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Why all of a sudden tech companies are not being favorable to their users?
  • Capitalism.

    Capitalism is like cutting off your wings because you believe the reduced weight will make you fly higher.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Baby shark.

  • Lemmy's total users exceeds 740k today, up from 540k yesterday
  • If you acknowledge it, you're already smarter than the majority of the Reddit user base

  • I made the mistake of checking Reddit (using my last few days of Apollo) and came across a complaint about Lemmy that flabbergasted me
  • I wouldn't worry. Those are the people that joined Reddit late (in the last few years) and came from other social media platforms (like Facebook). I think Lemmy is safe for a long while at least.

  • Does anybody else feel dirty when they visit reddit?
  • I won't go back. I'm a full lemming now.

  • POLL - Will you stay on lemmy?
  • Same here. It's already gotten sucky, and it's only going to get worse.

    If you want to know the future of Reddit, look at Facebook.

  • Lemmy's total users exceeds 740k today, up from 540k yesterday
  • I joined in the last few days. Seems like this site has much better content. Less bots and reposts. Plus, the user base seems a lot more intelligent in general at this point.

  • What things are generally accepted in society but you think are messed up?
  • From a US perspective, lobbying. Seriously, how are we still letting companies buy politicians?! It's 2023 for crying out loud!

  • starting guide
  • Anyone else having issues trying to create a community? I input everything and get the loading symbol but it never goes past that, no matter how long I leave it.

  • [Ornstein] Arsenal close to agreement with Chelsea to sign Kai Harvertz for fee in region of £65m
  • That seems wildly overpriced for that player. How are Chelsea robbing Arsenal blind like this? I mean, his record in the prem league isn't exactly fantastic. I sure hope he proves me wrong.

  • So, who do we all support then?
  • Crap. This is the first I've heard about it. Figures. Yes, now I'm definitely worried it won't happen. This is how it goes every year for Arsenal transfers though. They excite fans with these small feelers to good players, and when their bids are easily turned down, they settle for sub-par signings. Maybe not always the case, but generally it feels that way (Lemar, Buendia, Dembele, Suarez for example).

  • So, who do we all support then?
  • I'm a masochist. So, obviously I support Arsenal.

  • Do You Still Love BotW?
  • Definitely. There are things I miss about BoTW for sure (boomie zoomies, I'm lookin at you). But I have also been playing TotK pretty much non stop since it came out. I don't think one or the other is better. They are both amazing, just different.

  • What communities ("subreddits") would you like to see?
  • Yeah, gifrecipes is a cool one that would be nice to have here

  • What communities ("subreddits") would you like to see?
  • I tended to use Reddit for smaller niche communities, many of which I do not see here yet. For example Eldin Ring, Ghost of Tsushima, Hot Sauce, Gifrecipes, Rings of Power, PTCGL. It will be nice when these can be created and have enough people to make it interesting but it's not there yet.