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anonion anonion
Posts 3
Comments 9
Satisfactory 1.0
  • Nice, I happen to be on vacation this month. Should have lots of time to build the factory

  • Amazon coupons: what's the story?
  • No downside, it's just there to incentivize people to buy the product. They give the impression of a "good deal".

  • The most popular Chinese keyboard app which is used by more than 450 million monthly users sends every key typed to Tencent in China.
  • There are some legitimate reasons to have a separate keyboard. I use Keepass2Android's keyboard to enter passwords from Keepass. This way, there's direct access to the password database instead of copying passwords/usernames/other fields to the system clipboard.

  • [PSA] SD Cards Overview
  • Now what's the difference between the 3 speeds?

  • New Futurama Trailer. What are everyone's thoughts on this?
  • I'll watch and will likely enjoy it but I don't have any expectations it'll be like older episodes

  • VPN Recommendations?
  • ProtonVPN has been solid for me. Switched to wireguard recently and have been able to completely saturate my 1gbps fiber link

  • Need some nginx magic
  • Not quite sure what your issues are but you do have to make sure websocket proxying is configured if the app uses it

    I also switched over to Caddy about a year ago. Got tired of messing around with scripts to make letsencrypt work. Caddy has a lot of good defaults so you don't have to worry about setting the right headers or any websocket configurations. Its really just as simple as specifying the hostname & the reverse_proxy directive

  • What song is currently living rent free in your head?

    For me it's Sand People by Ashes to Amber. Just can't get the chorus out of my head.

    test anonion



  • test comment

  • Testing

