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bellesondes Belles Ondes

Engineer - Maker - Musician - Composer

Posts 4
Comments 8
Scientists Discovered Something We've Never Seen on the Sun, and It Could Explain a Lot
  • Totally, it would be even better with "This scientist discovered domething.... ...doctors hate him!"

  • If You Were Born Rich, How Would Your Life Be Different From What It Is?
  • I would run my own buisness instead of working for somebody else.

    Rich is being firmly out of subsistence struggle, social studies here in France have converged to a definition of rich being ~5times the minimum acceptable subsistence salary (locally speaking).

  • Your house is burning down. You can only save one thing, what do you save?
  • Assuming kids and wife are safe out there, my american elite autumn blaze Telecaster.

  • EQ1979 - Neve console strip emulation


    Excited to announce my first #VST plugin : emulation of a Neve console strip.

    Format #VST3 (WIN), #AU (MAC-intel), Free to use (CC/BY/ND)

    A smooth progressive saturation with built-in oversampling, coupled with a finely tuned filter section which response carefully matches original console character.

    Perfect on drum kits, basslines, or to push some smooth saturated 12k Air on vocals.

    #DAW #musicproduction #audioengineering

    Reddit Refugee
  • Welcome, this is the intent effectively !

  • Gregory Scott on getting feedback

    Great listening etiquette tips in there. I've been intuitively making it with a couple of non-engineers friends which have a great emotional response to music, but I might have missed several times to leave enough time and space for emotional listening to happen :)

    Audio Engineering Belles Ondes

    Gregory Scott on gathering feedback

    These advices on sharing listening experiences is very helpful, I found myself doing more or less the same things with some non-engineers friends that have a highly emotional response to music. I might have benefited several times from leaving them more space to connect with feelings. And less talking :)


    Hello World !

    Let's make this place a common ground for everything audioengineering-wise, focused on audio professional mixing and mastering.

    Zrythm, the upcoming FOSS DAW
  • Looks promising, however there is an initial lie that has to be highlighted, it's not free, it's not FOSS.

    It's an open source Freemium, which makes a lot of difference. Free users have access to limited features (25 tracks, limited Fx, etc...).

  • Is anyone (happy with) using wireless noise-canceling headphones/earplugs for audio production?
  • NC Headphones are good to have in your arsenal for testing purpose, in fact just like any monitoring setup, if you know your gear's response well and if you're skilled enough to anticipate how it will translate to other systems, it's a great tool to mix on.

    I use a JBL 660 "entry level" NC headphone for A/B testing on a daily basis, it's a great tool to change monitoring context.