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akaifox akaifox
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Comments 28
Thoughts when you fly back home?
  • Necro post, but I was in the UK at the time of writing

    Back near Ikebukuro now and am a frequent visitor of many authentic restaurants :) It's often funny as the staff don't even speak Japanese in some of these places xD

  • Coca-Cola Japan to expand trial of dynamic-price vending machines
  • So am I to expect 1000円 bottles in the summer?

  • Thoughts when you fly back home?
  • Went back for a bit and at first it was great, especially: "I can talk to people in my native language!"

    But it didn't last long before I was missing my 麻婆豆腐 🤣

  • Japan to issue 3 new banknotes on July 3, 1st renewal in 20 years - The Mainichi
  • I've lost my system!

    1000 -- おしゃれ男

    5000 --- 女

    10000 -- お祖父さん

  • Ishikawa Ken earthquake
  • My family went wild with messages -- yet I didn't feel a thing in Tokyo

  • Thoughts when you fly back home?
  • I can identify with what the OP was feeling

    Flying back home and at Heathrow I honestly thought "why is everyone fat?" Then I got to enjoy someone's 30 minute speakerphone call on the train's 'quiet coach'

  • Thoughts when you fly back home?

    Cross post from reddit that just got locked:


    I have been on on exchange living in Japan and I must say I have been impressed and felt very very very welcome here. Have never felt this way in any country (maybe not even my own). I am heading back now unfortunatly.

    Apart from all the good food, nature etc. The things that I have noticed and really appreciated was:

    • Never had a conflict with anyone here. Not a single one (yes, it is obvious I am not Japanese, so I guess locals will be more accepting, but still).
    • Everyone seems to be very mindful of others and things are so clean and orderly. No one is loud, take up space etc. And no one minds you (people dont stare at you or comment on what your doing).
    • Japanese people would ask if I needed help on train stations etc. * Very kind people ! It has been very easy to meet locals and I have made good friends (maybe not on tatemae level?).
    • Overall, sitting in the airport, I already feel the European/western loudness, taking up space, clumsiness etc. ... Very uncharming to observe actually comming straight from Japanese living.

    I know I probably have some of the traits myself (as I grew up in it) but I am almost a bit affraid to return to all the random people creating conflicts, loud and obnoxious people etc.

    Anyone who can comment on things that might help ? I have already tried to find Tonkotsu ramen places (hahah!) in my city and other Japanese things that might make me feel more at ease. Non the less, thank you Japan for an absolutely amazing experince here !

    The dream 🚲
  • Reminds me of my first weeks in Japan....

    I took my Kona Private Jake with me (nowhere near that bike, but $2-3k) which I would expect to be gone in an instant in the UK. I kept placed my bike on the balcony of the monthly apartment in Roppongi, which was only on the 2nd floor, and would check it at night as I thought someone would nick it

    This shortly progressed to leaving it outside when going to the conbini, etc

  • Microsoft’s big Windows 11 update drops on September 26 with Copilot AI baked in
  • a native RAR app

    It better come with a "Trial Expired" pop-up or I am not using it

  • Gen Z falls for online scams more than their boomer grandparents do
  • From the generation before this, I always thought the "mobile generation"'s computer savviness had been overrated. Mobile phones (especially iOS) are like a walled garden compared to using a PC and Windows. It was easy to shoot yourself in the foot on Windows 98, etc so you learnt to be careful very quickly. Likewise, there's no jumping into the registry or terminal, no built in zip/rar handling, warnings from the OS, built in Malware protection, etc

    The internet was a wild place in the 90s and this generation never really experienced that. Forums had lax moderation and could be full of troll links to "I am an idiot", goatse, etc. Files could be hosted on random webpages and the downloads could contain anything: often a virus alongside the actual file, etc

    I remember not using an antivirus as Norton and co would crush your machine, so you just had to tread extremely carefully

  • How much weed does the Volcano save you?
  • This is why I dug out my Crafty+

    After dabbing I also find joints have lost their charm. Just waiting out after a wisdom tooth extraction!

  • Joint Appreciation Post
  • I don't think they are thinner, but Elements are worth a try

  • Joint Appreciation Post
  • Really in to Raw Black's and can't go back to regulars, but you are spot on about the gum!

  • How much weed does the Volcano save you?
  • Not the Volcano, but I've had multiple vaporizers: Magic Flight, Arizer Extreme Q, Crafty+

    I never got the same high with them and end up using similar amounts chasing the high. For me a one hitter ended up more efficient (never owned a bong). Interestingly, dabs worked for me which seems odd as it's very similar

  • [Simon Stone] West Ham have agreed a £30m deal for Harry Maguire.
  • I expect the same outcome, similar to Smalling he'll thrive under a different system

  • What are 2000 employees doing at Reddit?
  • This all sounds right. Currently at some large company, it sucks so much compared to working at smaller projects and startups

  • What are 2000 employees doing at Reddit?
  • It will be like where I was working. On that project there were ~12 people. You could've cut in in half easily:

    • AFAIK the project manager did nothing but create meetings (tbh they had no clue what they were doing)
    • The QA was incompetent and instead I wrote all their tests and taught the junior dev so he could too
    • 2 User Researchers set up various sessions -- but the business told them all their findings were wrong (turns out the researchers were right)
    • Architect went to some meetings and never spoke to the devs about anything (turns out they were responsible for multiple projects at once, which obviously makes things hard)
    • The Lead Developer seemed to be on holiday every other day, dealing with some personal issue, or in meetings
    • One Dev was fresh out of a scheme (for non comp sci students, so was slow but that's understandable)

    I ended up working overtime into burn out to get the project through the door (and hit issues due the architect should've informed us of). It would've honestly been easier as just me, one other developer, and a BA

  • cannabis extracts group?
  • Nothing, for now I guess various communities will be here until it gets too big (saplings, dabs, etc)

  • My experience travelling Japan with a barely passed N3
  • The only way you'll be having conversations with people at N3 is if you spent most of your learning doing conversation. You have learnt the theory, but putting it together takes a lot of work. Sounds like you made good progress with this during your stay :D

    Listening, you'd probably need to be closer to 60. Still N2 isn't enough for anime unless listening is your strong point

  • Scala 3 Enums
  • I've been using Scala 3 on a personal project and it's nice that Enum's are finally worth using

    The old implementation felt like a trap with it's downsides

  • Google is getting a lot worse because of the Reddit blackouts
  • Yeah, I think everyones experience has been:

    "thing I want to find" => seo spam blogs/spammy content that are related, but not what you are after (and all seem to have the same content, just worded differently...)

    "try again but more specific" => basically the same results

    • reddit => the answer I actually want (or a link in a post)