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WinterBear WinterBear
Posts 6
Comments 18
The debate gets interesting sometimes
  • It's funny you pull the whole "ackshually I never said that" but I never accused you of taking the moral high ground. I just said the meme perfectly captures the idiocy of people taking the moral high ground. You lumped yourself in that category.

  • The debate gets interesting sometimes
  • What kind of argument is this? "People talking about the current election are ignoring an option that hasn't existed for 4 years" of course they're not?! It's not an option any more! The meme perfectly represents the idiocy of anyone trying to take any kind of moral high ground by not voting. America has made its bed, it sucks but no amount of idealism can change the practical options available to you.

  • The Bachelor
  • It's mentioned in the episode itself!

  • Pete & Bas - Bish Bash Bosh
  • You have opened my eyes, thank you

  • NSFW
    Facing Eviction 80 year old man self immolates
  • Why is this a reddit link...

  • There is no point in trying to escape the simulation; Odds are, we don't exist outside it!
  • If you don't exist outside the simulation then for all intents and purposes this is your reality. Might as well make it a good one.

  • What game development engines or frameworks are you currently using, and what do you like about them?
  • I am enjoying Solar2D! Lua based engine for desktop and mobile, working on a virtual pet game. So easy to get something working quickly

  • Whats your such opinion
  • Just because something makes individuals happy doesn't eliminate the consequences. Most people would probably agree that cars are more convenient for sure, but they are highly inefficient compared to public transport.

    You might not trust your government to manage public transportation effectively and that's completely reasonable, but is that the same as saying public transportation has no value and we should all just get cars and to hell with the consequences?

  • Mozillas petition to get an answer from Microsoft, is it using your data to train its AI?
  • Yeah we should just never do anything if it doesn't instantly fix the problem.

  • Epic Games Admits In Court That Its PC Store Still Isn't Profitable
  • They were saying the Epic Games Store hasn't made any profit from them, not that they never bought any product that makes Epic money.

    "Sure isn't profitable from me" - clearly referring to the store, which this entire post is about

  • Epic Games Admits In Court That Its PC Store Still Isn't Profitable
  • How exactly does paying for unreal games make the epic games store profitable? Epic would still be getting that money even if the store didn't exist.

  • What setting would you choose for a Doctor Who Adventure?

    From dead planets around black holes to the heart of the sun, from futuristic temples in ancient jungles to a block of flats in london, one of the greatest aspects of the show is that each episode can take place anywhere in time and space. So if you had to choose a location for a future episode or spinoff media where would you go?

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • There is a chapter selection screen in game and it has 7 slots. If I recall correctly chapters 6 and 7 will come out together some time after 3 4 and 5.

  • Doctor Who's Christopher Eccleston is Scrooge in new A Christmas Carol

    Eccleston will star in the latest staging of Jack Thorne's A Christmas Carol at The Old Vic.

    Will be defederating from now?
  • I dont think this is quite right - can't listen to Beehaw either, it just still has the synced copies of the Beehaw communities loaded on it. So users can still see posts and comments from before the defederation and can even comment themselves but nothing gets synced between the two instances. Effectively there are separate instances of those communities now, one on Beehaw and one on To be honest this way of managing defederation feels a bit misleading as it gives the impression there is still a connection, IMO when you browse a community that originated on a defederated instance it should be something really obvious and upfront.

  • Collection of free software
  • I think Postman is a superior alternative to SoapUI these days for API testing, haven't used SoapUI in a while though.

  • Favourite NewWho doctor?
  • So hard to choose but honestly I'd probably say Eccleston. I used to be a major Tennant fan but since watching some classic who and listening to big finish Tennant just feels a bit like he's constantly preaching how smart and right he is about everything compared to all the other doctors.

    I love Smith and Capaldi too as they really deliver when it comes to the alien side of the doctor compared to Tennant and Eccleston who are more humanish. Sadly I'm not such a fan of season 6 onwards, not that there's nothing good there but I feel like seasons 1-5 had more episodes that interested me. I think Eccleston also has the advantage of being a 1 season doctor so you're left wanting more, plus he's such a phenomenal actor every scene he's in feels so rich and there's a lot of depth to his lines and delivery.

    Capaldi is honestly the most Doctorish doctor in my opinion and I'd like to put him first especially considering how much I liked season 10, but I can't deny I enjoyed Ecclestons season more.

  • Suggestions for good mindless games?
  • I definitely recommend Dave the Diver, easy to pick up and play for 5 minutes or for hours.

  • Community Startup: Discussion Topics, Banner and Icon

    Hi! Looking for somewhere to discuss the latest doctor who news, episodes and spin off media? Me too!

    To kick things off I'd love to improve the banner and icon for this community, but I am no artist! Perhaps you can help?

    Another topic to kick off, do you have a collection of Doctor Who media? Books, Magazines, Comics, DVDs, CDs, Figurines, I want to see them all!

    I'm a fan of Big Finish and will probably make some posts about recent and upcoming releases. I know a lot of people are also excited about the upcoming 60th anniversary, so any major news I'll try and make sure a post is put up.

    Thanks for stopping by :D


    First attempt at a bundle guide

    Hi everyone hope you're all having a good day, here's my first attempt at a simple checklist for completing the bundles. Let me know what you think :D
