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Zerophnx Zerophnx
Posts 1
Comments 9
Nwipe vs HDD physical destruction
  • We use nwipe at the office and are happy with it. It has a dod preset or you can stick with prng. We usually use prng and zeros.

    If you have a ton of drives I think shredos can be automated with boot parameters. Could save a lot of time and/or let you scale wiping better

  • 1131 - Drive - The tracks show the difficult terrain
  • Thanks for posting these regularly, it's nice to see them in the feed. Hopefully this rover has a long life ahead of it!

  • What are you playing this weekend? 2024-03-31
  • Started replaying Tears of the Kingdom :)

  • DisplayPort to Hdmi vs DisplayPort to Dvi?
  • For your uses, assuming you aren't using headphones or speakers connected to the monitors, DVI should be just fine. HDMI would get you that audio connection (if the monitor has it).

    We use a lot of DP to DVI at the office (the monitors are an old HP model that refuse to play nice with DP to DP) and it largely "just works".

  • White House says Biden won’t pardon Hunter Biden if convicted on gun charges
  • I mean, obviously he'll just pardon himself!

    He's running for president, and that's why we keep hearing about him, right?

  • Nintendo Reportedly Plans to Release Next-Gen Console During Second Half of 2024
  • 1080p games upscale really well on even my few year old cheaper TCL Roku TV. If we could get 1080p 60 FPS more steadily, that would be good enough, and I'd imagine most of their audience wouldn't care about the extra pixels.

  • Do you have a main? If so, which class and why?
  • I prefer driller, but rotate regularly to fill (and promote). I feel like it's the most versatile class in the game.

    • Bugs? All 3 weapons do AoE very well and bring extra utility (robots on fire, enemies frozen, bugs slowed, etc.)
    • Stuff on the wall? EPC + Thin Containment Field
    • Gotta get somewhere? Drills
    • Teammates? C4

    That said, they're all fun in their own way.

    Edited for formatting

  • Firefox ESR?
  • My understanding is that it's one of the more secure options browser-wise. They backport security updates from the newer version. We've used it at work before (it works with group policy)

  • Tell your Monster Hunter origin story
  • First off, thanks for setting up this community!

    A friend who had played the prior games convinced me to try MH:W on PC, and I really enjoyed it. As my first MH game, I didn't know what I was doing most of the time. Got Rise and Sunbreak on the Switch. Countless carts and cat puns later, I'm still enjoying the series.