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a1tb1t Grey Cadence
Posts 8
Comments 21
Trans friendly store advice?
  • I found mine via my therapist. But also try googling "trans support groups near me"'s surprisingly fruitful (pardon the pun).

  • Trans friendly store advice?
  • Have you found a local or nearby trans support group? They'd probably have the best recommendations...

  • should i get my balls removed
  • These are all my thoughts, too. I have nothing to add though...

  • 'You can never become a Westerner:' China's top diplomat urges Japan and South Korea to align with Beijing and 'revitalize Asia' | CNN
  • I came here to mention Japan's "Asia for Asians" campaign in the early 1900s. Glad to see I'm not the only history nerd commenting on this post!

  • Banana Bread is still bread!
  • Here, here!

  • Banana Bread is still bread!
  • What is the bread/cake division line?

  • Meet our gorgeous rooster, Blue
  • Not a guy, but thanks

  • Meet our gorgeous rooster, Blue
  • 100% agreed! If only he'd be a little more friendly...

  • Meet our gorgeous rooster, Blue
  • Indeed! He looks just like this piece of art my in-laws have in memory of one of their parents. We didn't expect to get a rooster, much less such a beauty!

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals Grey Cadence

    Meet our gorgeous rooster, Blue

    Wanna start an all-trans Punk band with me?
  • Thanks! Spread the word. We're collaborating on bandlab

  • Wanna start an all-trans Punk band with me?
  • Send me a sample of what it sounds like, maybe we can work it in!

  • Gender Non Conforming... GMC logo edit
  • I like your addition 👍

  • In Peru, a landmark rainforest land victory for Indigenous residents is thrown out
  • appeals court ruled that CIMA, the acronym for the nonprofit that runs the park for the Peruvian government and administers the carbon credit project, had been improperly added as a co-defendant in the case. The appeals court threw out the ruling and with it the benefits ordered for the tribe, citing “the presence of insurmountable defects both in due process and in the motivation of the judicial decision."

    What a ridiculous reason to throw out a ruling.

  • Character creation aide

    I wanted to share a TTRPG character creation (session 0) thing I did the website for. It's called Roll for your Life.

    You can get either digital issue for free with coupon code "greyrolls" at

    (This is not an affiliate code, I'm just sharing a free thing that excited me)

    queer selfie thread
  • Court outfit from my name day!

  • Good vibes for you


    Wanna start an all-trans Punk band with me?

    I'm thinking of starting a all-trans punk band (recording individually, a la Postal Service). Working title: XX Why?

    Song titles so far:

    1. Cissy fit
    2. Sacrifice the patriarchy
    3. Zaddy don't care
    4. Bye bye binary

    Sound would be a mix of Descendents, NOFX, Bad religion, Fugazi.

    I play guitar, bass, vocals, and write...but I don't want to play everything myself. Looking for guitarists, drummers, bassist and vocals. Must have some ability to record a decent track. Not a serious endeavor, not a big time commitment.

    Stealing from my reddit downloads folder
  • I have a little stone that is my travel stim

  • You can now post!

    This is the way.


    See, we're patriotic!

    Our Subreddit (on reddit) is in Crisis Posts Only mode!
  • We're chatting, thanks!

  • Reposting OC I made for reddit


    Stealing from my reddit downloads folder

    It ain't perfect, but it's mine
  • Each Sunday you bake is a win IMO

  • Our Subreddit (on reddit) is in Crisis Posts Only mode!
  • What are you running this instance on? What user capacity do you anticipate?