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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 26
Niger junta orders troops on maximum alert in case of attack
  • So your definition of neocolonialism boils down to 'has trade and diplomatic relations with the US and France'?

    And isn't that quite offensive against the African states? You imply that they could not have created an intranational community without centering it around Western powers, no?

  • What?!?!
  • volunteer positions

    So instead of getting paid below minimum wage you'd rather they don't get paid at all?

    Volunteer positions also often cannot provide the often increased need for supervision and guidance, especially for new or atypical tasks.

    To be honest, I don't know every individual business, but the vast majority of businesses that I know that hire people with mental (or sometimes physical) impairment do so as part of a social goal to give back to society. We have a shop around my hometown where they fix bicycles. Takes longer and you often have a neurotypical supervisor that jumps in if needed, but at the end it's a great way to give these people a place in society and a small pay that they can see as their contribution to their family (or their own lives).

  • Anon lives on the margins.
  • Even if you don't get a job immediately, with a 25h week you should have a lot of time to upskill and get yourself employable.

    There are a lot of free resources for anything from programming, MS Office (seriously, Excel will get you a job), languages, and even science (though probably more as a setup for any kind of degree).

  • 75 cops, 6½ hours of gunfire, for an eviction in Pittsburgh
  • 'hey, why didn't police leave the guy alone during his illegal activities for some more days after letting him know that police is now involved and after noticing the high capability and willingness to use lethal force to sustain said illegal activities?' 'because they are all eeeeevilllll'

  • New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • I feel like you only read half my comment each time.

    You will always reach a point of diminishing marginal returns with measures taken, and you have to evaluate the impact of the measure against it's effectiveness.

    The argument is that school closures likely did not contribute sufficiently to justify their extent of implementation, meaning you probably would have wanted a few more people dying to avoid the shortfalls in children's education and socialisation that you have now. The ends, in retrospective, arguably did not justify the means.

  • New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • I mean, comparing countries with it's peers is what you should do. I could also have taken Argentina, Bulgaria, or Russia, but at the end you'll see that Germany did fairly well.

    I think the question is somewhere how much death we accept against the impact of avoiding it. In this case, as I said before, there seems increasingly the opinion that school closures as a measure did not have the impact that justified its extent of use.

  • What is spying?
  • Question is, what business model would you support?

    Ads are the thing that pay for a lot of services most people use in daily lives. Imagine you needed a paid subscription for your email, your search engine, browser, social media account(s)...

    Lemmy is fun and all, but eventually it will need to expand and pay for server costs and so on. Yes, perhaps it will be carried by enthusiastic community members, but that's just a higher paid subscription for a few rather than many.

    I agree fully with you that the level of commercialisation is beyond crazy by now, and many developments do not have the user in mind. But that's not on the business model itself, but the companies' decisions.

  • New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • They don't say that. They said the extent of closures was inappropriate for the severity of the pandemic and the role of schools.

    And Germany did quite well during COVID, per capita deaths are far lower than, for example, in the US, UK, Italy, or France.

  • New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • Not sure about other countries, but at least in Europe we had quite a few comments, including by health officials, that the school closures should not have been done and upheld to the extent that they were.

    And I agree, the impact on learning and children's mental health was not justified by the real or potential dangers of the pandemic imho

    Edit: One comment from the German Health Minister here, describing prolonged school closures as a mistake

  • Vladimir Putin’s ruble is now worth less than a penny, infuriating his inner circle
  • You are right, the spot exchange rate at a given point in time is random and tells you nothing (nothing!) about the strength of a currency (or economy). Japan is a great example.

    What, however, does indicate a weakening or economic downturn is the uncontrolled depreciation of a currency, which errodes savings, threatens foreign debt paybacks, and makes imports more expensive

    The Yen is relatively stable for decades at its spot. The Rubel is sliding against monetary and fiscal efforts, which indicates deeper macroeconomic issues.

  • Sunak's family firm signed a billion-dollar deal with BP before PM opened new North Sea licences
  • In all fairness, FPTP did create one of the oldest, most successful democracies that ever existed on the planet. Now, I'm not saying it shouldn't be reformed (it should be), but calling it a straight up terrible no good isn't right either

  • What is spying?
  • I'm sure not everyone will agree, but honestly, I kind of stopped caring too much. I've been using Instagram, Google, Android, Apple, and many other service providers for years and none seems to know a lot about me based on the stuff I see being advertised to me.

    None of them seem to have figured out what languages I speak (I get a lot of language courses for English and German, but I'm native in both), what my education level is (I get a lot of 'study your bachelor or master here or there or online' despite having two master's degrees), where I really live (lots of British stuff always, but I live out of Europe), or what my hobbies are (lots of mobile games that I wouldn't touch with a stick).

    Yeah, it seems they get the basics (I'm male, below 35, I am interested in educational stuff), but that could be anyone... And if I can use their services for tree for them to put me in a category with some 10M others, I'm kinda okay

  • ich🏊iel
  • Im Post steht es nicht, nur im Komentar von Mateoto (mit dem ich wie gesagt zustimme).

    Mein erster Komentar ging darauf ein, dass OP's Zusammenhang zwischen dem was einige Deutsche auf Malle machen und den Problemen in den deutschen Schwimmbädern (bzw. deren Darstellung in den Medien) unsinnig ist, es setzt zwei völlig unterschiedliche Themen gleich.

    Ein Vergleich mit Problemen wie dem Hiztesommer oder Artensterben würde hier Sinn machen (was von Medien heruntergespielt bzw. ignoriert wird während Themen wie Migrationskriminalität gepusht werden) aber das "steht da (im Pfosten) nicht".

    Und mit mehrheitsfähigen Meinungen pass auf, mehrheitsfähig ist derzeit auch eine Koalition CDU/AFD, heißt nicht, dass es gut ist.

  • ich🏊iel
  • Wenn du das so interpretieren willst gerne, aber das steht nicht so da. OP hat einen Zusammenhang zwischen Malle und Schwimmbädern postiert, der so sinnlos ist.

    Hätte er deiner Logik folgen wollen (bei dem ich 100% dahinter stehen würde) ginge der Komentar wahrscheinlich in die Richtung 'wir haben Extremsommer, Artensterben, und rechte Medien interessieren sich nur für Ausländer in Schwimmbädern'.

    Steht da aber nicht.