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arisunz arisunz

code witch - she/they

Posts 9
Comments 92
Switching to OCaml bois
  • Just give me interfaces and composition tbh

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • wait hold tf up you can STRETCH your tongue???

  • 4get: Metasearch engine
  • not until my 30s

    why leave until tomorrow what you can do today

  • 4get: Metasearch engine
  • oh neat i wonder what lang--



  • Wayland usage has overtaken X11
  • thats so pog, i wished it actually worked

  • Imagination rule
  • here:


    then again someone already shared a link with relevant information and you dont really seem to care. so. kinda making my point there.

  • Imagination rule
  • ah yes im so very sorry, i should have kept the feelings of people who gladly feed on stolen labor and exploitation of the global south for their slop generator to work, in mind uwu

    fuck outta here lmaoo

  • Imagination rule
  • the indomitable human spirit: nuh uh :3

  • Imagination rule
  • lmao the proompter cope in this thread is real

  • Post your Servernames!
  • sadly no she's a little clumsy

  • Blocking AI crawlers with Caddy
  • nice catch, thanks (i use light mode most of the time)

  • Post your Servernames!
  • esmeralda

    sadly i only have one server for now

  • Blocking AI crawlers with Caddy
  • lmao that means a lot, thanks <3

  • Blocking AI crawlers with Caddy
  • I got meaner with them :3c

  • How do we know if there aren't a bunch of more undetected backdoors?
  • That's the neat part, we don't!

    ...but, we at least can have a shot of finding them.

    In the meantime, I'd advise you to keep an eye out and maybe look into threat models. As people said in this thread already, bad actors probably don't care about your personal photos.

  • rule

    what do you mean i cant simply engineer god's will away?

    Haiii pets! :3 CW possessiveness
  • bratty little kittens such as yourself are lucky i'm not there to show them their place

    i mean meww mrrp :3

  • Haiii pets! :3 CW possessiveness
  • Sorry can u repeat that? I don't speak brat.

  • me rn :3
  • hhh

  • me rn :3
  • me and who

  • White House: Future Software Should Be Memory Safe
  • Bait used to be believable 🚬

  • lmao rule Twitter is being evicted from its Boulder office over unpaid rent

    Twitter owes three months' rent to its Boulder landlord, and a judge has signed off on evicting the tech giant from its office there.

    Twitter is being evicted from its Boulder office over unpaid rent

    r(ule)ddit might be removing mods to break the blackout (more info in post)


    there's a chance it could just be mod infighting, but I've heard more rumors and the whole situation is sketchy.
