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an0nym0us anon

> We are Anonymous. > We are Legion. > We do not Forgive. > We do not Forget.


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Comments 14
All play, no work.
  • Story of my life. What’s your ideal?

  • All play, no work.
  • Shooting on a #Red. 🤣

  • The Trolley Dilemma, with Conservatives
  • You never said anything but posted a picture of Trump supporters and specifically cited the figures of Trump supporters. What you’re doing by denying that you were talking about Trump, ladies and gentlemen, is called gaslighting.

  • FitGirl call for donations
  • Using my girl, Audrey to draw my attention works every time. 😍

  • The Trolley Dilemma, with Conservatives
  • That ship has sailed.

    Trump will be elected because Biden is just so laughably bad..and it appears as if he doesn’t mind probably because Democrats would honestly rather lose to Trump than piss of their billionaire oligarch owners by giving constituents even a breadcrumb. We have two parties working toward the same corporatism and a bunch of frothing tribalists preventing us from coming to grips with that fact.

    Haven’t you noticed that saying , “but Trump” allows Democrats to do WHATEVER they want. Ever since Trump appeared on the scene, Democrats have happily stopped listening to their constituents.

    I have a feeling that we’re actually on the same “side” but your brainwashing (coupled with trauma from constant online vote-shaming) prevents you from recognizing it.

  • The Trolley Dilemma, with Conservatives
  • You seeem to be able to correctly identify the problem as conservatism but have a hard time understanding that Biden is basically Reagan in almost every way other than the fact that Biden is to the right of Reagan on immigration.

  • The Trolley Dilemma, with Conservatives
  • What conversation?

    You implied that Trump will bring about the end of the world while everything will be sunshine and daisies if Biden wins (conveniently pretending that we don't have 4 years of each to objectively compare them). I posted to laugh at you and that I disagree and you simply coudn't take it and had to brigade me and call me names while not engaging me on any meaningful level. You're really not coming off as incredibly intelligent yourself.

  • The Trolley Dilemma, with Conservatives
  • You’re sitting here, characterizing BIDEN as the person who will bring us:

    a futurist utopia in which we focus on solutions that benefit all of mankind and all the other lifeforms on the planet.

    How badly have worms have infected your brain when you honestly believe that Biden will bring you ANY of those things after 4 years of his administration loudly proclaiming, “best I can do is pretend that my hands were tied in helping US citizens in ANY way whatsoever. You’re lucky that I even pretend to pander.” and using his executive orders to send BILLIONS over there to help murder brown people and getting us into 7 wars?

    You think that if Biden gets elected, he’ll suddenly create this utopia when in reality, we’ll be pretty much just as fucked as we are under a Trump presidency. These two are really only different in their rhetoric if you look at what Biden is doing at the border to appease conservatives.

  • The Mirror - A Godot fork meant to rival Roblox/UEFN just went open source
  • It’s even funnier that you’re all high and mighty while demonstrating a lack of understanding about NFT’s.

    Here’s some nuance (for those that are allergic to it): I AGREE THAT NFT’s ARE A DUMB IDEA WHEN THEY ARE USED TO SELL JPEGS. I never bought a single NFT.

    However, in crypto world, they are also TOTALLY VALID:



    • D.I.D (digital identity)

    • in thousands of other contexts where uniqueness needs to be codified

  • The Mirror - A Godot fork meant to rival Roblox/UEFN just went open source
  • Does it ever hurt your brain to be so reductive about whole industries? Many, many people in the crypto industry have been dragged kicking and screaming into the "line go up" marketing bullshit and people like you are perfectly happy to lump them all together. It makes you look like a sheep. Some people are actually in it for the tech.

    This reminds me of smug DNC cultists who will call anyone that expresses even the slightest criticism of Joe Biden a "Trump supporter" simply because they are programmed to lazily reduce the complexity of the human condition into two clear camps when in reality, the variety of positions that one can hold are infinite.

    It also stinks to high heaven of heavily propagandized people who intensely support an actual genocide against Palestine because the adults in the room told them that they will be seen as anti-semetic if they oppose it while simultaneously foaming at the mouth over the "atrocities" being committed against Ukraine (who's military is run by actual Nazis who actually admit to being anti-semetic).

    In conclusion, I highly doubt that any of your opinions were developed in your own mind. If your propaganda network supported crypto technologies tomorrow, you'd suddenly support them too.

  • The Mirror - A Godot fork meant to rival Roblox/UEFN just went open source
  • People’s sudden, blind hatred for anything to do with crypto is a great indicator of their own personal incapacity for critical thinking and a proclivity to lazily adopt the opinions of their peers.

    Crypto bad! /s

    Wait until you find out that in-game items in MMORPG’s are really just NFT’s under a less crypto-bro pseudonym!

    Perhaps you should boycott all online video games entirely because they’re all technically using crypto bro concepts like NFT’s to represent in-game items.

  • [Analysis] AOC's questions years ago helped spark the investigation into Trump's business. Now, he's been ordered to pay $355 million.
  • I'm 47 years old. I have a Master's degree in software engineering and I have been homeless as of last year when I was priced out of existing anywhere but my 23 year old hatchback. I must be one of those outliers, huh? I must be an inconventient victim of neolberalism that could never happen to you.

    I am much further along in my realization that electorialism is dead. There is not one person in the entire US government that can turn this around. It is too far gone. I'm sure that, if you were in my place, you already have come to realise how bleak things are. Stop being so smug and marginalizing those of us that are paying attention just because you fear being awakened from your privledged lifestyle. Electoralism isn't going to magically fix this shithole. Things need far more of a reset than voting will EVER accomplish.

    Let me guess, you want me to get out and vote for Biden?

  • [Analysis] AOC's questions years ago helped spark the investigation into Trump's business. Now, he's been ordered to pay $355 million.
  • Do me a favor and slap your future self upside the head in the all but certain future where she’s sitting in the Oval Office, committing extrajudicial drone murders, and bypassing Congress to send $300 billion to Israel one day.

    And please don’t say I didn’t warn you.

  • [Analysis] AOC's questions years ago helped spark the investigation into Trump's business. Now, he's been ordered to pay $355 million.
  • In the weeks leading up to her election:

    what is happening in Palestine is a massacre

    After election:

    MH: You, in the campaign, made one tweet, or made one statement, that referred to a killing by Israeli soldiers of civilians in Gaza and called it a “massacre,” which became a little bit controversial. But I haven’t seen anywhere — what is your position on Israel?

    AOC: Well, I believe absolutely in Israel’s right to exist. I am a proponent of a two-state solution. And for me, it’s not — this is not a referendum, I think, on the state of Israel. For me, the lens through which I saw this incident, as an activist, as an organizer, if sixty people were killed in Ferguson, Missouri, if sixty people were killed in the South Bronx — unarmed — if sixty people were killed in Puerto Rico — I just looked at that incident more through . . . through just, as an incident, and to me, it would just be completely unacceptable if that happened on our shores. But I am —

    MH: Of course the dynamic there in terms of geopolitics —

    AOC: Of course.

    MH: And the war in the Middle East is very different than people expressing their First Amendment right to protest.

    AOC: Well, yes. But I also think that what people are starting to see at least in the occupation of Palestine is just an increasing crisis of humanitarian condition, and that to me is just where I tend to come from on this issue.

    MH: You use the term “the occupation of Palestine”? What did you mean by that?

    AOC: Oh, um [pause] I think it, what I meant is the settlements that are increasing in some of these areas and places where Palestinians are experiencing difficulty in access to their housing and homes.

    MH: Do you think you can expand on that?

    AOC: Yeah, I mean, I think I’d also just [waves hands and laughs] I am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue. You know, for me, I’m a firm believer in finding a two-state solution on this issue, and I’m happy to sit down with leaders on both of these. For me, I just look at things through a human rights lens, and I may not use the right words [laughs] I know this is a very intense issue.

    MH: That’s very honest, that’s very honest. It’s very honest, and when, you, you know, get to Washington and you’re an elected member of Congress you’ll have the opportunity to talk to people on all sides and visit Israel and visit the West Bank and —

    AOC: Absolutely, absolutely. And I think that that’s one of those things that’s important too is that, you know, especially with the district that I represent — I come from the South Bronx, I come from a Puerto Rican background, and Middle Eastern politics was not exactly at my kitchen table every night. But, I also recognize that this is an intensely important issue for people in my district, for Americans across the country, and I think what’s at least important to communicate is that I’m willing to listen and that I’m willing to learn and evolve on this issue like I think many Americans are.

    Toast from day one.

  • [Analysis] AOC's questions years ago helped spark the investigation into Trump's business. Now, he's been ordered to pay $355 million.
  • Analysis: AOC is being groomed by corrupt DNC insiders and think tanks as the next Obama.

  • Bernie Sanders talks about the dysfunctional healthcare system on Late Night with Seth Meyers
  • Do you not realize that other people can see you gaslighting me here?

    For those that actually give a shit, look it up. I never gave the DNC my mailing nor email address but they have it. The only time I ever used my real email address in any political campaign was when I DONATED TO THE SANDERS CAMPAIGN IN 2016 and 2020.

    That is textbook sheepdog bullshit. Your username has become synonymous with shitlib gaslighting. Maybe shut your mouth.