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YuzuDrink YuzuDrink
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Comments 39
Users Have Had It With Reddit...But Are Powerless
  • Is here on Beehaw get the features enabled on Beehaw, regardless if the poster’s instance has ones not enabled here. So you wouldn’t get downvotes over on here. But has then it seems. You may even have downvotes over there that you wouldn’t know about here! Fedi is weird sometimes…

  • Love our little morning glory wall

    We’re growing a bunch of morning glories on a string trellis thingie along the ramp up to our apartment, and I just really love it each morning seeing a handful of the day’s babies. ! ! !

    Stop Doing Discord
  • On the other hand, I have hated the experience every single time I ever needed to get on to IRC for any reason. And needing to either stay logged in or run my own private always-on bounce server in order to see what overseas friends have been up to while I was asleep? Man, that's such a bad user experience. :(

  • Stop Doing Discord
  • If something came up that were as easy to use as Discord but didn't store all the chat centrally unencrypted... I would be well in favor of that. Like if each developer could just fire up a private server instance and I could add that server to my list and chat in their channels and jump around servers? That would be super awesome.

    But yeah, I'm in probably a dozen Discord servers that I mostly follow for gamedev news or YouTube channel post updates or whatever, that I never really interact with.

    It's very similar IIRC to IRC, just... with a GUI that makes it easy to use for non-techies and those of us who just don't have the time to memorize commands.

  • What are peoples thoughts on games requiring always online? How does it affect your enjoyment of those games?
  • I went through the same phase several years back when my child was born, and you’re right—games where you can pause any time are the only kind worth playing for several years after a new child.

  • What do you think about Apple and its ecosystem? (And a little conversation I had with a colleague)
  • This is exactly my opinion. They’re not great in a lot of their stances; but they ARE better than most companies in most of their stances… and the open-source options just DO NOT WORK as well by far.

    I want my software and hardware to enable my hobbies, not to BE my hobbies getting them to work and keeping them working as new versions come out.

  • Looks like CS2 will have mixed use zoning!
  • I was VERY confused about Counter-Strike 2 having any kind of urban planning at all… and then I saw the screenshot better and worked it out. 😅

  • Starfield's already the top seller
  • The issue, I imagine, is that there’s a community online who pays attention and cares about it, and we’re almost completely separate on the Venn diagram from a huge swathe of gamers out there who do all the preordering. 😩

  • Data Shows Most Switch Owners Are Women, Gamers React Poorly
  • Among my personal friends, probably the same ratio of men and women are into Souls games. So like… yeah, women play games. And not just “lady-friendly” fare. As a non-woman, I freaking love Animal Crossing; meanwhile my wife has beaten most of the Souls games and I’ve given up on all of them. Anecdotal, but like… gamers like gaming, and I feel like these days trying to say anything about game preference and gender is just not really helpful.

  • Reddit announced new ad features on Friday
  • I imagine it takes a certain kind of narcissism to look at “leading an entire company” and think, “yeah, I bet I’d be great at that!” The best CEOs are the ones who let their employees come up with the ideas and just make the final decisions. When the top is driving, IMO, the company falls over.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Meta is in it for profit. So you have to ask what they’re stand to gain by offering a federated service (presumably for free). Do they think they can get free data, perhaps? I have no idea, but it’s tempting to want to block them just in case. Costing ActivityPub maintainers money so you can steal user data to sell for money isn’t exactly ethical…

    I’m trying to think generously, but struggle to imagine other ways they might be able to profit off the Fediverse.

  • What’s everyone playing this weekend?
  • My wife and I bought it and we don’t regret the purchase; but also we’re doing well enough this year that is not a huge burden for us. So B like… it’s worth it generally IMO, but if it’s a burden, I can’t say that any game is worth it.

  • What’s everyone playing this weekend?
  • Diablo 4, Elden Ring, and setting up a matrix chat homeserver on my NAS

  • what would Reddit need to do to get you to go back
  • Hopefully, hosting costs could be handled by a reasonable number of users donating a small amount regularly. It I agree, it’s not a guarantee; and it’s one of the reasons I’m looking into setting up my own hosting—both for owning my own content and for better understanding what it takes so I can have better ideas how to help when bigger servers grow and cost more.

  • Desktop GPU Sales Lowest in Decades: Report
  • It's all you really need, fam. And your games will keep looking good with no need to mess around with settings! I used to be PCMR, now I'm just "I wanna play games without screwing around" -- whatever platform that happens to be.

  • Desktop GPU Sales Lowest in Decades: Report
  • I absolutely love raytracing... and on my 3080 it just doesn't look good enough yet to justify turning it on for most games. Maybe they just haven't implemented it well yet, but the reduced framerate in most games just isn't worth it, and I've hated effects like screen-space reflections since more or less they came out.

    I think by the time we have a 50X0 or a 60X0 that raytracing will finally be fast enough to have it look good AND perform well. But for now it's mostly just a gimmick I turn on to appreciate, and then turn back off so I can actually play the game smoothly.

  • does anybody around here play fighting games?
  • I’ve dabbled off and on over the years. A little Street Fighter, a little Guilty Gear mostly. Currently don’t have anywhere to keep a fight stick out, so haven’t really been into it for a while. :(

  • Modern Pokemon games hold your hand too much.
  • Indeed. As… as kids…

  • Lawyer Who Used ChatGPT Faces Penalty for Made Up Citations
  • Don't get me wrong, I use ChatGPT more days than not for my job; but I use it to help me find things I might not have known about... and then I go and actually look up those things to get correct information. It's really good at helping you find words to google to get at what you want. It's really BAD at always giving you good information.

  • Our Venus Fly Trap Has a Flower!

    We’ve managed to keep this one alive over the winter, and have been rewarded with a lovely little white flower!
