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atomicpile AtomicPile

A straight shooter with upper-middle management written all over me.

Posts 1
Comments 5
Noob question about print quality
  • That’s the seam line where the printer finishes a layer. Thats normal. Most slicers have an options to manually define layer lines or randomize each layer. Random often creates bumps all over your print.

  • The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training
  • This article is about brave search not the browser.

  • Space Opera?
  • Alastair Reynolds and Peter F. Hamilton.

  • GeneralBullShit AtomicPile

    Basement Server SOP


    This server is intended for personal use but on the off chance that other people actually use it at some point in the future I'll outline my plans on running it.

    Federation/Content Blocking:

    • It is expected that users will filter their own content. I currently run a script that will do an OK job of connecting this instance to a large majority of others and have no plans to de-federate from anyone regardless of content except in necessary circumstances.
    • Necessary circumstances are things that are threats to the security/general health of this basement server (bots/script kiddies/general bad actors..), and things that are illegal.
    • All of this caveated with the blanket statement that this is my basement server and I do what I want.


    • I have no interest/time to dig through your crap and I wouldn't like someone digging through mine. Your privacy is your business. That being said, this is social media, behave accordingly.
    • I will do my best to keep this server running and in good health. I'll keep things up-to-date on the latest stable releases. Do not expect bleeding edge updates except in cases of security concerns. I have no interest in dealing with bleeding edge bugs.
    • Content created here is backed up but in a hap-hazard way and loss is possible. Basement server.
    • Content from federated instances is not stored on the server long term. I have no interest in the storage commitment. Maybe in the future I will integrate IPFS or something but.. Basement server.
    What's your favorite desktop environment (or window manager) to use?
  • Kde plasma. I’ve tried everything else and used to change to tiles managers and whatnot. Ended up just sticking with kde because it’s familiar.