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Aurora Borealis?
  • Seymour! The house is on fire!

  • Added Bugs to Keep my job
  • "Updated README"

  • Is there an addon to move selected tabs to a bookmark folder
  • Tab Stash seems to be what you're looking for.

  • LibreOffice 24.2.2 Is Now Available for Download with More Than 70 Bug Fixes - 9to5Linux
  • But people in the 90s were doing their work just fine, with that same UX paradigm. What's the difference now?

    Just to be clear, I'm not saying that software's UI and UX doesn't need to evolve. But it bothers me that a perfectly usable UI gets criticized only because it's "old" and doesn't look "modern" (tf is a "modern UI", btw?).

  • LibreOffice 24.2.2 Is Now Available for Download with More Than 70 Bug Fixes - 9to5Linux
  • So, the problem is that people doesn't have a working memory anymore, is that so?

  • LibreOffice 24.2.2 Is Now Available for Download with More Than 70 Bug Fixes - 9to5Linux
  • What's wrong with the 90s UX? It lets you do your work without being intrusive or annoying, so what's wrong with it?

  • What country are you from and do you call it 1) elementary, junior high, high school 2) elementary, middle school, high school, 3) primary, ???, secondary?
  • In Mexico they are:

    • Preescolar/Kinder/Jardín de niños (Preschool): ages 3-5 years old (can vary from state to state).
    • Primaria (Elementary school): 6 years. Ages 6-12.
    • Secundaria (Middle school): 3 years. Ages 12-15.
    • Preparatoria/Bachillerato (High school): 3 years. Ages 15-18.
    • Universidad (University, undergrad education): 2-8 years.
    • Posgrado (Postgraduate education): Variable length. In my field a "Maestría" (Master's degree) is 2 years, and a "Doctorado" (PhD) is 4 years.
  • Lazerpig and SuperEyePatchWolf..
  • Melodysheep moment. Their content is simply amazing.

  • Are there any apps with kind of an educational feed for mindless scrolling?
  • What you're looking for is called RSS. Install a RSS client, subscribe to some blogs or interesting sites like Aeon, Psyche, Nautilus, Longreads or Hacker News and add them to your client. Then you can scroll mindlessly through your own curated list of educational content.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Me atrevo a asegurar que la probabilidad de que el mismo policía tenga también un buen de música pirata en su propio móvil es mayor a 99.999%, de modo que dudo que tengas que afrontar cualquier tipo de retribución legal. Además, ¿cómo podrían saber que son archivos pirata y no bajados de Amazon o así?

  • Join us now and share the software...
  • Hoarders can get lots piles of money...

    That is true, hackers, that is trueeeeeee...

  • A repost from r/linuxmemes - Because I saw the original comic
  • Well, we have a Pink Ubuntu (Hannah Montana Linux), a Red/Black Ubuntu (Satanic Edition), a Salmon Pink Ubuntu (Uwuntu), a White/Gray Ubuntu (Elementary OS), a Blue Ubuntu (Zorin OS), a Yellow/Black Ubuntu (Linux Lite) and an Teal Ubuntu (POP! OS). And I think that KDE Neon could be Purple Ubuntu, but I'm not sure.

  • Best annoyance reduction add-on stack?
  • Thanks! I wrote that when on mobile, so I didn't think to add instructions 😅. Also, if the user needs to allow some cookies, they can be set at Settings > Privacy & Security > Cookies & Site Data > Manage Exceptions.

  • Best annoyance reduction add-on stack?
  • Is to prevent that that you configure UBO in medium mode. Since many cookie banners are loaded by a 3rd party script, they're blocked by UBO when configured this way. For the rest I use one of the "Annoyances" filter that come preinstalled. Since the time I adopted this method (~3 years) I think I can count the number of cookie banners I've seen with the fingers of one hand.

  • Best annoyance reduction add-on stack?
  • Configure uBlock Origin in medium mode and set Firefox to delete cookies on quitting. Easy.

  • Text editor war
  • ZQ

  • Debian being insanely stable
  • Been there, done that. It wasn't a bad experience, but also not a good one.

  • Debian being insanely stable
  • I mean, my laptop is a Dell from 2018-2019 with a 8th gen Core i5, so I don't think is too "new" 🤷🏻‍♂️.

  • Debian being insanely stable
  • I really like Debian, but for some reason my not-new-laptop didn't liked it. Issues with suspend, the WiFi and the NVME drive made me to nuke it last Wednesday and in its place I installed Fedora, which seems to play better with the hardware. At least I don't have problems with it in my desktop.

  • Bueno, ¿y cómo va a estar la onda por acá?

    ¿Habrá ambiente o también se llenará de memes de Don Crepas?
