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alottachairs Nooch

I am here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum.

Posts 5
Comments 27

4 for the price of 3 😎

My spouse loves these "ultimate" gardien chikun patties. And I beat the system by getting 4 in the bag. Not sure if this is appropriate to post here though, let me know if its not!


Android Developer community

Hello! I've been a hobbyist programmer for a couple years, and now I want to turn this hobby into my day job. I find Android a fascinating platform so I've started my learning path. Google search, pointed me to google developer codelabs, and they pretty fun!

However, I'm getting a little stuck, and am looking for a community of android developers. I'm avoiding Twitter and Reddit at all costs, but a lot of resources have pointed me there, any other places I should check out, or learning resources other then Google themselves? For context, I'm learning Jetpack compose with Kotlin and Android Studio.

Sometimes I feel like I'm being mean when I pick on my nonvegan friends. - SLRPNK
  • You can not, and should not, strive to change people. People can only change themselves. I think what you add here is spot on, people want to mimic those they admire, so the best we can do is be a positive example. Of course, speak the truth, we must be kind and accountable. The result will also lead you to being the best version of yourself, so its a win for us too.

  • Making a Lemmy App for Fun
  • I too am learning Compose! My experience is just messing around with python for a year so Ive got a lot to learn. Can you suggest resources that could be helpful for a self learner? I'm currently going through google codelabs. Maybe i can contribute to your project when im skilled up!

  • cheers to that

  • Study in mice links heat-damaged DNA in food to possible genetic risks
  • Seems potatos were less a risk cooked at high temperatures. more reason to be vegan for me! lol. Also, if you want to eat a raw food diet (not me) - much safer to keep it vegan and not eat raw meat lol. I dont agree that everyone can easily meet a balanced diet eating nothing but raw foods. I need beans! you'll never take my beans away from me

  • A San Francisco library is turning off Wi-Fi at night to keep people without housing from using it
  • getting a "protect my property value" vibes from this policy. Governing systems should focus first on lifting up our most vulnerable, and people selling houses just isnt it.

  • Share zoomed in pictures of your pet!
  • It's an honor to get your reply Senator

  • Tofu Korma
  • Looks Great! I love anything Tofu! The Cream, could use a coconut cream and then the dish is Vegan right? I want to try but would make that substitution

  • new Beehaw community icons!
  • Noticed them immediately! I love yellow accents on things, and fits right into the bee theme being a hexagon (bestagon) and all.

  • What are some fun projects I can use to teach myself Rust?
  • Yes! An example: I needed to start a journal to write my thoughts, therapist's orders. Also wanted to learn kivy and write a basic app for android. So I wrote a little journal app for myself to make me want to journal, and i learned the basics of kivy framework! Sorry its not a rust example

  • What is the best game engine/framework for a absolute beginner to learn?
  • I will second this. I really enjoyed learning core game dev concepts using pygame and Ursina engine for small 3d projects.

  • Reddit experimenting with blocking mobile browsers
  • Sure I had fun, but was it good for people? Communities of people did good things, not Reddit. Reddit was a great source for hate speech, propaganda, and ads. People did their best to be good in spite of the noise.

    Reddit needs to die. People will find each other again, we always do.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yay climate change?

  • It’s WIP Wednesday! What’re you working on right now?
  • Awesome project! Made me think of this arrangement for solo guitar I hope to play someday!

  • Apollo for Reddit is shutting down
  • I'll use rif until the last day, but i've been spending much more of that time on reddit here, and less time on social media in general.

    I'm honestly, sad for the developers who can no longer afford to keep their passion projects going, that's awful and fuck reddit for that. But personally, this is such a positive change I need in my life as a consumer of social media.

  • What are some communities that aren't here yet that you hope to see in the future?
  • Well, come to think of it. I guess we are making it right now. Just being here and being kind to what people share, and enjoying the moment of conversation.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • 50,000 years from now:

    ** "According to Berger and Loutre (2002), the current interglacial period will end,[25] sending the Earth back into a glacial period of the current ice age, regardless of the effects of anthropogenic global warming."**

    This is a batshit insane wikipedia article.

    edit: and i mean that in a positive way

  • What are some communities that aren't here yet that you hope to see in the future?
  • Something social, and positive. Like r/roastme had a opposite one called r/toastme. Rather then burn and roast OP, you gave them compliments. It was a positive thing to see.

  • happy to bee here
  • I would never give Reddit a penny, but I will donate to an actual positive social media outlet really quick if it helps keep it afloat and growing.

  • Anybody else use Zorin?
  • Have not tried Mint, but I've only heard nice things about it. Debian based is based.

  • Vegan Waffle Chickn Sammy

    Gardien Chikn patty, Avocado salsa, Daiya shreds, on homemade waffles (soy milk, flax seed)


    Anybody else use Zorin? Zorin OS - Make your computer better.

    Discover the alternative to Windows and macOS designed to make your computer faster, more powerful, secure, and privacy-respecting.

    Zorin OS - Make your computer better.

    It's very simple, and just works out of the gate well. It's ubuntu without the spyware. I'm sure there are many other distros similar, what linux distro do you like?



    Hello Beehaw! This is River, He is going to be 9 (human) years.
