fort Pitt. Historians believe the effectiveness to be almost entirely made up because you cannot give someone smallpox with blankets. Smallpox had already run rampant in the native population.\*:


    Sauce regarding the far more prevalent reality of Native Americans dying from genocide and ethnic cleansing:\_history\_of\_the\_Indigenous\_peoples\_of\_the\_Americas\_of\_Indigenous\_peoples\_eng/wjdt\_665385/2649\_665393/202203/t20220302\_10647120.html

    PDF Warning:

    Post link:


    E: For clarity and conciseness since people were having issues somehow with me sourcing the 1 instance but somehow saying I wasn't including the 1 instance... that didn't work... because you can't give someone smallpox with blankets. Not only was it not even rare, there was only 1, verified, instance... which did not work. The colloquial use and thought of natives somehow being sneakily given smallpox through blankets regularly is a straight up lie. It sounds just plausible enough for people to share it but it has ZERO basis in reality. It doesn't work. And only 1 scumbag US Officer in a war against natives was ever confirmed to have tried it.


    Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle
  • Yep, and yet the article says nothing close to it, and is described the same way every frustrated person dealing with blocked roads does when they panic and flee and eventually get hit with significant battery or accidental manslaughter charges. Unless their car started to get beat on and they tried breaking in, in which case, it ends up being self defense. Isn't that how the charges against the dude who ran down a bunch of motorcyclicsts got free? He had his whole family with him too though iirc. I think it was this? but I swear it was denser and more in a city.

  • Former Speaker Paul Ryan says Republicans will lose if Donald Trump is nominee
  • Fuck Paul Ryan, fuck Ron Johnson, fuck Robin Vos... but a broken clock is right twice a day.

    If anyone wants to shit on his (parent's?) lawn, go visit Janesville lol.

  • Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle
  • Exactly. Thank you.

    I am fully willing to change my thought on the matter at the drop of a hat with new information. But the way the article reads is VERY different from every terrorist car attack we've seen in the USA in previous years.

    The strikers were blocking an exit to the processing center on West Bristol Road, Bade said, when the incident took place.

    The driver, who drove off after the incident, has not been located, Bade said.

    UAW Region 1-D President Steve Dawes told MLive-The Flint Journal that the vehicle involved in the incident was dark in color, possibly an HHR or PT Cruiser.

    He added that two of the five people hit were taken to a local hospital.

    “It was uncalled for,” Dawes said. “These people are out here, you know these are my membership, and they’re out here doing a peaceful, legal demonstration.

    “This is very serious and we’re going to be pushing this issue.”

  • Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle
  • No, they're not. Quit watering down what terrorism means.

    Terrorism is someone who specifically is trying to kill, maim, destroy, or significantly hurt people due to very narrow ideologies which are usually VERY political now.

    Running people over because you can't get to work isn't one of them. That is attempted manslaughter if you hurt them bad enough, not a fucking terrorist.

    Either you guys know way more about the incident than I do since you're close to the police and already know it's a Trumper who hates strikes and thought they were all gay black democrats, who potentially showed up specifically to hurt these people, or it was some asshole trying to get to work and got so manic he decided it's better to maim or kill people than to get to work.


  • /kbin meta blanketswithsmallpox

    Is there a KBin wiki or general userguide?

    Every spoiler tag variant I'd ever tried didn't work. Google was fruitless. No wiki/helpguide on the sidebar. Would be nice.

    Gaming blanketswithsmallpox

    How difficult would it be for a video game to allow you to use multiple monitor layouts in their native resolutions?

    I'm playing Armored Core 6 and thinking how I want a 100 button Steel Battalion controller with all 3 of my monitors to have different huds.

    Center or left two screens for my main visor. Right e-reader for text, minimap, ammo, mech metrics, etc.


    Is there a way to hide posts if you've already upvoted or downvoted something?

    See the title. It's one of the few things that is preventing me from being able to browse super efficiently. Unfortunately a lot of my scrolling is going through the same stuff over and over.

    Also hooray for more images being embedded so you can just hover over them with IMAGUS to see it!
