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beaxingu beaxingu
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*Permanently Deleted*
  • nice edit dude

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • i think its Self-explanatory .

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • this is never ending on a federated site and will only create a smaller network the whole point is connecting to other instances. just use the options you have to choose for yourself what to block and not to block never choose for other people what they can and cant see.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • i find tankies very funny they are a representation of the ouroborus they eat themselfs. de-federation is gay and should only be done with illegal shit other then that use the block button.

  • Gaming with Wayland with NVidia 550 and 555 drivers
  • Im confident that plasma Wayland worked before but for a couple weeks now plasma itself is black after i updated. but other programs do start up and can be seen but because plasma is black its unusable. im just looking for when it works again.

  • The Five Questions Nigel Farage is Never Asked About Brexit, Trump and Russia
  • you should never use Wikipedia as a source. and definitely not on politics.

    Farage is shady as fuck.

  • 'Torrent galaxy is offline. Updates will be posted if there are any changes'.
  • i think that this has something to do with couldflare. because recently they seem to be using different DDoS mitigation .

  • 'Torrent galaxy is offline. Updates will be posted if there are any changes'.
  • this would only work if torrents get uploaded to more then one site if torrents have torrentgalaxy as there only source this will not do much unless they start uploading to other sites.

  • 'Torrent galaxy is offline. Updates will be posted if there are any changes'.
  • the bad part is that torrent galaxy is a source of torrents for other torrent sites.if it goes down other torrent sites have less torrents but sometimes the same torrents have other sources.

  • China's exports grow 7.6% in May, beating expectations despite trade tensions
  • they first incentivized the bubble with cheap Loans so that they could jack up there GDP numbers. then when people started too use property as a investment tool like stocks because now you could not loose but was creating a lot of debt. so much that even the ccp could not let the debt grow because remember this was still helping there GDP numbers. then they introduced the "three red lines" because even for them it was creating too much debt. but of course only after a whole lot of people invested and counted on it never going down and over payed on these shitty apartments that where now a stand in for stocks. its not about property prices being affordable its about that people used property as investment and put a lot of there savings in overpriced apartments that are now worthless. and as a side effect nobody trusts the property marked anymore just like how they don't trust the stock marked anymore.

    no implying that we have different understandings about how important transparency is. there is non in dictatorships. but hey if that's your thing that's your thing but if that shit blows up in your face you have only yourself too blame.

  • China's exports grow 7.6% in May, beating expectations despite trade tensions
  • and you where saying i was coping.

    property became a replacement for the stock-marked because the Chinese stock market is very volatile and the property market was only going up that's why some people had like 3 apartments because they could sell it again at a better price. property became a short term investment and was used like stocks that could never go down.

    okay dude if you think dictatorships are better at transparency that's not my problem.

  • Crowd boos Rob Schneider off the stage when he started telling anti-trans & anti-vaxx jokes
  • you seem very sensitive no wonder the mods seem so busy.

    reason: Harrassment i guess it does not take very much. by this logic you have been harassing me all along

  • China's exports grow 7.6% in May, beating expectations despite trade tensions
  • they use the Chinese numbers in official declarations because you know its official.

    they made it attractive because they needed something too keep saying that the economy was following the Chinese communist party GDP growth goals you seem to forget that everyday people used property as investment and now there investment is worthless. but hey maybe you just want to wave this away under its just there greedy capitalists.

    its a dictatorship thing. making your economy look better then what it actually is.

  • Crowd boos Rob Schneider off the stage when he started telling anti-trans & anti-vaxx jokes
  • Incidentally punctuation in what do you use it? and when do you learn it? i don't know because i never learned. might this grammar thing have anything to do with it?

  • Crowd boos Rob Schneider off the stage when he started telling anti-trans & anti-vaxx jokes
  • hehe was my reply too good so they had to delete it. and so it begins. that is some weak shit man . hey maybe by this logic you are just always correct. blame the pirate for spoiling all the fun that's not what a pirate is superposed to be at all. that OP thing in your account name what does that mean that cant be anything important can it?

  • China's exports grow 7.6% in May, beating expectations despite trade tensions
  • where do you think these economists get there numbers?. its almost like they get them from the Chinese government. its like giving yourself good grades. that's why there are these round about ways to try and find out what the real numbers are because you know dictatorships are not that transparent about how they get there numbers. they overbuild all infrastructure not just property that's just one big example these firms could only do this because the Chinese government incentivized it with cheap loans that's why these firms could even get these big debs in the first place. the bubble only burst once they put in rules to stop them from creating so much debt. the property marked became the stock market because the Chinese stock marked was so volatile that was the incentive to speculate for normal people.


  • Crowd boos Rob Schneider off the stage when he started telling anti-trans & anti-vaxx jokes
  • yes because you took it that way its your feeling. like i meant you are literally a fucking grandma. you really just take everything seriously and just go too bigoted anti-queer. only 2 options 1 you really don't know and everything just goes over your head and think people are being "sly". 2 you do this on purpose so nobody can actually take anything you say seriously.

  • Crowd boos Rob Schneider off the stage when he started telling anti-trans & anti-vaxx jokes
  • well im not the one calling people names that seems pretty pathetic too me. almost seems like you have no arguments. i don't really think you are the person that should bring crying into this.