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akincisor Ugly Bob
Posts 3
Comments 182
How to be immortal
  • Death has seen way worse, if my stint as a paramedic is anything to go by.

  • Everyone needs a Nijika
  • Patently false. I'm introverted and made plenty of friends myself. You just wait in a corner of the party and see who comes and joins you without a word for half an hour.

  • Debian used to be so good. What happened!?
  • I have been using unstable on desktop for at least 15 years. Every time a new stable was released that would cause a month of just staying off updates till things stabilized. Recently it's not even had that issue.

    I've had to pin a package or two in that time, but unstable has been rock solid otherwise. I even run it on my server.

  • 50 iconic Movie Character Transformations
  • Peanut butter jelly time!

  • What was your first operating system or Linux Distribution?
  • MS DOS v4.somthing. (1995)

    Slackware that came on three 5.25" floppies. (1997)

    First hard drive Linux: Debian.

    Eventually red hat for several years, then back to Debian based (mint etc) around 2005. Been using Sid (Debian "unstable") for a long time.

  • Working hard or hardly working?
  • I believe sync for lemmy has a tablet mode. Never used it so can't comment on quality.

  • egg_irl [Transfem meme]
  • Sorry, nope. Do not want.

    Specifically, do not want the following:

    • menstruation, cramps, PMS etc
    • beauty and dress standards
    • condescension
    • social expectations of conduct
    • lower pay and sometimes a hostile work environment (can go for anyone depending on the job - see male nurses)
    • clothing without pockets - you can take my cargo pants from my cold dead hands.

    Do want (but does not in any way make up for above):

    • more colors and patterns in my clothes
    • giving birth is kinda cool
  • Anyone use "Da Brim" on their helmet?
  • He lives where the sun doesn't shine -- Seattle, Washington

  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff

    If you want to recreate having it read to you.

  • But he really did put Hogwarts on the map didn't he?
  • It's in the book, but mentioned in passing if I remember correctly.

  • statistics
  • The original saying is "If at once you don't succeed, try, try again."

    So yes, try exactly two more times.

  • Tunak Tunak Tun (Mid 2000s)
  • I believe in the death of the author. This helps me separate the art and the artist.

    Bad people do good things and not everyone can be judged by their worst acts.

    I wouldn't pay for any of his art anymore, but I still enjoy the songs I have already without guilt.

  • Ads in the Start Menu
  • There are no Linux gatekeepers. There are assholes everywhere, that's the human condition. I came across these assholes and I learnt that I should take advice and consider it myself.

    If you close your brain and listen to random online people without thought, you'll have a bad time, Linux or no Linux.

    This stereotype of people in Linux or open source as assholes is FUD spread by people who have a vested interest in spreading it.

    I've found people mostly very helpful and courteous.

  • One mark of a talented writer is...
  • Or how Batman stole kryptonite from Lex Luthor in the storytelling masterpiece "Batman v Superman" by auteur director Zach Snyder.

  • Corvids
  • You picked a Hitchcock frame as a meme and didn't go for one from Birds. Shame!


  • Violet by Hole
  • Drops of Jupiter (Tell me)

  • Merry Christmas! An alternate California flag for you Christmas gift.

    It's a low bar to make the California flag better, but I woke up and decided to give it a go. It's my first attempt. Let me know what you think


    Joiners Mallet

    Gallery of the making

    I posted this to Reddit a few years ago.

    I followed Paul Sellers' method, but used a 2x3 Douglas fir for the material. It turned out quite heavy and durable.
