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baard2k baard2k
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Do you know what is an 'Everything App'?
  • He basically bought all the users

  • Staying positive in the New World Order

    As the new world order tightens it’s grip, with social credit scores, 15 minute cities, carbon taxes and possible climate lockdowns, how do you stay positive?

    Reading too much about conspiracies from the mystery schools to the daily political Pepsi versus Coke can be too much for me sometimes, so I try to do stuff that betters myself.

    What I’ve focused on so far is working out, bettering personal relationships, trying to eat healthier, being in nature and fishing as well as trying to talk more to neighbors.

    What are your thoughts on staying positive in the new world order?

    from reddit
  • Hopefully we’ll make sure it won’t become that. Although I think that people should be able to voice their opinions - even if I don’t like them.

  • Carbon Pawprints and the Rationing of Life

    by James Corbett June 18, 2023 As I mentioned last week, I spent some of my time in the UK last month dipping into the local dinosaur media to see what kind of indoctrination the British are being subjected to these days. Who knows? Maybe I'd even be pleasantly surprised by some th...

    "First, you convince the public that their "emissions" are a threat to the long-term survival of humanity, and indeed of the planet itself.

    Then, you habituate the masses into constantly calculating the "carbon footprint" of their daily activities and train them to accept ever-greater sacrifices in the name of reducing that "footprint."

    Finally, you convince the credulous commoners that the real problem lies not in their actions but in their very existence. You make them believe that life itself is the original sin against nature and that they would be less of a burden if they didn't keep that pet. Or if they didn't have that baby. Or if they themselves had never been born."

    Interesting article by James Corbett. I highly recommend reading all of it. The climate agenda is taking a new turn and will probably just continue to define our every day lives.

    0 Dr Vanessa Kerry appointed as WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health

    Dr Kerry, a renowned global health expert and medical doctor, will play a pivotal role in amplifying WHO's climate and health messaging and undertake high-level advocacy.

    "Dr Kerry, a renowned global health expert and medical doctor, will play a pivotal role in amplifying WHO's climate and health messaging and undertake high-level advocacy."

    Vanessa is the daughter of infamous climate tzar John Kerry. Interesting concerning the direction we are headed in. Climate lockdowns or measures taken to tackle the "changing climate", like carbon credits or carbon taxes will probably become more and more of a reality for us peasants.

    Interesting enough in the past few years in banking apps, as well as apps for buying and selling in my country you now can see "how much" CO2 a product you buy or sell produces. Where that number comes from, God knows, but it will eventually matter somehow. Probably connected to a form of social security score for all of us.


    Election 2024: Why It's RFK vs Suarez 2024: Why It's RFK vs Suarez, Two Green Bitcoiners & China Gets Taiwan and Russia

    Why RFK and Mayor Suarez, both Green Bitcoiners, will dominate the 2024 race while Trump and Biden are dragged offstage by lawyers fighting their corruption charges. This Presidential race is about to surprise us. China sees an opportunity to broker a peace deal and swing Taiwan too as a result. Wat...

    Well, I'll say it I honestly don't believe in left vs right and politics in general. It's all a show imo and certainly if RFK becomes president he won't be able to do much. Like Trump it will be all words and promises and when in office it'll be nothing but that.

    I believe that RFK is honest, and I think he might win - but it doesn't matter - whether it's Pepsi or Coke the machine continues on.

    What are your thoughts on the upcoming election?

    What made you a conspiracy theorist?
  • I tried finding a community similar to r/conspiracy when I found kbin but settled on creating this. Hopefully more people show up and post/comment and upvote.

  • What made you a conspiracy theorist?

    Hello good people,

    What made you a conspiracy theorist? Or, as some say a conspiracy realist?

    For me it was actually reading one of the books written by Michael Moore about the oil industry. Now, I have definitely changed my views on that but from there it was when I discovered the documentaries Loose Change (concerning 9/11) and Zeitgeist (I know there is a lot of criticism towards this one but it lead me towards other conspiracies).

    After watching Loose Change it changed my view on the world in general and I dived deep into conspiracy land watching documentaries of Alex Jones (The Obama Deception, Endgame, Dark secrets inside the Bohemian Grove) and David Icke, also reading some of his books. Later I watched some of James Corbetts documentaries (Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve, 9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money, How/Why Big Oil Conquered The World) and it blew my mind. I still follow Corbetts stuff to this day and I highly recommend his stuff.

    I'd say that there was a sort of evolution for me, at some point thinking that lizard people control our world, to now thinking that there are powerful people we never hear of who pull the strings.

    Well, I invite you guys to join this thread and tell us about how you came to be a conspiracy realist!


    VIDEO: Dr. Steven Greer's National Press Club Event concerning the UAP issue.

    If you are interested in the UAP/UFO issue I would recommend watching this presentation with Dr. Steven Greer and witnesses coming forward.

    Dr. Greer is not a "hero" in my opinion, I enjoy the guys work, but have seen that he can be viewed as a quack and hasn't always been honest in his stories of what he has done, who he has briefed and so on.

    However, the UAP issue is increasingly being featured in the media and whether you think it's a psyop (Project Bluebeam) or real it is worthy of discussion.

    I have seen a UAP my self several years ago at a camp together with five other people and am convinced that there are visitors. It is not clear to me now if it was human or not though. With info coming out about reengineering alien technology it might have been "one of ours".

    Anyway, not saying I trust all the info in the video but it is interesting not the less.

    Welcome to /m/conspiracy!
  • No worries, I would say that I hope our community here represents the old school /r/conspiracy. I'd like to see a lot of stuff about aliens, the illuminati and other "fringe" topics, as well as things concerning the WEF and politics. Hope it'll be chill for you!

  • Welcome to /m/conspiracy!
  • Hi, no I am not one of the mods from /r/conspiracy. I started using kbin as a result of the API drama and found that the subreddit I used the most wasn't represented here so I created it. I thought of it as creating a space for discussion. I was gone for a bit due to work, but I'll be adding mods as we go on to ensure that we keep civility and good will.

  • Obama suggests 'digital fingerprints' to counter misinformation 'so we know what's true and what's not true'

    Former President Barack Obama suggested the development of "digital fingerprints" to combat misinformation and distinguish between true and misleading news for consumers.

    "Former President Barack Obama suggested the development of "digital fingerprints" to combat misinformation and distinguish between true and misleading news for consumers."

    The future will bring a forced digital ID for all to be able to use the internet as well as social services. We see that everything has an app, or a website now so you'll never be able to leave the system. The surveillance state is already all encompassing and it is near impossible to be anonymous on the internet, but this will be the final nail in the coffin.

    Here in my country they stopped people from being anonymous on news websites for commenting, of course saying that this would stop hate speech. Recently these hate speech laws have been used to jail people, as well as fine them for their opinions. As much as I hate racists, the only way to fight bad ideology is to counter it with good ideology. The same goes for "misinformation".

    All in all, the news agencies connected to the alphabet groups will be the lords of the truth and everything that does not go with that will be mis- or disinformation, as we saw with the coronavirus.

    0 Then-first lady of US Virgin Islands worked for Jeffrey Epstein — and helped get visas for his victims: court docs

    Then-first lady Cecile de Jongh was Epstein’s “’primary conduit” and helped get visas for the young women he then abused on his private islands, the court documents alleged.

    "Then-first lady Cecile de Jongh was Epstein’s “’primary conduit” and helped get visas for the young women he then abused on his private islands, the court documents alleged."

    Looks like Epstein is still in the news. At least he didn't kill himself. If you haven't I would recommend looking into Whitney Webbs articles about Epstein and his associates.


    Welcome to /m/conspiracy!

    Hello fellow conspiracy theorists!

    I highly encourage people to post in /m/conspiracy. I see that a couple of people have posted already and that is great! I, as many others came from Reddit and are quite new to kbin, so it is a bit of a change and something to get used to. The platform has been quite unstable but seems to work for the moment.

    I want to look into adding more mods in the very near future, especially as the magazine expands. Also as time goes by we'll look into creating a few basic rules. For now, be kind to each other and enjoy the discussion. I would also like to welcome people who have already joined. I look forward to a good discussion with you guys!


    Ted Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber for years of attacks that killed 3, dies in prison at 81
  • Ted was a victim of MKULTRA, so yes it is related to conspiracies.

  • Ted Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber for years of attacks that killed 3, dies in prison at 81

    Theodore “Ted” Kaczynski, the Harvard-educated mathematician who retreated to a dingy shack in the Montana wilderness and ran a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others, died Saturday. He was 81. A spokesperson for the federal Bureau of Prisons tells The Associated Pre...

    Theodore “Ted” Kaczynski, the Harvard-educated mathematician who retreated to a dingy shack in the Montana wilderness and ran a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others, died Saturday. He was 81. A spokesperson for a spokesperson for the federal Bureau of Prisons, tells The Associated Press that the man branded the “Unabomber” by the FBI died at the federal prison medical center in Butner, North Carolina.

    /kbin quick update
  • Absolutely, kbin is great so far.