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Reddit is in danger of a death spiral
  • Spez can upvote deez nuts

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  • Solution without a problem. A cool solution but yeah.

  • The Reddit Blackout Is Breaking Reddit
  • I totally get that. At the same time though and speaking for myself, Reddit has been a major component of my internet life for nearly a decade. And having such a dramatic switch, but also doing it as a group with other people, it's cathartic to be able to share and see that you're not totally alone in the way you feel.

    That said I've also blocked Reddit on my home DNS so I won't accidentally go back out of habit. That's how little I want to have to do with it. But it's okay to miss Reddit and what it used to be. That will fade with time.

  • The Reddit Blackout Is Breaking Reddit
  • I totally get that. At the same time though and speaking for myself, Reddit has been a major component of my internet life for nearly a decade. And having such a dramatic switch, but also doing it as a group with other people, it's cathartic to be able to share and see that you're not totally alone in the way you feel.

    That said I've also blocked Reddit on my home DNS so I won't accidentally go back out of habit. That's how little I want to have to do with it. But it's okay to miss Reddit and what it used to be. That will fade with time.

  • What is a useful tip a new lemmy/kbin users should know?
  • Yeah, but the ROI here is way less since the users are more savvy initially. Eventually it'll homogenize out and you'll get auto bots.

    This post written by a meat popsicle.

  • What is a useful tip a new lemmy/kbin users should know?
  • It's like two different boats in the same ocean. Sort of.

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  • AI and Coding.
  • Like any other tool, it's as good as you use it. If you can explain complex problems in smaller bites with clear objectives it helps a lot.

  • Programming and Humility
  • 80% of the time, it doesn’t work exactly the way you imagined

    Programmers can be the most arrogant dickheads you will ever meet. Why is that?
