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ahangarha Mostafa Ahangarha

Full-stack web developer (Ruby, Rails, React), Software Freedom Advocate

Posts 4
Comments 2
GitHub - LemmyNet/lemmy-ui-leptos
  • This is not RTL support but support for ways to explicitly set styles based on the direction.

    Better than using rtl:ml-4 is to use ms-4 which stands for margin-inline-start: .... Prefer logical properties over physical ones. But that is not possible in all cases. There, rtl: and ltr: prefix come handy.

  • GitHub - LemmyNet/lemmy-ui-leptos
  • Moving to Tailwindcss make it hard to implement bidirectional text support unless we define new rules to use logical styles.

  • Tailwind CSS v3.0 – Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS v3.0 - Tailwind CSS

    Tailwind CSS v3.0 is here — bringing incredible performance gains, huge workflow improvements, and a seriously ridiculous number of new features.

    Tailwind CSS v3.0 - Tailwind CSS
    User Experience Mostafa Ahangarha

    Overcoming UX Misdirection

    A good article to make better understanding of UX and avoid misconception about it. In partucular I wanted to mention the part it emphasis on "user"

    > UX is not UX if it does not include insights from actual users.

    Kubuntu Mostafa Ahangarha

    Any success with upgrading to Kubuntu 20.04?

    It is more than a week since Ubuntu 20.04 is released. But still there is no upgrade available for Kubuntu flavor. There are some workaround suggesting to run do-release-upgrade -d which is not correct as it upgrade to development release.

    Has anyone had success in upgrading to Kubuntu 20.04?


    How to install PWA in Firefox desktop

    I am using Firefox 75 on my Gnu/linux Kubuntu laptop. I want to be able to install PWA websites as web app on my system, something which is easy on Chromium and even GNOME Web.

    I have found some workaround which suggests to add browser.ssb.enabled with value of true in about:config. I have done this and install option has come to the menu. But the app doens't show up anywhere in the system. I just can see the app after clicking on that option and if I close it, the app vanishes for ever.

    Any idea?
