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apolinariomabussy Apolinario Mabussy

Tech and Social Science | Humanist | Avid Sci-fi Reader | Apolinario Mabini stan

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Deeply Unhappy Gen Z and Millennials Cause U.S. to Drop in Global Happiness Ranking
  • This just reminded me of how great of a book that was. Time to reread it a decade after I first read it.

  • Why are we nice? Altruism’s origins are put to the test
  • Having come from an Abrahamic school background, I'm curious about the sources for #3. It is true that the meaning of the story has been twisted to justify misogyny, and that was how it was taught to us back in school.

  • How to be a -10x Engineer
  • Holy shit. All of this reflects my current job... Maybe this is a sign for me to leave...

  • What is a good, healthy, unhurtful, socially positive way to express anger?
  • This is a nice way to look at anger. Kind of similar to something my therapist said a long time ago. #3 specifically is a huge one.

  • What is a piece of media that has changed your life?
  • I have several!

    Disco Elysium: I played Disco Elysium at a dark time in my life and seeing the protagonist hit absolute rock bottom and begin to cope with his myriad problems throughout the story amidst how fucked his situation (and the world's) was resonated with me a lot. I could go on a lot longer about this game, but it definitely changed my perspective on life and the world.

    Mr. Robot: What starts out as a story about a hacker and the ethics of technology ends up as a look at personal trauma and coping mechanisms. As someone in tech who's dealt with a lot of mental health issues throughout my life, I (and my sister) saw a lot of me reflected in Elliot as well.

    A lot of similarities between those two pieces of media, lol

  • Whats something that is only worth getting the expensive version of?
  • For most things in life I generally follow Adam Savage's advice: "Buy cheap tools until you know what you really need from that tool, then buy the best version you can afford."

    However, when it comes to things that are related to safety or protect you from harm the more expensive/high quality they get, that advice goes out the window. Case in point, PC PSUs. You probably don't want your newly built PC to burst in flames because you skimped on it to buy a poorly rated PSU.

  • Monthly random discussion - Jan 2024
  • pagkaintindi ko sa situationship parang MU ng nakaraan, este non-committal dahil di pa talaga alam kung anong gagawin sa buhay hahaha so di naman siyang bagong bagay feel ko

  • Okay this is annoyingly clever
  • This is the first time I have heard of FATE and that is interesting! From what I'm reading, it's highly free-form, with stuff normally associated with characters or the setting being referred to as aspects (like some kind of adjective or attributes of a programming class), which can be called upon to give bonuses provided you have enough fate points). The free-form part comes from the aspects being basically anything related to the characters/setting at hand. I guess it does put a lot of onus on both the DM and the player to collaboratively figure out how to find creative solutions to problems, but in a way that isn't mechanically restricted.

    From what I've seen from the suggestions so far, rules-lite/abstract helps to mitigate some of the rube-goldbergy-mad-contraption-tzeentchian-ness that seems to be inherent in rpgs (and probably human nature lol), but not by "restricting" players in a strictly defined box of rules. Rather, rules-lite systems allow for the rube-goldbergy-mad-contraption-tzeentchian-ness to feel less like breaking the system and more like building the system (within reason and the DM's judgment), which is huge. So either that or a heavy narrative focus seems to work well in theory.

  • Okay this is annoyingly clever
  • Oh don't get me wrong, I play D&D and love it as well haha

    I was just curious about other systems and how their approaches to rules, balance, and storytelling affect how players play as well (and DMs DM), seeing as there's a myriad of different systems each with different goals and mechanics. I haven't played any other system on the tabletop, as my group hasn't really tried playing other systems yet (only crpgs based on other systems, plus me reading manuals and rulesets because why not)

    I can see how a rules lite system would prevent random pushing of the system until it breaks type of gameplay, ala PbtA games. Plus with more emphasis on crafting a narrative vs focusing on the best combination of stats/skills/interactions, there's less incentive to turn the mechanical knobs until something ends up broken.

  • Okay this is annoyingly clever
  • What would examples of alternative TTRPGs be? And what characteristics would they have that would prevent the "LULZRANDOM We're breaking the system" type of gameplay?

    I'm thinking maybe crunchier and more in-depth rules ala Pathfinder or GURPS, since the barrier-to-break is much higher due to having to read more, but I'm just guessing as a relative ttrpg novice here haha

  • The magic genie has appeared to grant you your wish. What small thing do you wish for that would have the biggest positive impact on the world?
  • It probably would, butterfly effect and all. That's part of the reason why I'm trying to evaluate why I do the things I do, trying to see how they impact other people more versus in my youth. It might be small, but enough small things do add up, compound even.

  • Tech bros' attitude to female colleagues stuck in dark ages
  • Same here! Most people were very supportive and we commiserated a lot about our majors. And the same was the case for the entire engineering department.

    The only anecdote I know about which is similar to the hyper-competitiveness in the top comment is from a friend who was a CS major in a different university but with a heavy entrepreneurship/business slant.

  • Long-Haired Men, Where Do You Get Your Haircut?
  • ^this. I also go to a professional stylist (though i'm not near Ortigas/BGC so I can't give a recommendation there)

  • Do you play with mods?
  • perfectly valid reason to remove it! I'll admit that it does reduce the amount of chatting that goes around in games.

  • Do you play with mods?
  • I use the Combined Resources (verified!) mod so I could identify how many resources our team currently has in our pockets for the mission. Very useful for checking if we have enough objectives, or if we could drop nitra soon.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Does abandonware count? If yes, then absolutely lol

    My childhood was spent playing abandonware because our home pc wasn't strong enough for modern games at the time, so this is basically just reliving that while getting paid lol.

    If abandonware doesn't count, there's still enough stuff that's ended up in the public domain to make it worth it (books and movies).

  • Without using pronouns (me, he, she, it, etc) or articles (a, an, the), how did you come up with your user name?
  • Apolinario Mabini great. Apolinario Mabini freedom thinker man. Very lemmy. Apolinario Mabini underrated. Goldfish brain connected Mabini and bussy. New name created.

  • NSFW
    Baldur's Gate 3 is the horniest RPG I've ever played and honestly it's a bit much
  • Weirdos of the world unite! I'm all for equal-opportunity horniness lol.

    I guess it's unnatural for a large group of people, since a lot of people aren't sex positive due to upbringing or some other factors.

    I'm personally mostly okay with how the game handles sex and romance, and I also have friends who are completely okay with the game's nudity as well (heck we even have a multiplayer character running around naked in camp lol). But I do have some other friends who were taken aback when character customization came up and genital customization was a thing.