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apoisel apoisel
Posts 68
Comments 9

Tarides: The Biggest Functional Programming Conference of the Year: What are we Bringing to ICFP? The Biggest Functional Programming Conference of the Year: What are we Bringing to ICFP?

Feeling fashionable? Milan is calling! ICFP 2024 will be held in the Italian fashion capital from 2-7 September, and there is something…

The Biggest Functional Programming Conference of the Year: What are we Bringing to ICFP?
0 Project-Wide Occurrences: A New Navigation Feature for OCaml 5.2 Users

Project-Wide Occurrences With the release of merlin-lib 5.1-502 and associated ocaml-lsp-server, we brought a new, exciting feature to OCaml…

Project-Wide Occurrences: A New Navigation Feature for OCaml 5.2 Users
0 Pragmatic Category Theory | Part 2: Composing Semigroups

You'll notice the following Functional Programming pattern many times: You define trivial...

Pragmatic Category Theory | Part 2: Composing Semigroups
0 Pragmatic Category Theory | Part 1: Semigroup Intro

Motivation Functional Programming abstractions have a bad rep for not being...

Pragmatic Category Theory | Part 1: Semigroup Intro
0 OCaml 5 performance part 2 - Thomas Leonard's blog

The last post looked at using various tools to understand why an OCaml 5 program was waiting a long time for IO. In this post, I'll be trying out …

0 OCaml 5 performance problems - Thomas Leonard's blog

Linux and OCaml provide a huge range of tools for investigating performance problems. In this post I try using some of them to understand a network …

0 SFP#25: MirageOS and OCaml with Hannes Mehnert and Matthias Kirschner - FSFE

For our 25th episode of the Software Freedom Podcast we are happy to welcome Hannes Mehnert, one of the MirageOS core developer. Matthias Kirschner, presid...

SFP#25: MirageOS and OCaml with Hannes Mehnert and Matthias Kirschner - FSFE

Announcing Godotcaml for Godot 4.2 Fizzixnerd Blog

A new way to make games

Fizzixnerd Blog

Merlin: Project wide occurrences [ANN] Project wide occurrences

I am very excited to announce the first release of Merlin and Ocaml-LSP with support for project-wide occurrences 🥳. More precisely, it is now possible to query for every usage of any value (and type, modules, etc.) anywhere in a project built with Dune. This is a very handy tool for code navigatio...

[ANN] Project wide occurrences

Merlin: Project wide occurrences [ANN] Project wide occurrences

I am very excited to announce the first release of Merlin and Ocaml-LSP with support for project-wide occurrences 🥳. More precisely, it is now possible to query for every usage of any value (and type, modules, etc.) anywhere in a project built with Dune. This is a very handy tool for code navigatio...

[ANN] Project wide occurrences
0 Newsletter: May 2024

Welcome to the May 2024 edition of the newsletter! This update has been compiled by the team. You can find previous updates on Discuss. Our goal is to make the best resource for anyone who wants to get started and be productive in OCaml. The newsletter provid...

0 Effective ML Through Merlin's Destruct Command

The Merlin server and OCaml LSP server, two closely related OCaml language servers, enhance productivity with features like autocompletion…

Effective ML Through Merlin's Destruct Command
0 Release Dream 1.0.0~alpha6 · aantron/dream

Additions Check that response header names are non-empty strings (#262, Dennis Dang). Update built-in GraphiQL to 2.4.1 (#271, Dennis Dang). Adapt to Caqti 2.0.0 (#302, Petter Urkedal). Merge drea...

Release Dream 1.0.0~alpha6 · aantron/dream
0 7 OCaml Gotchas

I've been writing OCaml for about 1 year (check my previous post 8 months of OCaml after 8 years of...

7 OCaml Gotchas
0 The OCaml 5.2 Release: Features and Fixes!

There has been a new release of OCaml! The 5.2 release brings several new features, along with improvements, optimisations, and bug fixes…

The OCaml 5.2 Release: Features and Fixes!
0 OCaml Backtraces on Uncaught Exceptions

Uncaught exception: Not_found This blog post probably won't teach anything new to OCaml veterans; but for the others, you might be glad to learn that this very basic, yet surprisingly little-known feature of OCaml will give you backtraces with source file positions on any uncaught exception. Since i...

OCaml Backtraces on Uncaught Exceptions
0 OCaml 5.2.0 released

The OCaml team has the pleasure of celebrating the birthday of Inge Lehmann by announcing the release of OCaml version 5.2.0. Some of the highlights in OCaml 5.2.0 are: Re-introduced GC compaction GC compaction can now be manually triggered by calling Gc.compact () manually. This is expected ...

0 Newsletter: April 2024

Welcome to the April 2024 edition of the newsletter! This update has been compiled by the team. You can find previous updates on Discuss. Our goal is to make the best resource for anyone who wants to get started and be productive in OCaml. The newsletter prov...

  • Can't confirm that. In the 90s encodings were a nightmare. ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, CP1252, IBM850, ... If you tried to build a website with an upload form, you'd get the most bizarre encodings and there was no way to reliably distinguish them. I'm not an English native, my world is full of umlauts and s-z ligatures. Things got A LOT better in the last years, thanks to Unicode encodings.

  • Unicode
  • These errors were much more common before Unicode encodings were in broad use. Unicode pretty much solved this.

  • Colorized photo of Guardia Civil in Fascist Spain, 1963
  • I'm not partial to the martial
    Or the plutocrats, in their beaver hats
    And the fascists have the outfits
    But I don't care for the outfits
    What I care about is music
    And the communists have the music
  • Good text-based calendars for Linux?
  • You are welcome. I started using remind in 2005 and it has been my dependable and powerful companion ever since. This software is a piece of art. The same is true for wyrd, which is rock solid and blazing fast.

  • How do you use RSS?
  • I just wrote down simplified versions of my scripts. Then I clicked the wrong button to exit the markdown preview and now it's all gone. I'll have to drink a beer now, sorry. If you have any specific questions, I'll answer them gladly.

  • How do you use RSS?
  • I use RSS to watch YouTube videos. I collect the ULRs of the videos I want to watch in a text file using my feed reader (Newsboat). In the evening a script transfers the file to my TV computer and fetches the videos with yt-dlp.

    To play the videos I use another script, which plays and then trashes the video files in a loop.

    Pros: no ads, no buffering videos during playback, plays videos without interaction (like TV), can collect video URLs over day, don't have to bother with YouTube's user interface, cookies etc.