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bizzle Bizzle

Organic weed farmer and sci-fi enthusiast.

Posts 57
Comments 698
Beware of the guy who has many mouths to feed 😬
  • I dreamed I had many mouths. I dreamed every mouth was opening and closing independently. Some mouths were talking, some whispering, some eating, some waiting in silence...

  • This is my smoke spot for the weekend
  • I'm jealous of those mountains, Illinois is flat as a pancake

  • This is my smoke spot for the weekend
  • We're in Fennville which is pretty rural and has a population of like 1000 people. The more wild parts of Michigan are like paradise to me. Plus you can grow 12 plants!

    It's definitely not all Detroit, you owe it to yourself to see some of the nature up here.

  • This is my smoke spot for the weekend
  • Sure is! What was your picture like?

  • This is my smoke spot for the weekend

    Finally got a weekend to ourselves so we came here for our honeymoon and it is ah-mazing. Is Michigan the promised land?

    In that fat ass joint is Bizzle's Own Organic Craft Cannabis. It's good, I'm very excited to harvest the rest of my plants in the fall.

    This is fine.
  • You're right, you also have to pull assorted clearly labeled levers. But I put that under "pay attention"

    I've been driving a forklift for like 12 years at various places, and I'm stupid as fuck. It's not hard.

  • This is fine.
  • Alright so here's a hot take for you, operating a forklift isn't hard. Literally just go slow and pay attention and you'll be fine.

  • New toy! Anyone here use one of these yet? I've got some untrimmed bud I'm gonna try it out on next week.
  • I do a shitty job hand trimming, so this is actually better for me

  • This Robin Williams scene perfectly encapsulates why AI is fundamentally shitty
  • I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the TannhΓ€user Gate... All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...

  • Doom Metal Bizzle

    Bong Wizard - Christ is Resin

    Anyone else get bad auto genetics like this yet themselves? This is probably just gonna get screened for hash or edibles.
  • I was thinking about running autos next year so I can get two outdoor harvests but I've been hearing a lot of bad things about them. Do you run autos a lot? Is your experience usually good?

  • As Starfield Steam Reviews Plunge to β€˜Mostly Negative,’ Todd Howard Responds to Paid Mods Backlash (Confirmed plans to look again at Bethesda’s pricing for Creations content.)
  • What were the last 5 Bethesda games? I haven't played one since DOOM and Eternal, which I thought were both pretty rad. Come to think of it, I think the next one I play is going to be the new DOOM.

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • I'm in Illinois so I'm not super familiar, but although hemp is better than nothing it's definitely not the same

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • Our supply is kept artificially low by overregulation. You need something like a million dollars in liquid money to get the permits to grow commercially and they only give out a handful of licenses per year, ensuring that the rich get richer and everyone else gets fleeced. Still better than Iowa where "any amount" leads to jail time.

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • I still get mine from Earl πŸ˜‚

    In seriousness backyard product does have risks, but so does dispensary stuff. A lot of these labs just rubber stamp stuff. I've read exposΓ©s on the cannabis industry that read like Upton Sinclair.

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • We can only grow in Illinois with a valid medical card, otherwise it's a $200 ticket. The police union fought back when they wanted to let everyone grow.

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • I also smoke it (I don't vaporize) medicinally for my leg and I can go from "literally can't stand up" to "pretty much fine" in like 4 tokes, it's amazing πŸ‘

    But one of the side effects I've been experiencing lately is that I'm always having a great time, which some people really seem to have a problem with πŸ€” I can't figure it out.

    I can't help but say commodity cannabis ruined weed though. Dudes should be growing it in their back yards and sharing it freely with their dawgs, not paying $300 an ounce at a dispensary that feels like the DMV. The cannabis industry MUST be deregulated.

  • Men, are you physically affectionate with other male friends? (eg, hugging, snuggling, playful wrestling, etc). If you aren't, do you wish it was more socially acceptable if it isn't in your culture?
  • I really like personal space. I hug my family because we're close and we hug, and I'll hug my closer dawgs if they need it, but most of the time I want people to respect my personal space.

  • Trump Targets J.B. Pritzker: β€˜Presided Over The Destruction And Disintegration Of Illinois’
  • I'm with you, this place has really turned around. I'm glad JB is doing a good job, I know he's a billionaire so don't get me wrong I think we should still guillotine him but maybe do him last.

  • Finally starting to reveg

    I'm going to chop off about two feet from each of them, even out the canopy a little bit, and then brace for the stretch at the end of June. Also my cover crop looks awesome, it gives the whole greenhouse a real Secret Garden vibe. I pulled a lawn chair in here, it's my new favorite smoke spot.

    piracy Bizzle

    Where can I watch the Indy 500

    I'm in Avon so it's blacked out please help πŸ™


    Outdoor plants are no joke

    Someone was asking me about pests. These have spider mites, they're not super bad but I'm going to spray neem oil anyway. It's not ideal but my ecosystem doesn't have any spider mites predators right now so it's really my only current solution. I'm not interested in non-native predators but if anyone has a line on some Illinois native predatory insects holler at me.

    You can also see how well established my cover crop is! I'm a big fan of cover cropping. Monoculture is literally poison to the Earth, so obviously Bizzle don't play that shit.

    Anyway the big one in the middle is up to my nose πŸ˜‚ and they're fully flowering which sucks but I'm learning for next year. Nothing I ever do is a failure, it's just some shit I did.


    I got a boat

    I'm naming it Smoke on the Water because obviously I am, but I don't want to smash a champagne bottle because I don't drink. What's something pot related I can do instead?


    What's your go-to munchies snacks?

    We have been eating a lot of ice cream lately when we get our bake on, but that is not ideal. Bonus points for healthy snacks.


    I love weed farming

    My plants are a little leggy still but the days are getting longer so they'll reveg soon. I still haven't planted my produce crops lmfao my wife is starting to complain about my priorities.


    It's 4/20, the best day of the year

    What're y'all doing today? Personally I'm getting married so that'll be fun. I'm gonna be high on edibles for it lmfao


    I put my plants out probably a week too early and they stretched

    I think they'll be ok, they had thrown a few pistils but I don't see them now. But I was already worried about height and now I especially am.


    Put my plants in the ground

    Hopefully they live! This is 5 Black Widows. I don't know how it'll grow outside here but we'll find out soon enough.

    The bed is approximately 8x8. I amended it heavily with compost and used coffee grounds. Someday soon, my cover crop will grow up out of the straw and then it'll be really pretty.

    The greenhouse is an 8x10 model. It locks, but in reality anybody that wants to get in there probably will. I made some modifications to account for air flow, it gets hot as fuck here in August.

    I still have to irrigate. Right now I'm watering with the hose and that sucks, outside cannabis is a thirsty bitch. I have my blumats still but I'm planning on running a drip system like I am for my vegetables.

    At any rate, I think October is going to be a good month for me!


    I sprouted these seeds and the cotelydons fell off

    I think I'm done with ILGM. Fortunately I have 5 plants already growing to throw outside in a couple weeks, but next time I'm going with a different breeder. Anybody else grow outside? Who's your preferred breeder?


    I Love Smoking Joints


    Homebrew guys make labels for their beers, so I did for my weed.

    Yes, I do have a second pair of sunglasses on my collar. Don't @ me.


    🌲 Trees Weekly Sesh - January 28th 🌲

    Sup heads,

    As the January winds carry us through another week, let's keep the conversations rolling in our verdant community. Here's what's sprouting up:

    1. 🌿 Smoke Spot Showcase: Where's Your Go-To Sesh Spot? Share the magic of your favorite smoke spot! Whether it's a hidden nature nook or a cozy indoor corner, let's explore the diverse locations where our community enjoys their green moments.

    2. πŸš€ Elevated Exploration: New Cannabis Products to Try 🌌 Have you discovered any exciting new cannabis products lately? From innovative strains to unique accessories, share your finds and let's embark on a journey of exploration together.

    3. 🌬️ Mindful Cannabis Consumption: Tips for Moderation Let's discuss mindful cannabis consumption. Share your tips for moderation, whether it's finding the right balance or incorporating cannabis into a wellness routine. What practices help you use cannabis responsibly?

    4. 🎢 Green Grooves: Your Ultimate Cannabis Playlist 🎡 Music and cannabis often go hand in hand. What songs or albums are on your ultimate cannabis playlist? Let's compile a community-driven soundtrack for our green moments.

    5. 🌱 Grower's Diaries: Weekly Garden Updates 🌳 For our dedicated growers, provide updates on your cannabis gardens! Share your triumphs, challenges, and tips as we cultivate our green spaces together.

    Keep the discussions positive and the vibe welcoming. Our community flourishes with the shared experiences and diverse perspectives of each member. Join the conversation below, and let's make this week a lush and vibrant one! πŸŒΏπŸ’š


    🌿 Trees Weekly Canopy Chat - January 21st 🌿

    Greetings Forest Folks!

    As the buds bloom into another week, let's cultivate some positive vibes in our cannabis haven. Here's what's growing in our community canopy:

    **1. Cannabis and Creativity: Showcase Your Art! 🎨 Calling all artists and creators! Share your cannabis-inspired artwork, whether it's paintings, poetry, or any other form of expression. Let's celebrate the intersection of cannabis and creativity in our community.

    **2. Strain Spotlight: Your Current Top Pick? 🌟 What strain is currently stealing the spotlight in your stash? Share your top pick and let's discuss the unique characteristics and effects that make it a standout choice.

    **3. Indoor Gardening Tips: Thriving Houseplants and Cannabis 🌱 For our green thumbs, let's talk about indoor gardening tips that benefit both your houseplants and cannabis. Share your tricks for maintaining a lush, green indoor space.

    **4. High Adventure Chronicles: Your Best Cannabis-Fueled Adventures πŸŒ„ Share your most memorable cannabis-fueled adventures! Whether it's a nature hike, a road trip, or a chill night with friends, let's swap stories and relive the highs of our favorite escapades.

    **5. Cannabis Book Club: Current Reads and Recommendations πŸ“š What cannabis-related books are you currently reading, or which ones do you recommend? Let's create a virtual book club to explore literature that enhances our understanding and appreciation of the plant.

    Remember to keep the vibe chill and the discussions respectful. Our canopy is diverse, and everyone's perspective adds to the richness of our community. Share your thoughts below, and let's continue to nurture our forest together! πŸŒ²πŸ’¨


    🌲 Trees Weekly Sesh - January 14th 🌲

    Hey Forest Friends!

    Let's keep the embers burning bright as we delve into another week of 2024. Here's what's sparking up in our arboreal haven:

    1. 🌿 Strain Exploration: Share Your Recent Finds! Have you stumbled upon a hidden gem lately? Whether it's a local strain or a rare find, let's swap recommendations and broaden our collective cannabis palate.

    2. 🌬️ Winter Wellness: Cannabis and Self-Care ❄️ How does cannabis play a role in your winter self-care routine? Whether it's helping with seasonal blues or enhancing relaxation by the fireplace, share your tips and experiences for a cozy winter sesh.

    3. πŸš€ Elevated Hobbies: What Are You Exploring in 2024? Beyond the buds, what hobbies or activities are you diving into this year? Whether it's art, music, or any other passion, let's explore the diverse interests that complement our cannabis experiences.

    4. 🍁 DIY Daze: Homemade Edibles and Infusions Calling all kitchen wizards! Share your favorite DIY cannabis recipes or ask for tips on creating your own edibles. Let's exchange culinary wisdom and elevate our edibles game.

    5. πŸŽ‰ Celebration Time: Memorable Milestones in Your Cannabis Journey From first-time highs to significant discoveries, let's celebrate the milestones in our individual cannabis journeys. What moments stand out as particularly memorable for you?

    As always, keep the vibes positive and the discussions friendly. Our forest thrives on the shared experiences and diverse perspectives of our community. Light up the conversation below, and let's make this week a green and vibrant one! πŸŒ²πŸ’š
