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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 49
Teens come up with trigonometry proof for Pythagorean Theorem, a problem that stumped math world for centuries
  • I love when pages or websites have so much bloat, ads and bs that it's actually a huge effort to try and use their site, but then if you use an adblocker to actually be able to use their site, you get notices like OHH NOO YOU ARE USING AN ADBLOCK WE ARE SO SAD PLEASE DISABLE AND HELP US PAY FOR INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM yadayada... lol please. Hypocrites. If good marketing is all about removing user friction, I don't understand why they add this much friction as ads and spam.

  • YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads''
  • To be fair, if they are like the example (static silent ads) they would be the least intrusive ads that YouTube ever had. To the point that I don't even mind them. All of YouTube ads should be like this, not annoying, silent, and easily ignored.

  • We Can Do This!
  • Electricity companies hate this trick!

    For real I dont understand why people forget that they can just wear thicker clothes even at home. And they complain the electricity is expensive

  • Fedora proposal to change default desktop to KDE
  • has a tendency to crap the bed a few minutes after startup

    Tell me you are an nvidia user without telling me. Either that is hard to believe. I use KDE daily for more than 8-9 hours a day, sometimes my pc goes for a full week without geting turned off, multiple apps tabs and servers on, themes installed, widgets on the desktop, I am such an extremely heavy KDE user you have no idea. Still, zero crashes. Sometimes something goes a bit "wut" like moving a window around gliches a liiiiiiitle bit, but it instantly corrects itself and goes back to being stable. And I am on Plasma 6.0.3, funny enough has been more stable than Plasma 5.

    Update your KDE or use a distro that has better KDE support. Some distros fck up KDE packages and get it unstable. Fedora KDE is rock solid for example. Nobara has been great too and its now KDE by default.

  • Fedora proposal to change default desktop to KDE
  • Slowly more and more distros are looking over to a KDE future. GNOME devs being so incredibly hard to work with and this feeling of a huge community that is KDE and with how polished Plasma 6 is becoming, many distros are finally looking to at least give Plasma a try as a default. GNOME is well polished but there are so many extremely important and urgently needed features that KDE already implemented that are not even being discussed for GNOME. Many distros are getting fed up with how slow GNOME is into advancing their desktop. They take 2 years to change a few buttons around. And now that Plasma 6 has a 6-month fixed release schedule, it finally aligns with what distros want.

    First Valve shocked the corporate distro world by choosing the seemengly less stable KDE as their default for the Steam Deck, which proved to be an amazing choice after all. Then recently, Nobara Linux, one of the most used Fedora distros, also switched to KDE as the default. And now Fedora is discussing into switching the main distro too. Qt6 is also a really flexible and promising framework and developers seem to have more fun working with it than with GTK4.

    Recent switchers from Windows also largely prefer KDE instead of the minimalist approach, macOS-like GNOME. And linux has been gaining a lot of popularity and market share recently, and I could bet that a lot of these new users are not on GNOME, at least not on vania GNOME.

    A great example is KDE having hit a HUGE record of bug reporting and feedback submissions, which means that more people than ever are using KDE actively and actually trying to help the project somehow. KDE has also been having a huge presence in social networks like YouTube and TikTok (especially because of its fun and interesting features that make GNOME look plain and a bit boring, needless to say GNOME vanilla wont convince a Windows user to switch...) which might speed up its adoption too.

  • Fedora proposal to change default desktop to KDE
  • Its a huge deal. If X desktop is the default, it shows that the distro developers and maintainers usually test and optimize more and better for that specific DE so your experience with the default DE will always be more stable and polished than non-official ones. Extra GUI tools that the distro makes usually are also better tailored to the default distro. Like Manjaro and all of their locale, kernel and other packages that are integrated inside the KDE settings. Or popOS and all of their utilities being integrated into Cosmic. Etc etc. More money and dev time is invested into the default DE.

  • Fedora proposal to change default desktop to KDE
  • Meanwhile I CANNOT be productive in GNOME. There are hundreds of maybe thousands of KDE features that make IT and dev work so extremely easy. I could make a 50 page comment just listing them. I can start with how horrendously basic and generic the default gnome terminal is.

    But then KDE also is in fact good for average ex-Windows users because it has stuff where people expect it to, has features that people expect too (cough minimize/maximize buttons cough) and well yea KDE is better for average users.

    So KDE is better for IT users and developers, and is also better for average users. And since it supports vsync off, VRR and HDR it is also better for gaming.

    So wait is KDE better for literally EVERYONE? 🤔

  • PostgreSQL maintainer Simon Riggs has died in a small airplane crash
  • Being a developer I slowly noticed that 99% if the people in this world don't even think for a single milisec how anything in tech came to be. They use extremely advanced smartphones, apps, huge servers, games, everything. And no one ever thinks "huh, how did they made this?" They literally think making a whole OS is like making a pancake, 5 steps and 5 minutes and you are done. Or heck, they don't even think that, they don't think anything at all about it. They just... use it. Like it magically appeared there and they can now use it. They have absolutely zero idea how much effort the simplest things they use daily took. Some don't even think about the fact that stuff like Facebook is a company and needs to make money. They just know that Facebook is magically there and works. How does it work? "Well, you open the app and click buttons". But they never think about how the app and buttons came to be.

    Stuff like "what is a cloud? What happens when you put something on the cloud, like Google drive?" They get absolutely broken and cant answer because they can't even understand what a cloud is and why the files are accesible from everywhere.

    It gets to a point where people get "shocked" when you tell them that Android or macOS has hundreds or thousands of developers working on it daily. They literally think Android just happened to appear out there and brands just decided to pre-install it on the phone they sell, like it was something that you "just install".

    Well, long story short, this eventually comes back to bite devs in the ass when we try but fail to explain to a client that "creating an AI that takes stuff from a database and magically creates new stuff" takes more than 2 days. Client gets mad when we say something is impossible in the hours budget that we got.

    Simon Riggs like many other people literally make our world turn but people will never know who they are or why they are needed. This world biggest heroes often go unnoticed.

  • That's why we need two ssds for dual boot
  • Picture this: you buy a car. You buy a new set of wheels/rims and a new radio system with Android and whatever. You also put some new carpets on the floor of the car. Now you need to take it for a simple routine maintenance and checkup at the car brand official shop. After a few hours you go back there to pick you car up and it has the stock wheels, stock radio, stock carpets and everything and you ask where the hell is your stuff and ALL of them on the shop look at you confused like if they never seen any different accessory on that car before other than the stock ones, or don't know what you are talking about. All they know is that the car is now "according to spec".

    This is what it feels like after updating Windows with Linux in dual-boot on the same drive.

  • degree in bamf
  • Exactly. People don't seem to understand that my comment was refering exclusively to the fact that she added race and gender only for bullying or hate speech pursposes. If it was a women or any other race she wouldn't add it or would she?

  • degree in bamf
  • Why aren't you angry at the common propensity for women in places of academic and professional authority being looked down upon and disrespected like this?

    Well, I am angry at that. Women and all races deserve equal rights and possibilities. We should keep fighting for that. But white males don't need to be transformed into comedy punching bags in exchange for women/other races equality. Can we respect everyone INCLUDING white males?

  • Microsoft force-upgrades Mail app to Windows 11’s new Outlook web app
  • Sometimes I feel like the managers of my company and many others companies like these are just a bunch of clowns, that keep getting fcked my MS but keep paying them Enterprise licenses that are sometimes thousands of $$ per month. If a service costs thousands per month, it shouldn't be stressful to use and give so much headaches... I just think some CEOs don't know that a company can function (sometimes better) without Microsoft products. From Office to Windows to Azure, many companies nowadays think they can only function if they pay Microsoft. And MS knows and likes this.

  • degree in bamf
  • Clearly the race and genre are both only being used in this sentence for bullying purposes. What could very well be just "a random guy" was specifically changed to "a white male" to really attack the race and genre mentioned. If it was another race or genre it would be called racist. The "white males" won't accept this blatant racism many more years without standing up against it, trust me. But then they will be called racist. They are not racist only while they accept being bullied and accept racism towards them. This hate speech against white males is being completely normalized in america daily. And being used in comments, sentences and now even books in such a "normalized" way that it disgusts me. Just because whites are not a minority, doesn't mean we can bully and be racist to them. And in this exact sentence, it triggers me so much that the "while male" adjective was used with the clear intent of bullying and image degradation of the mentioned race and genre.

    When will we, as humans of all colors, stand up against racism against whites (and especially males) that is strangely being more and more accepted as a normal thing daily?

    Edit: ofc I am being hugely downvoted. Society can't understand that bullying against whites actually exists. She just didn't need AT ALL to use the race and gender in her post. Minorities and inequalities between genres exist and should (and are) be solved. Women and all other races deserve all the same as white males do. But white males don't need to be bullied in exchange or used in jokes like this like if they are the modern punching bag of standup comedy.