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bilb Bilb!


Posts 1
Comments 20
tag yourself (I'm basic)
  • ...or basic.

  • this one goes out to the arts & humanities
  • Matthew Dow Smith, whomever the fuck that is, has a sophisticated delusion about what's actually going on and he's incorporated it into his persecution complex. Not impressed.

  • elders
  • This is the weird, sentimental attitude that has me buried in clutter

  • Critique
  • Well this "engagement" ends with nothing.

    But don't worry friend, Biden has nothing to worry about with excellent advocates like you. You clearly have it all figured out.

  • Critique
  • Can you answer or no? Because I don't know what you're talking about.

  • Critique
  • What does that word mean to you?

  • Critique
  • It is not.

  • Tesla Has The Highest Accident Rate Of Any Auto Brand
  • Yeah, that'll fix it!

  • Linux vs Windows tested in 10 games - Linux 17% faster on Average
  • I don't think it can be considered malware unless its doing something malicious that you don't expect. I don't want or need it on my system, but people who want to play these multiplayer games have a valid use-case and can make that decision themselves.

    Of course, you may have just intended to snarky and I'm just being tedious.

  • Anon is disillusioned about Starfield
  • It's worse than Skyrim. Skyrim is at least fun to look at and explore.

  • Google taught me it's OK to be evil
  • what the fuck are you talking about

  • Test post

    I'm trying to see if ANY moderator action taken by my main account @[email protected] federated to this community. Will remove later.

    KDE now has its own Lemmy instance
  • By default, lemmy will federate openly with any other instance. You can then block specific instances. (Disallow-list)

    You can additionally disable federation altogether, or only federate with a specified list. (Allow-list).

  • is overloaded, use other instances instead
  • It's a week later, but I did get this done finally. I've set up . Still doing some tweaking, but it's open.

  • Something I WONT miss from Reddit/other social medias
  • I'm gay too. I don't really understand what this post is about. Your complaint is seeing someone you're not attracted to? That can't be right. There has to be something I'm missing.

  • /r/kbinMigration created.... and quickly banned by reddit
  • That hasn't been the case for a while now. It also never truly mattered, the code is available for you to modify.

  • is overloaded, use other instances instead
  • I'm going to set up a general purpose instance tomorrow with the intention of handling a relatively large number of users. The main problem is choosing a domain!

  • what web browser do you use and why?
  • Like seemingly most people here, I use Firefox primarily. But while I'm working I use Edge, both to separate my work/non-work computer usage somewhat and because I work mostly with Microsoft technologies anyway, and it integrates nicely with office365 as one would expect. It's a perfectly good browser with some nice features. I think if I needed to use a chrome derivative, it would be either Edge or Vivaldi.

  • Someone has high expectations of their users' capabilities
  • Man, I've been a programmer for over a decade now and my eyes still glaze over when I read regex.

  • Use KDE? Consider Enabling Telemetry!
  • Those options don't seem to be present on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.