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aerique aerique

Lithp or die!

Posts 1
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edit: I've so far found DecSync CC on ( ( which I will test in the near future

edit: I've so far found DecSync CC on @fdroidorg: which I will test in the near future.

\=== original post ===

Are there any #Android utilities that sync contacts and calendars to a local file?

Like #Obsidian does for notes? Which I can then sync using #Syncthing.

@obsidian @obsidianmd @kepano

It's 2023, so of course I'm learning Common Lisp
  • @ItsJason @cadar I've been doing Common Lisp for 20+ years also as a hobbyist and I'm somewhat familiar with CLOS and not really with the condition system 😅

    Not that it's difficult, I wouldn't know, but it hasn't been necessary for the kind of programs I write... apparently.