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Wisconcom Wisconcom

Wisconsinite, Hoxhaist, and a student of many social sciences.

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China bad
  • "It's totally a core theory in Marxism to enslave your country to Western corporations, create a massive clique multi-billionaires who run the Communist Party, maintain massive stock markets, have sixteen-hour workdays, totally Marxist! This is what Lenin would dream about!"> -Dengists

  • Discussion about socialist market economy. Does socialism have commodity production? Is China a capitalist country because it has commodity production?
    • Bails out wall street, the hub of Capitalism

    • Xi Xinping is a multi-millionaire, if not billionaire

    • Sends guns to Capitalist governments in India, Nepal, and the Philippines to kill Communist revolutionaires

    • Consitution enshires private ownership of the means of production into law, in a similar way to how the USA consitution does

    • Has the largest amont of billionaires, more than any other country, even the USA

    • Creates dept-traps and economic colonies in Africa

    • Forces workers to work until 9PM, with little democratic say in the work-place, said work-place being owned by a millionaire or Western megacorporation

    • The stars on its flag represent class collaboration with the bourgeoisie and landlords

    That seems rather Capitalist to me...


    Experences and Challenges in the development of the Chinese Capital Market

  • Discussion about socialist market economy. Does socialism have commodity production? Is China a capitalist country because it has commodity production?
  • This is nothing more than Dengist Revisionist propaganda, and a total detachment from Marxism.

    1. Saying things such as "they execute corrupt billionaires" is false; as in your haste to defend Capitalist-states like China, who have the largest amont of billionaries than any other country, you have forgotten to compute one simple thing - WHY DOES CHINA HAVE BILLIONAIRES IN THE FIRST PLACE?! Even if this were to be true, they only rarely execute bourgeois for major crimes, extreme nepotism, corruption, and such, not out of any Anti-capitalist ideology. If they were truly Socialist, these billionaires would not exist in the first place.

    Furthermore, The PRC has shown an extreme amont of amiability to its bourgeoisie, they have greatly removed labour rights, and given many favours to its bourgeoisie, not anything near hostility.

    1. You fail to understand that SOEs only make up less than 25% of the PRC's total economy, nor are these SOEs Socialist in regards to their economic relations with their workers.

    In fact, you have already partially proven my point: "These enterprises exist as an arm of the state and function within the global capitalist ideological context". In other words, these SOEs have been turned into a form of Capitalist-style ownership in order for them to be able to contend with Western corporations.

    These SOEs fuction identically to private ownership, they both are owned by a bourgeois class, they both exploit their workers' labour value, and they both care about profits. Therefore, even these SOEs create Capitalist exploitation.

    1. What achievments? Workers cannot even get basic healthcare (at least not outside the major cities), China has one of the worst labour conditions, and its Capitalist-ruling class makes unthinkable profits at the same time.

    Lastly on this point, how is poverty reduction Socialism by itself? Poverty reduction could sometimes happen under Capitalism, do we call that Socialism?

    1. The private education sector is still fuctional, from what I can tell. Could you present proof? And furthermore, how is that to itself Socialism?