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beerd beerd
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Lobbyists with links to Big Tobacco fund pro-vaping Facebook campaigns
  • Im not sure about the exact ratio, but i agree that the risks are not well researched enough and so we should be cautious (and of course nicotine itself is harmful for the developing brain). The best alternative in my opinion would be tobacco free nicotine pouches that are only harmful for dental health.

  • Lobbyists with links to Big Tobacco fund pro-vaping Facebook campaigns
  • I always felt like there is some propaganda going on in the other direction too. I see people online saying e cigarettes are just as bad and cause cancer just like cigarettes everywhere, despite the fact that except for vitamine e acetate in some illegal thc cartridges there arent really any risks found related to it anywhere near to the levels of smoking.

  • Ripple Says 'Hi'
  • 🙏

  • Ripple Says 'Hi'
  • Newbie issues

    First seems like its being worked on.

  • twitter / mastodon
  • Yes i think this must be my problem too, altough i probably could find people to follow that would engage me more. If someone can recommend some good users id like to hear it.

  • why do people like beer?
  • I just have seen a video that demonstrated how much gas remains in there if its poured gently/drank from a carefully opened can, by sticking a piece of paper in the cup and thus basically exploding it. When you pour it out somewhat fast it loses almost all of that gas.

  • Study and learning tips
  • Its kind of annoying how many times when i had the opportunity to study in school more i convinced myself that i have to go home to study more efficiently, just for me to then do nothing all day at home. Thank you, hope that hearing this from others will make me stronger to decide better next time.

  • What is your process for belief formation?
  • Yes, it can be a bit overwhelming at times, but at the same time always exploring even seemingly understood questions makes life a lot more exciting!

  • Study and learning tips
  • Thanks! Scrolling through his videos this channel seems like a great resource.

  • Study and learning tips
  • Thanks a lot! Im kind of worried about sleep, cause there is obviously a good balance somewhere for everyone where it is worth sacrificing sleep, but i feel like its probably subjective to the point where i can convince myself that sleeping more than it is really needed is the better option.

  • What is your process for belief formation?
  • This is something that im relly interested in lately. I was born in a quiet religious community and as i was exposed to more and more outside information i had to reevaluate my beliefs down to their core.

    As i started to rely more and more on the scientific method as a basis of truth i felt like i figured it out (atleast the way to figure things out), but then came an other fundamental shift in how i think about truth. At this point i dropped every belief that stood on anecdotes and authority or an ad hoc framing of subjective experiences etc. However i was also the kind of person that would think trans people and allys are idiots for wanting to use preferred pronouns since they are "male/female".

    Then as i started to read up more on the views of said people i of course realised that the media i listened to previously set up a false narrative of people wanting to deny science, while in reality these people simply thought about this topic in a more nuanced way, separating biological sex and how someone feels and enjoys expressing themselves. This topic showed me how easy it is to be locked in a framework that fails to adress some parts of reality, while still seeming coherent and rational in its simplified framework.

    As of now my goal is not building beliefs but to try and put myself in as many frames of thinking as i can and explore how many ways something can be viewed, hopefully managing to adress ever more nuances of reality but never accepting them as facts.

    Of course this is the theoretical part of things, but when i have to make a real life decision i have to settle at my current best. Even then, treating everything i experienced and thought as probabilities and imperfect simplifications of reality helps avoid a lot of mistakes and makes it easier and more productive to work together with different people to find answers.

  • AI and its centralisation
  • Thanks, this scenario makes me really hopeful!

  • AI and its centralisation
  • Thanks, i tried open assistant now, but as far as i tested it its far behind chatgpt. I hope these models will improve a lot in the future though.

  • FOSS software for music suggestions?
  • I just started using this foss youtube music client (inner tune):

  • Places to go to learn Linux administration
  • I learned the most about linux, networks, and the internet by just getting into projects that are useful for me personally and connected to my hobbies. Self hosted projects are great for this (sftp server, torrent server, gitea, etc. ) While this method really helps with motivation and will probably be the most fun, im also currently looking for some more systematic ways of learning things like security best practices.

  • Self hosted FOSS software
  • Thanks, paperless will be really useful at uni

  • Self hosted FOSS software
  • Thanks, i will definitely do that

  • Self hosted FOSS software
  • Thanks for the directions i was quite stuck!

  • Self hosted FOSS software
  • I just started using podman yesterday, and only used docker for about a week before that, im excited for the learning to be had in this area. A couple days ago i tried pihole, for some reason it didnt serve the web interface, but i will definitely kepp on trying.