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adam AdamLC

A DevOps engineer from the UK!

My other account @[email protected]

Posts 1
Comments 20
Where have all the buses gone? Their neglect is an English national failure | John Harris
  • The bus routes for my village have all been axed except one.

    What used to take 30 mins on a bus to get to the city now takes nearly 2 hours because of the amount of changes.

    Lucky I can drive!

  • Friday fread
  • You've definitely just jinxed it now. Saturday does not look good 😅

  • UK folks, if you could only listen to one album forever which album would it be?
  • Oh wow not listened to PSB in ages, thats my day's music sorted!

  • Friday fread
  • I had a new TV and soundbar delivered the other day, so get to spend the weekend setting it up and "testing" it!

  • Rishi Sunak told NHS crisis is 'your fault' in on-air clash with junior doctor
  • With an adblocker its completely broken 😬

  • Twitter Blue subscribers can now hide their blue checks
  • Whats hilarious is none of the news outlets are calling it X. Everyone is still calling it Twitter.

    I bet Elon is raging 🤣

  • Instance has been updated to v0.18.3
  • v0.18.3 has been very stable on my instance and much better performance :)

  • Off to a flying start? Bad case of the Mondays? Still revelling in the afterglow of the weekend? How's it going folks?
  • I went camping on sat night and it didn't rain which was great!

    Although now my back hurts and I have loads of insect bites 🥲

  • Why does my sonoff temp sensor I've out outside go offline?
  • Could be the battery? Try changing that and see how you get on.

    Even new devices I've found can sometimes have poor batteries in them when they ship.

  • Reddit is testing verification labels for brands
  • Spez really is going full Elon!

  • Federated profiles / avatar
  • Well they now seemed to have fixed themselves, I guess I was just impatient.

    Federation is all new to me, so still learning the ropes but loving it so far!

    Sorry for the bother 😅

  • British Gas reports record £969m profit after price cap increase
  • I do agree, but this is why we have a regulator. They approved loads of new energy companies that would have failed stress tests, which we're paying for when they all went under and they should be setting a reasonable price cap.

  • Federated profiles / avatar
  • Ahhh great thanks.

    Weirdly its broken on all the instances I'm subscribed too. I did try changing some of the options assuming it might push out, but sadly doesn't seem to have done.

    Nevermind, I'm sure it'll sort its self out over time :)

  • British Gas reports record £969m profit after price cap increase
  • It really is astonishing they've all been able to get away with these excessive profits. Ofgem has been hopeless!

  • Federated profiles / avatar

    Hello lemmy users!

    I've been setting up my own instance and largely everything has been working, bar a few performance issues.

    But one thing I'm having issues with is my profile not reflecting on other instances. It doesn't show my avatar, banner or bio. Not sure if I've broken something for this to not work?

    Any help greatly appreciated :)

    My turn for the Thursday complaints thread!
  • That does sound rough! At least its friday tomorrow!

  • Imagine thinking this is acceptable on public transportation.
  • I think they just don't give any fucks

  • Request: Make the old icon an option
  • Yes please! I loved the original icon!