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apepi Apepi
Posts 16
Comments 57
Why does my cat follow me when I walk my dog, screaming at me and not letting me touch her?
  • I've got a cat (indoor only) who's normally a lovely little guy who love pets and cuddles. The occasions he slips outside he becomes a rage monster and it often involves getting mauled to catch him and get him back inside.

    Being outside their normal space can make cats anxious, anxiety makes affection unwanted. She's concerned her idiot humans will get hurt/lost and she's being vigilant for threats.

  • If incandescent lightbulbs have a vacuum inside, why do they get so hot on the outside?
  • Heat is infrared. Light. Vacuum doesn't have much effect.

    Also many bulbs are filled with inert gases rather than being vacuums.

  • Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone?
  • Type.

    Swipe is weird and I don't like it.

  • Eternal struggle
  • I kinda like doing dishes. Though I do tend to leave them dirty for a bit.

    Laundry is my fucking boulder. Especially folding. Fuck laundry. Where is my folding robot?

  • blue rules don't matter
  • I'm 100% for intentionally spreading this misinformation.


  • blue rules don't matter
  • This is a meme shitpost community.

    And this specific post is intentional misinformation/satire of cop bootlickers because fuck cops and fuck the people who fly this flag.

  • Void Fitness Instructor
  • Cat pose.

  • complacency rule
  • Skill issue.

  • Sous Chef Kitty Flavoring The Butter 🧈
  • Gotta check those ingredients for quality, duh.

  • Cats With Jobs Apepi

    Even Supurrvisors have to do laundry sometimes

    Supurrvisor Roxie and her assistant Philip J.Cheesesteak are taking a break from construction to fold laundry.

    Cinnamon's weird eye spot
  • Partial heterochromia.

  • Cats With Jobs Apepi

    Inspector Smoke and Supurrvisor Roxie testing the shelves' structural integrity

    rule :(
  • And I subbed because I enjoy the stream of shitposts.

  • Rex is a cup of criminal cutie.
  • Anyone else having trouble replying to comments? I wanted to reply to some on my previous post about Rupert, but it just spends forever in loading/posting limbo until I get bored and close the tab.

  • What was so special about the Apollo app?
  • I'm guessing part of why Apollo took a spotlight was the dev being very open in how he was trying to negotiate with reddit and how spez tried to smear Apollo with lies about blackmail.

    I never used Apollo, but it's pretty clear the dev loves making it, and is very communicative with it's community. Which is great.

    The official app is hot garbage.

  • Are we doing floofs now?
  • Always floofs.

  • After my baby got neutered
  • I don't think I've ever had to cone any of my cats after a neuter. He must be a real feisty stitch chewer.

  • Arrested for vagrancy. The sentence is life.

    The kittens, Cheddar and Smoke, will be turning 4 this summer. Sadly their mother (feral) passed away last year.

    Cats With Jobs Apepi

    Supurrvisor Roxie checking the integrity of the new charging station

    Rupert was apprehended for criminal amounts of smug
  • The main cat sub is doing pretty well at least. But I'd also like to see more kitten specific posts.

  • I am new to cat photography
  • You can suggest they do things with bribes, doesn't guarentee anything.

  • I am new to cat photography
  • You can't make a cat do shit.

  • There are many orange cats in the world but Cheddar is mine
  • Stupid orange cats are the best.

  • Once upon a time Roxie was a little nugget

    They grow up so fast. Her 2nd birthday was in May.
