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andymouse Andy Mouse

Looking for that detailed map of the Death Star.

\> It is power which corrupts. The consciousness that you possess power is itself the worst poison that corrodes the finest metal of man. (...) Because nothing is truer than that the means you use to attain your object soon themselves become your object. \-- Alexander Berkman

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If Apple complies with this, the UK government will gain access to all iCloud data globally. The only way Apple comes out of this with any integrity is to leave the UK market. If they give in to this,
  • @[email protected] I don't get this. If Apple can provide this, it wasn't encrypted to begin with and they are likely already giving the info and this is just a PR campaign to adjust the public's expectations about these things.

    If that cannot provide this, because it is encrypted with a key only the consumer can provide, then it's a moot point.

    This is why I use @[email protected] and host it myself.