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In honor of Joe Biden and his prime time speech Monday instead of Thursday.
  • Stop living in fantasy. He was forced out, under threat of the 25th amendment. This wasn't some selfless act...he lost his faculties and had to be booted by his own party under threat.

  • Why does my calculator need a privacy policy? It's a calculator!
  • It's shit like this that makes me want to never use another Google app or service.

    What possible justification is there for storing history of calculations in a calculator app?

  • Top general says Ukrainian forces have captured almost as much Russian territory in the last week as Russia has land in Ukraine this year
  • I keep looking at maps and wondering how Ukraine haven't been routed and cut off in enemy territory with no supply lines. What they're doing seems borderline insane but more power to them!

  • How to cope with existing right now?
  • The Australian health system thinks walking, being able to work and living without pain isn’t a priority, in the next week we’ll have been on the waiting list for a year.

    The global opiate crisis has created a situation where normal Australians in acute or chronic pain can no longer access pain management. The crazy thing is, due to strict prescribing guidelines we never really had the kind of problems that were seen in the USA, yet we have made doctor petrified to prescribe where there is genuine pain.

    2 years on a waiting list is a very long time to try and get on with life in serious pain, and I'm very sorry that you are dealing with this. I know it can be difficult to carve out the time and money, but if you can push hard to see a pain management specialist you might have more luck. There are synthetic options that can be taken long term whilst you await your specialist appointment/ surgery but you have to PUSH. Visit the ER daily until you get an outcome if you can't afford to buy your way in.

    This country is under attack and every single person that buys into the lie of private healthcare drives another nail into our coffin.

  • How often to you bail on a half-written post or response?
  • All the time. I could have typed a multi-paragraph masterpiece but then I realise I can't be bothered offering help in a world full of people that know everything about everything and are never wrong.

  • Did you know?
  • Says the man that never cooked rice or pasta in his entire life.

    It absolutely works.

  • Buying china only phones
  • EDIT: Found it. Can be ordered with the global rom too, so you don't have to deal with immediately flashing a rom that isn't in Chinese.

  • Buying china only phones
  • I have been buying phones and various other electronics on Aliexpress for years, shipped to Australia.

    For Australia, Aliexpress have implemented a system where the required import tax is handled during the transaction. I've never had a single issue with customs and there is no further paperwork. It couldn't be any easier, and there is a level of buyer protection not quite as good as ebay in the medium term, but certainly protection if your goods don't arrive or they arrive damaged or not as described.

    For us, it is a standard 10% tax on all imports so it's easy enough for them to calculate and pay at checkout. None of those things you mentioned are an issue.

    The more realistic concern buying mobiles is if your device will support VoLTE and VoWifi out of the box in your country. Bands are generally OK these days because manufacturers rarely make a seperate device for each country anymore - all bands are generally included. The exception is, if you are using one of those weird US networks that are still using CDMA technology.

  • DNA companies should receive the death penalty for getting hacked | TechCrunch
  • You nailed it. Users cannot be trusted to not re-use login credentials.

    I know we all hate it, but proper 2-factor authentication via authenticator apps must be the default position for everything.

  • Remembrance
  • She treated herself

  • Six teenagers in court over beheading of French teacher
  • Seems like a fair and reasonable response to a cartoon.

    The religion of peace strikes again.

  • Why do all the new TVs expect me to have a platform AS WIDE as the fucking thing?? Fucking shit!! God awful absolutely dumb thoughtless design choice
  • This would involve successfully finding a wall stud to install on and the use of power tools. With the information OP has revealed about themselves, that seems like a recipe for a broken TV and half a wall ripped out or a trip to the ER. Of course it will be the fault of the drill manufacturer and they might sue.

  • Ex-officer Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison, sources say
  • I'm not judge, jury and executioner...neither was Chauvin. I really don't care if he lives or dies.

  • Always wondered how they feel
  • all labor is prostitution

    Pleased to meet you, comrade.

  • Always wondered how they feel
  • Prostitution is a very hard job.

  • Core Values
  • You better be quiet before you summon the bears.

  • Always wondered how they feel
  • Is an actor paid for their labour? No. They are paid to emote, so that it can be commodified and sold for profit. Human emotion for sale. It's prostitution.

  • Parents Pull Children From Schools in Yangon as Myanmar Junta Troops Move In
  • I've been wanting these guys to chill for over 20 years. They have no chill. I've read so many takes on what it is they actually want, and why they keep seizing power. It seems the actual answer is that they just want power. Plain and simple.

  • Always wondered how they feel
  • Acting is emotional prostitution at best, and actual prostitution at worst. If you aren't comfortable with that, then don't get in a relationship with an actor. No point burning your relationship down later because you suddenly don't like the context of that prostitution.

  • Always wondered how they feel
  • Jonah Hill really is a piece of shit. I'm glad my gut instinct was to fall into a bottomless pit of cringe every time he appears on screen. I could never stand that fat little toad.

  • Recommend any OFFLINE Android Games with no ads?

    Evening, all.

    Looking for recommendations for any Android games that you enjoy which can be played completely offline without a data connection of any sort.

    These used to be super common once upon a time, but these days it seems every single game I try just doesn't function if you are totally out of service area.

    Would appreciate any tips! Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: Some great suggestions in here! That will keep them busy a while. Thanks so much everyone.
