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Furthest Right: raging realism plus transcendental reverence. I write at and about topics such as nihilism, ecofascism, paganism, eugenics, capitalism, perennialism, conservatism, natural selection, and of course death metal.

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Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    Lots of people realize that a mono-ethnic society is a necessary but not sufficient condition for survival, even some Leftists.

    I cannot speak for the opinions of others.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    Also, remove civil rights law and an ethnostate will form naturally.

    We are trying to limit any extremes that might occur in order to save lives.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    Saying "conservatives" is often difficult because conservatism is a big tent of realists to varying degrees.

    Evangelical Christians certainly care about abortion a lot. The Social Darwinists want it cheap, legal, and easily accessed however.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    On the contrary, conservatives were always here. We just had to take a name after Leftism so people did not think we supported the "new way."

    I don't think conservatives and fascists make natural allies. Conservatives and conservatives make natural allies. You cannot trust the radical big state people.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    Absolutely, and every other nation as well, since it is the best way and I wish them well.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    Also, wanting something other than the revolutionary order is not opposition.

    It's a choice for an alternative.

    Ordinary people recognize that, but ideologues do not.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    Conservatism existed before Leftism. Any borrowing is the other way.

    Leftism is inherently revolutionary. You recall the origins of the term?

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @wintermute_oregon @LookBehindYouNowAndThen

    Slavery sucked because it was diversity.

    It was also cruel and pointless, since it was low quality labor.

    The solution is ending diversity.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    I disagree. Conservatives naturally favor organic methods like common law, free markets, culture, and hierarchy.

    As far as work to the same ends, I think you have it backwards. Fascism is a hybrid. It borrows some goals and methods from both Left and Right.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @wintermute_oregon @glimse

    Remember the articles of confederation.

    Federalism has always been a tricky balance.

    We are the United States, not United Citizens.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    The most conservative society:

    * Absolute monarchy
    * Ethno-nationalist
    * Free market based
    * Caste system
    * Culture/religion united

    Like anything else, there are degrees of conservatism.

    Some conservatives, like GWB, are barely conservative.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    Fascists still believe in the State; conservatives are free market devotees but ambivalent if not hostile to the State.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    As to what conservatism is, I write about that a lot:

    It is a focus on order beyond the individual and the social group; we call it realism, and it tends to favor historically-proven results and a case-by-case basis instead of ideological categorical containers.

    About ten thousand people in North America can successfully parse that sentence.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @Zombiepirate

    Fascists are hybrids. Fascism is corporatism, i.e. state control through corporations.

    What does my profile say?

    "Furthest Right: raging realism plus transcendental reverence. I write at and about topics such as nihilism, ecofascism, paganism, eugenics, capitalism, perennialism, conservatism, natural selection, and of course death metal."

    Ecofascism is a separate movement. You read your Linkola and Kaczynski?

    Full readout here:

    Lincoln was a radical. He, too, was a hybrid, in that he came from the Anglo tradition but was outside of it as a "radical."

    He was a progressive of his age. He was closer to Marx than Washington.

  • Polling guru Nate Silver predicts Trump has 64% chance of winning the Electoral College in latest forecast
  • @LookBehindYouNowAndThen @wintermute_oregon

    By definition, the Radical Republicans were progressives.

    Back then it had a lot more to do with industry than Communism.