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Fuck Fireworks: An essay about why I believe they have no place in a 21st century celebration.
  • i’m so glad my (current) dogs are not afraid of fireworks or thunderstorms. it’s never fun trying to train them to be calm for something you have zero control over.

    on that note, if you have a dog that is sensitive, you can try playing videos of fireworks at very low levels and giving them treats, slowly raising the volume over several weeks to desensitize them to the sounds. it doesn’t always work, but it may be worth a shot, especially with puppies and younger dogs who haven’t yet been traumatized.

    for the record: i’m not a fan of fireworks, but i did teach dog classes for several years and had lots of clients ask about it.

  • Americans are losing the ability to walk
  • this was my thought as well. looks like speeds of 45mph+, and possibly four lanes of traffic. i’ve been hit at that speed (in a crosswalk, no less) and suffered a fractured pelvis. fuck cars, indeed.

  • Go on a bike camping trip!
  • that’s awesome! i started a bike camping meetup in my area about a year ago. it’s been a really fun way to get people involved in the activity.