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Old enterprise programmer trying to become a storytelling #GameDev with #GodotEngine

Boricua! I live in the oldest colony. #NoWarButClassWar

Nunca digo mentiras pero escribo mucha ficci贸n. Dreams are my favorite literary device. #CreativeWriting #FlashFiction

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Getting Started With Godot In 2023 - Godot Fundamentals
  • @Statick @mac Maybe Godot never appears (in the play) because everyone keep mispronouncing the name!? XD

    PS: If you listen to the main creator of the engine they pronounce it as go-dot as you say. But they have also said the pronunciation is not important.

  • I have some questions, i think? manly about godot.
  • @influence1123 @QuietStorm If they don't mind reading: The Godot engine website has VERY GOOD tutorials for a starter 2D game and a simple 3D game in the Documentation section.

  • I have some questions, i think? manly about godot.
  • @QuietStorm For any/all software applications, Godot included, you should always use the latest STABLE version unless you know for a FACT that you need a prior one.

    Make sure any tutorials you follow are for the version you are using.

    GameDev is a creative endeavor. Like painting, or playing an instrument. As with all creative endeavors, you will find success if you apply yourself to small achievable goals over time. You wouldn't try to compose a symphony the 1st day you touch a piano, right?

  • QOTD: If you could give one piece of advice to someone just starting with Godot, what would it be?
  • @Ategon Don't obsess about perfect code, perfect graphics, perfect sound, perfect mechanics, or perfect anything.

    Obsess about small attainable goals or projects (Like @DuckRaGod said)

    Why? The sooner you finish projects the sooner you can use the gained experience to do it again, only this time you will do it better.

  • Maybe a community-made game?
  • @DuckRaGod I love it when people say something is impossible, only to later witness a group of weirdos do the very thing.

    Count me in the willing to help column (even though I know next to nothing about GameDev). 馃槄

  • QOTD: How do you pronounce Godot?
  • @Ategon the GO from "ago" plus the DOT from email dot com with a hard T at the end.


  • The main character of my Beat'em up is ready to brawl! ... OK first he need some cool animations.
  • @Feyter @russmatney It's definitely not unknown but if you havent played it I would recommend playing the 1st Golden Axe or try to watch some high-level play.

    There's a couple things it does (very well) that IDK if other games have mimicked or perfected.

    You can "lock" enemies with the right timing.
    You can dash into high jump into drop strike for massive damage
    The use of high and low ground to your advantage.

  • QOTD: What are some underrated or lesser-known features of Godot that more developers should be aware of?
  • @Ategon One of the features that led me to finally decide on Godot over Unity/Unreal, and I think an overall underrated feature is how freaking fast it starts up.

    Even on my cheap laptop, where I wouldn't even dream of running Unreal, I can just open up Godot and it'll be ready before I finish adjusting my glasses.