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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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on the monero circular economy
  • This is cool, i'll check it out. Are there any initiatives to somehow make a charity with Monero that gives directly to homeless people? That can be a great start to rebuilding the privacy coin narrative.

  • on the monero circular economy
  • Not perfect, but leagues ahead of Monero which has zero L2 and zero roadmap for an L2.

    We’ll get there when we get there. Adoption is gradual. We don’t expect to see Visa level transactions overnight. And as adoption increases steadily, we can increase the capacity and infrastructure of the base layer steadily. The only real reason why Bitcoin needed an L2 was because ya’ll shot yourselves in the foot with the 1mb blocksize.

  • on the monero circular economy
  • You can’t just keep increasing the block size. More block size = bigger blocks = more bandwidth and disk space to host a full node. It’s why the majority of Eth’s nodes are now hosted in one of like three corporate datacenter providers

    A liberal estimate for storing all the volume of Visa transactions is like 50-70TB per year. It's a nice weekend project for a fledgling data hoarder. It's funny to hear bitcoiners getting scared that blockspace is somehow "limited" and that the blockchain will be in datacenters. Clearly ya'll haven't tried to self-host a jellyfin/plex server and sailed the high seas. Storage is trivial. Also, ethereum got NFTs and smart contracts and shit on its blockchain, that's why it's so bloated. It's an unfair comparison.

    Sure, disks keep getting bigger and more affordable but big pipes to move that much data haven’t kept up at the same pace

    Wouldn't need big pipes if there's a decentralized network of data hoarders running nodes ready to share the load, would we?

    Not perfect, but leagues ahead of Monero which has zero L2 and zero roadmap for an L2.

    We'll get there when we get there.

  • on the monero circular economy
  • So if Monero wants to be a significant player on par with Bitcoin and have a circular economy, it will need to step up to the plate in a major way, and it needs to do that before Bitcoin implements privacy upgrades that place it at feature parity with Monero, which is imo only a matter of time since those folks tend to be pretty pro privacy

    Overall, not convinced of your argument for a L2 in Monero to be able to be on par with Bitcoin. In fact, I believe that the bitcoin community fell for the layer 2 trap. That high transaction fees on the base layer due to the 1mb blocksize can be solved by a Layer 2, and calling lightning a success is a stretch. It still needs to interact with the base layer to open channels, and your base layer is fucked.

  • on the monero circular economy
  • Meanwhile over on Bitcoin’s side, they continue to add more functionality to their chain with a massive dev pool in terms of talent and funding

    Very talented, such as deciding to keep a 1mb block size to prevent DDOS attacks in 2010, and refusing to budge even as the entire community begged them to increase because of high transaction fees. Oozing with talent and ingenuity.

  • on the monero circular economy
  • Hire a data hoarder to host a full node. A 16 tb hard drive will last you a couple years as a monero node if monero takes off, if not a decade, until you need to upgrade. It's not that hard to create >20, >30tb NAS, with some more room to upgrade. I have a 16tb one myself to store movie files. Nodes are run by hobbyists nowadays anyways. Disk space and bandwidth is cheap and getting cheaper. Decentralization is just another buzzword: nodes will be run by a decentralized network of very motivated, anonymous data hoarders.

  • Can we have a "Monero Standard" written by someone that knows how to write
  • I haven’t read much of the “monero standard”. I found the writing style abhorrent.

    If i were to write one, I’m thinking more of a general history of crypto and bitcoin, why crypto has value, and how privacy and fungibility is important in a crypto. In the middle maybe giving a practical guide on privacy, advocating to leave a small digital footprint, and using software like tor, i2p, and VPN’s, maybe even a capstone, a guide on how to torrent without getting letters from lowlife lawyers.

    Maybe in the later chapters, an account of the impact of monero in the world, some stats on its adoption in darknet markets, how to buy monero, arguments why monero isn’t a crypto for criminals, and possible uses of it that can improve society.

    It’ll be a book targeted at the layman trying to understand the crypto side of the internet, not just monero.

  • Can we have a "Monero Standard" written by someone that knows how to write Proton Drive

    Securely store, share, and access your important files and photos. Anytime, anywhere.

    Proton Drive

    No shade at the person Michael Fitzgerald (or Stoic.xmr). He's probably a good person

    But clearly a better quality book with the same name can be written by a person that understands that the average paragraph contains at least three or four sentences. I can write one. I've never written a book before, but fuck it.

    What topics would you like to be included in a book titled "Monero Standard"?


    on the monero circular economy

    The monero community is building a lot of infrastructure to build a circular economy, and there is a lot of recent developments in that regard, such as xmrbazaar which is a sort of ebay and the sellers accepts monero. This is great. However, how can we penetrate markets outside of the monero economy? I fear that Monero still has the "dangerous hacker crypto which funds terrorism and north korea" reputation, and although while not true, could severely pause monero adoption and hurt us as a community as a whole.

    We as a community value privacy, but i feel like we need to work together as a community to forge an alternative to the mainstream narrative about privacy coins. I'm thinking something revolutionarily positive, at least in the USA, such as making a charity that gives directly to homeless people, or setting up a decentralized network of people that work together to distribute life saving drugs for cheap (because drug prices are really fricking high here). Privacy coins tend to attract privacy minded people, and privacy minded people won't even touch twitter with a 10 foot pole because of all the injected ads and the tracking, and i respect that. But, one of these days we gotta do something big to break the mainstream narrative.

    I personally am locked in, I have a girlfriend and two pets and a full time job, but for those that have less to lose and more time and resources to spare for the cause, i say let's fking do it. Anything, man. Let's change society with this thing.

    Could offline physical piracy be good to games?
  • I'm not talking about paying for USB's; there's definitely an inherent risk to that if you don't know where the source is. It could work within groups of close friends. I'm talking about downloading and paying for a game directly from the person/group that cracked it and through their site. I think OP is trying to make a financial incentive for cracking to exist in the future.

  • Could offline physical piracy be good to games?
  • I would unironically pay up to 50% of the worth of a AAA game (maybe through crypto, Monero would be a perfect usecase for this) to to a cracker to download a non-DRM game from them than to pay the full amount to the studio.

    Adding DRM makes no sense. People might be incentivized to pay and download directly from the cracker’s site (lets say, fitgirlrepacks) than from torrent reuploads that might contain malware. That might be where the profit incentives come in to entice crackers to do their valuable work.

  • Could offline physical piracy be good to games?
  • Cool, a fellow i2p enthusiast! We really should transfer or at least offload existing piracy infrastructure to i2p. I’m gonna keep shilling i2p as well haha. By then, piracy will be nigh unstoppable. I dream of the time when pirates rule the high seas once more.

  • Anybody know why Anna's Archive is torrents only and not IPFS?
  • Funny how Web3 promised a more decentralized internet but shits themselves when pirated books are shared. Like, do you want freedom of information or not. It confirms that web3 is just another big tech buzzword.

  • I cringe, you cringe, we cringe together | Saylor’s 21 rules for Bitcoin Michael Saylor — 21 Rules of Bitcoin (BTC Prague 2024 Keynote)

    “I didn't label it The 21 Rules of Bitcoin, because everybody's got their rules, and I'm not so presumptuous to think that I know The 21 Rules, but I have my 21 rules, and I'm delighted to share them with you today.” Save the date of BTC Prague 2025: 🗓️ June 19—21, 2025 You can't miss that! 🎟️ ...

    Michael Saylor — 21 Rules of Bitcoin (BTC Prague 2024 Keynote)

    Monero as a Digital Offshore Bank Account

    I've been contemplating about Monero's place in society. If Bitcoin is (debatable) "Digital Gold" then Monero is a non-custodial Digital Offshore Bank Account.

    There has never been a point in history when there's been a means to hide your wealth perfectly. The possiblities are endless (i've also drank too much coffee this morning). It is a way to break free from the chains of debt.

    Struggling to pay off your medical debt? Hide all your money in Monero, tell the banks to screw themselves, declare bankruptcy, and rebuild your credit score after the dust settles. Too much student loan debt and afraid they'll come after your money after you default? Hide your money in Monero and tell those vultures in Sally Mae to fuck off. (I skipped a couple steps and important details here and there)

    Credit card debt? Chapter 7 their asses and they can't touch your money when it's protected by ring signatures lmao get fucked.

    Of course, you still have to protect your assets such as your house. I haven't tried these strategies out yet, as I still haven't been forced to the brink with my finances. But when the time comes, instead of waiting for the government to implement more robust social safety nets, Monero can protect the wealth I have rightfully earned through my labor.

    Personally, my father is getting crushed by credit card debt. I think he's paid more interest than the principal amount to those lowlife banker scumbags. Fortunately he's able to survive, but he could be in a better place.

    Any other scenarios where people can adopt an adversarial strategy against the system? More ways out for people suffering as an economic debt slave? I would like to see a "guide" for this too, a way to more perfectly say fuck you to debt collectors.


    Concerned about my friend who’s a Bitcoin maxi

    I’m posting this on the Monero sub because ya’ll are chill, the BTC community are occasionally peppered with nuts

    My friend who’s a Bitcoin maxi has took all his savings and put it in bitcoin, i believe 10k USD more or less. He’s very (almost religiously) certain that bitcoin will skyrocket. I talk, debate and question his beliefs for weeks now, trying to take a nonjudgmental stance (although sometimes i falter), and there are three pieces of “evidence” that he believes Bitcoin will eventually 100k or even 1M

    1. The bitcoin standard by Saifadean Ammous, a watered down textbook on Austrian economics that I’ve been reading recently actually.

    2. The “Power Law”, basically a regression analysis on Bitcoin’s historic price and adoption, mainly esposed by this dude (here’s a youtube vid

    3. The “Energy Hypothesis” of bitcoin, he thinks that bitcoin will allow society to capture excess energy generation and make it profitable through mining bitcoin

    I’ve reviewed these and think it’s flimsy at best. It is under my belief that a store of value can only be feasible when either it is a medium of exchange or if it is backed by something (like fiat paper money, for example) that allows it to be an efficient medium of exchange, none of which applied to bitcoin right now.

    I even try to suggest him books like Roger Ver’s Hijacking Bitcoin (that I converted from epub to pdf just for him) and he wouldn’t read it because “Ver’s a scammer and got fooled by BCH”. Although I really just think it’s heavy confirmation bias, Ver is indisputably a knowledgeable source for bitcoin (he was an early adopter, he’s “Bitcoin Jesus” for god’s sake, and has a lot of knowledge of the economics behind bitcoin given that he’s a businessman who’s built his businesses on top of bitcoin). Hijacking Bitcoin is an excellent book btw go check out the pdf I posted it a while ago on this sub

    I’m just looking for advice on how to proceed. It was fun debating and dunking on him but at this point i’m just worried that the bitcoin bubble will burst and he’d lose his savings.

    It’s one of those occasions where I kinda don’t want to be right in the debate


    PSA: when getting monero from a centralized exchange, ALWAYS withdraw your funds to your non-custodial wallet when you can

    Unless you enjoy holding paper monero, and letting centralized exchanges get away with fractional reserves, always withdraw your crypto!


    Hey guys can you turn the monero price down just a little bit

    I’m tryna buy more monero bro just dip it just a tad. Just a touch.

    Snakes aldalire

    New rabbit hole: snek evolutionary biology An Evolutionary 'Big Bang' Explains Why Snakes Come in So Many Strange Varieties

    Snakes saw a burst of adaptation about 128 million years ago that led to them exploding in diversity and evolving up to three times faster than lizards

    An Evolutionary 'Big Bang' Explains Why Snakes Come in So Many Strange Varieties

    Any reading recommendations to plunge further into this new rabbit hole? 🤔


    On the math of the inflationary effects of tail emission Surprisingly, Tail Emission Is Not Inflationary

    At present, all notable proof-of-work currencies reward miners with both a blockreward, and transaction fees. With most currencies (including Bitcoin) phasin...

    I stumbled across this short and well-written blog from this very unhinged reddit argument:

    I took a physics course and I immediately recognized the differential equation listed in the blog post. The differential equation (and therefore its solution) looks exactly the same as the velocity of an object in freefall where there's drag that's proportional to the objects speed (I.E. basically it's terminal velocity. You can't accelerate forever under freefall in an atmosphere).

    In physics, you can feel this yourself. When you're a passenger in a slow moving car, putting your hand out of the window you'll notice some slight force. But when you're in the freeway, putting your hand out is like arm wrestling the air. The drag is proportional to the velocity

    The blog post argues that the circulating supply of Monero is asymptotically constant (more specifically, the ratio of the rate of increase of the Monero supply divided by the rate of Monero being lost from the Monero supply)

    Now there's a LOT of assumptions hidden under the differential equation. A diff eq only really makes sense in predicting something when the assumptions are checked. There are two assumptions:

    1. The rate at which Monero increases is constant

    2. The rate at which Monero is lost (from lost wallets, boating accidents, savings accounts) is proportional to the amount of Monero in the system.

    1 seems solid: it's 0.6 per block. Assumption 2 however is a bit confusing? I expect the amount of Monero being lost from the money supply proportional to the adoption of Monero. Monero adoption can be loosely proportional to the amount of Monero in the supply, given that Monero adoption is linear over time, but that is a big assumption.

    I have, however, found an explanation for the tail emission of Monero that I found to be more compelling. Overall, let's say, worst case scenario, that nobody loses and nobody saves their Monero, and that monero whill increase a fixed amount per year with no decrease in the money supply. For the sake of simplicity, let's say there's 100 Monero in supply, and every year 10 Monero gets added into the supply. Then,

    100 -> 110: 10% increase

    In the second year, it goes from 110 to 120, which amounts to a:

    110 -> 120: 9.1% increase

    120 -> 130: 8% increase

    Notice that every year, the rate at which your Monero inflates decreases asymptotically. After the 20th year, there's 300 Monero in supply, and on the 21nd year that's a 5% increase, so on and so forth.

    So, the rate of inflation goes to zero. That doesn't mean that Monero has an asymptotically fixed supply, it just means that eventually there'd be enough Monero floating around where adding 0.6 per block wouldn't make a huge dent to the money supply and purely serves to incentivize mining without the exorbitant transaction fees seen in Bitcoin.

    I'm no economist, I studied Math. But I studied enough Math to know when a diff eq doesn't really hold up in an argument. In reality, coins DO get lost, and at what rate who knows? (especially in an obfuscated blockchain only God knows) Overall, my take is that people are really hyperfixating on the fact that Monero has a constant inflation of its money supply, but the real problem economically is unpredictable and large changes in money supply over short periods of time (IE gov't bailing out banks, printing money during a famine, etc)

    What you think??


    Good explanation of mining in a pool from reddit

    Posting this mainly because I hate how shit reddit has become and it's a good thing we're migrating here. Some good information is stuck there, however.

    The original question: Can anyone explain "shares"¿ does pool operator know that I really tried to mine the coin

    Answer, from reddit user _nak: Sure. I'll make sure to prime you on the basics and then it'll fall into place.

    We need to be aware what a block is: A block is a list of transactions paired with a hash. That hash is calculated based on the byte value of those transactions, plus some additional "stuff" the miner throws in there. One of the reason there is additional "stuff" in there, is because a hashing function will always generate the same output for the same input, so if there were only one transaction and you couldn't put additional stuff, you could only generate one hash and there would be no mining going on. Now what that stuff is, is largely dependent on the miner. Everyone throws random garbage together with the transaction data into their hashing function and looks at the so called quality of the resulting hash. This quality needs to be above the so called difficulty. If your hash is high enough in quality, you broadcast it to the network and every node validates it, then puts those transactions, the stuff and the hash together as the new block.

    That's the basics right there. Now we'll look at stuff. If you're mining on a pool, then that stuff is only partially controlled by you. In fact, even the transactions that get put into your attempt of making a block is dictated to you by the pool. That's the so called block template. A pool sends you the template, containing a bunch of transactions and part of the stuff, you then add the rest of the stuff to your liking and run your hashing function.

    Now you will almost never find a hash of high enough quality so that you can make the next block, but all your hashes can still be verified in the sense that anyone can look at your chosen transactions, your stuff and your hash and validate that the latter is a result of hashing the former. So you can prove that you did work. That's where the name comes from, by the way, Proof of Work. We'll call low-quality hashes "block attempts" for convenience.

    Obviously if you would send all of your block attempts to the pool and they could then validate it and know that you did hash it, but the issue is that validating it means repeating the hashing, so they would have to do all your work again - useless. The good thing is just that we can look at the quality of your block attempt and estimate how many hashes you had to try to get a block attempt of this specific quality.

    Quick example: If I tell you to roll a die until you get a 6, I know that it will take you, on average, roughly six attempts to do so. So if you show me the result of your latest roll and it's a 6, I can reasonably assume that you rolled that die six times. That means that you only need to show a pool a couple of hashes for the pool to know how many hashes you calculated in total. What hashes you show to the pool depends on the custom difficulty. On some pools it's 100k, on others it's "vardiff" and adjusts with your hash rate, but the idea is that the pool only needs to repeat a tiny fraction of your work to validate all of it.

    So, a share is a block attempt with high enough quality to satisfy what you and the pool agreed on, but it's not high quality enough to become a block - most of the time; and if it is, the payout goes into the pool's wallet, because they gave you the template, remember?, and named themself the recipient in it. So the pool gets the funds and the pool knows how many hashes everyone contributed and pays everyone accordingly. Or runs of with the funds because nobody can force them to pay you.

    If you want me to explain p2pool shares and how that avoids pool operators from running off with your money, but still make sure that no miner can run off with a block they found, let me know. It's similar in terminology, but works quite differently. I just don't want to add another four paragraphs to this looooong comment without the need for it.

    Edit: p2pool explanation

    The most important difference is that p2pool is not in control of the block template. That means that the miner has full control over what transactions to include and what stuff to throw in the mix, so the "pool operator" is not getting the block reward send to his wallet. Now, with full control over the block template, how does p2pool make sure that all miners don't just pretend to be mining on p2pool, sending the failed block attempts to the pool and broadcasting their successfully found blocks to the network? Because in order for their failed block attempts to count for p2pool and be put into the PPLNS window, their block attempt needs to include every single miner that currently has a share in the window. And since you can't change a block attempt after it has been hashed, and the recipients of the reward must be included in the transactions before it's hashed, p2pool and everyone on it can immediately see if you tried to scam them and will decline any block that either doesn't list everyone in the PPLNS window or where the hash doesn't match the block. Now, why does that work, exactly? Because of how the so called coinbase transaction works. (Note that it's a technical term and not related to the exchange). The coinbase transaction is a special transaction included in every block that comes with no sender and the miner can write his own address as the recipient. That's how XMR is generated, that's where the reward comes from. A solo miner would put his own address, a pool miner would be forced through the template to put the pool operator's address and on p2pool? XMR allows multiple recipients per transaction, and that includes the coinbase transaction, so a p2pool miner writes everyone with a share in the window into the coinbase transaction before hashing. So, once the block is hashed, everyone gets paid by the blockchain itself, nobody can run away with the funds. And as to shares, they're similar to any other pool, except that it's publicly being kept track of, instead of being stored privately by the pool operator, and that keeping track happens with the side chains: p2pool, p2pool mini or an side chain set up by anyone who wants to. Now, the PPLNS share window of 2160 shares is nothing but the latest 2160 blocks on the side chain and that's how everyone knows whom to include. And the p2pool side chains behave just like other blockchains, distributed ledger, difficulty increases as network hash rate increases and vice versa, the only real difference is that the side chain itself cannot generate XMR (only the main chain can) and that transactions included in a side chain block neither move funds, nor are they removed from the global transaction pool*, because only transactions that make it into a main chain block are actually being carried out by the main network. Honestly, it's so simple and elegant I can't get over it. When I learned about all this, I kept going "oh, of COURSE", because it just makes so much sense. *transaction pool being the technical term for where your transactions go before they are mined into a block. It's part of the protocol and just unfortunately also called "pool", just as mining pools are.


    My experience with Monero

    I first got introduced to Monero by Mental Outlaw's videos by around late 2022. I actually first mined monero before having owned any (which is a weird flex but ok) and I must say the lack of overpowered ASICS encouraged me greatly to try to start mining. I would hate mining bitcoin on my old laptops because it's futile against machines literally built and engineered to optimize mining. I knew I'd have a fair shot at making some pennies mining monero. And my only real competition are botnets. In the end I got around 50 cents worth of monero through mining!

    Although, I would love to figure out a way to make mining more profitable. Has anyone figured out a way for beginners to optimize hash rate for XMR? I have also heard about merge-mining.

    As far as using and obtaining monero, I bought Monero through Kraken. Don't use the regular kraken site, because they'll charge you higher (i believe it's like 2%) fees. Go instead to, The interface looks a lot more complicated. Figure it out and make a market order, you'll get significantly lower fees (at around 0.5%). Or maybe even better, make a limit order, set the price you want to buy monero at like 2-3 dollars cheaper, and take advantage of monero's volatility RNG :) Monero was bullish for the past couple days, though, so i was like fuck it i'll make a market order i don't care gimme my freedom cash. Also, it takes 1-2 days to withdraw your monero from kraken. Also,


    privacy wise, i think multiple small withdrawals gives you plausible deniability that you were just transacting with monero, and not holding it all, for tax reasons. Besides, you SHOULD only ever transact with monero from your non-custodial wallet (aka, from your wallet app) to ensure you are getting the privacy benefits of monero. Transacting with monero from Kraken is stupid, since they can just associate the transaction address you gave them (if your bakery advertises "pay at <address1>" then if kraken sees a <address1> transaction they know you're paying the crypto bakery). So, get your freedom cash earlier rather than later \_\. Also, make a new receive address and sending your kraken monero through that

    (As an alternative to the adage buy low, sell high,) Buy monero when monero is low, transact with monero when monero is high. Seriously. I bought so much cool shit with this currency. Lemme list them to you.

    1. Anonymous ukraine phone number through which you access through a proton mail account which they provide provide for you (change the passwords on those things)

    2. Amazon delivery from

    3. Domain name from

    4. Monero hoodie from [still haven't received it]

    I've also became an executor from Monezon. It's kinda fun to handle people's amazon orders and you get some non-kyc monero.

    Overall, 10/10 community. Love this vision of a more free internet, and, eventually, free world.


    Venti Water from Starbucks

    Best item in Starbucks! Completely free and 100% organic and natural! Nothing else is worth getting in my opinion.


    Squid pizza

    Please donate moneys to the communist cause for giving me more squid pizzas

    XMR: 87QzevaAWiUUiwgpCSJ1hFe1j9NbdZhZuBToCsabwLfsYk8s1TU3Fja4XdWwYFgnaEUVoe8Xmfr4Q4VF3L6XqcQ2TcTDfJL


    How to end-to-end encrypt your iCloud

    Apparently Apple can end-to-end encrypt your iCloud, but it’s opt in because they still want to profit off your data >_<

    To enable this, go to Settings -> iCloud -> Advanced Data Protection

    You need to have all the devices under your apple account to be fully updated, and you’ll need to remember a 28-key passphrase for recovery

    I hate how big tech treats privacy as an afterthought. This should have been the default. But oh well. Spread the world people.


    Gentoo wiki appreciation post

    Hello :)

    I just finished my first arch install I wanted to set my sights on something more challenging. So, I booted a live image with QEMU Virtmanager to try out gentoo, and after reading the wiki I thought to myself “man i should have started with gentoo”

    The arch wiki is good in its own right, but as a beginner i felt really confused and overwhelmed. I felt like I had to google terms just to catch up. The gentoo wiki, however, is really good at explaining concepts and the overview of the technology. When the Arch wiki just says “use mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2” or something the gentoo wiki actually explains what sda, sdb, etc and ext4 means. I sort of learned it the hard way with arch, but i learn and understand lot more from the gentoo wiki. I love that it explains partition tables, filesystems, heck it even explains what is an IP in the networking section. Making a gentoo system and reading the wiki is basically an interactive computer science course lmao

    So, thank you gentoo wiki :)


    The only two privacy firefox extensions you'll only ever need

    I believe that the only two privacy extensions you really need to meet 90% of your privacy goals are uBlock origin + NoScript

    uBlock origin is effective because it stops the injection of ads which might contain and inject code. NoScript forces you to look at which scripts you really need for the website to function. Say you visit a trusted site, like your lemmy instance, then you can enable running of javascript by default the next time you visit the site. You'll be surprised how functional some sites are even without javascript. I did not like the idea of browsers having Javascript: it's remote code execution and if there's anything malicious in there and your browser is not patched against it you're fucked. This way yeah it'll be annoying when you first visit a site but it remembers your settings for the next time you visit.


    Legit or no?

    When I was configuring my searxng I noticed a search engine that piqued my interest. Link:

    From their about page:

    >Here's how it works.

    >We offer an unbiased, private search experience that rewards and compensates the makers behind the content. To do this, we use a 90/10 revenue share business model where we pay 90% of advertising revenue directly to these makers.

    >Simply put, when you use Yep, you’re directly putting money in the pockets of your favorite content creators.


    Beginner's Eratosthenes' Sieve in Lisp!


    I've been obsessing about the lisp language recently. I've been in the periphery with learning about Haskell and functional programming. I have actually kind of avoided learning lisp because of its "ugly" syntax at face-value, despite being raised by Emacs as my first (true) editor. I woke up one day and decided enough was enough, i'm gonna learn lisp and gain a deeper understanding of Emacs and also programming. And dear god was it so worth it.

    Just today I coded this function for Eratosthenes' sieve, and I had so much fun coding it! I like to go through Project Euler's archived problems when starting off with a new language because it really forces me to interact with the code rather than passively reading a programming book (I'm reading Land of Lisp, it's so unhinged I love it)

    ```lisp (defun range (start end) (if (< start end) (cons start (range (1+ start) end))))

    ;; Checks if d is a factor of n (defun factorofp (d n) (zerop (rem n d)))

    ;; Sieve in lisp?? (defun sieve (n) (let ((primes (range 2 n)) (curprime 2)) (maplist (lambda (tail) (delete-if (lambda (n) (factorofp curprime n)) (cdr tail)) (setf curprime (cadr tail))) primes) primes))

    CL-USER> (sieve 1000) (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409 419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523 541 547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601 607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659 661 673 677 683 691 701 709 719 727 733 739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809 811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863 877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941 947 953 967 971 977 983 991 997) ```

    I love lisp because it is at its core a functional programming language, but (as i do in my sieve function with the outermost lambda) i can specify localized points where I define, use, and mutate state. It gives me the best of both worlds, functional and imperative.

    Lisp has made me kinda like coding again. Every function feels like writing poetry, especially with the indentations. People say our parentheses are ugly but they're wrong and they're the ugly ones.
