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Wigglehard Wigglehard

CDL driver, creator of Dank taco microwave, free speech advocate, right wing

Posts -2
Comments 216
Does anyone know a good website to record on that has hip-hop beats, so I only have to record my voice over the music
  • Basically…. I suck at tech and require assistance cz i grew up in the Stone Age

  • So, I’m confused, tell me about what’s going on with pictures and the website in general today
  • I really wish I could help you guys out. Figuring out code stuff however, I’m just a simple man using a crappy phone for everything I do.

  • Does anyone know a good website to record on that has hip-hop beats, so I only have to record my voice over the music
  • If I paid you in digital high-fives, would you be able to download the beat then send me an invite link to rap over it

  • What’s everyone’s thoughts given all the events of this website over the past week
  • Well, I am really glad to have you here and you can be sure that even if we don’t agree on everything, I will not delete your stuff because I believe that conversation is a human right that should not be infringed upon

  • What’s everyone’s thoughts given all the events of this website over the past week
  • True, it’s complicated but i think annexing mexico to some degree could help, might be wrong though

  • it's Juneteenth and neo-Nazis are completely losing their shit
  • As a self described member of the right wing I personally dont care who gets what holiday, i think the things right wingers get outraged about is silly at times, but each side has its ridiculous things it gets mad about so it’s really a take your pick situation

  • With all of the instances having different URL's, what's the best way to "google" a question and get Lemmy instance answers?
  • Blessing and a curse of different instances, don’t use google, Google is asshoe

  • Liz Truss says being compared to a lettuce was not funny
  • Lettuce should really not be insulted this way

  • What’s everyone’s thoughts given all the events of this website over the past week
  • I would say drugs get into this country, because corrupt authorities allow it to, also, my cousin was born a hermaphrodite, so I understand that argument, and also if the United States actually cared about peace in the world, they wouldn’t be waging proxy wars invading countries, all around the world, I think the idea that we can’t liberate Cuba from communism and tyranny, that we can’t defeat the cartels in Mexico and stop a new drug kingpin from rising up is false, if we can defeat Isis and Iraq, win World War II And accomplish so many other amazing feats we can do this

  • What’s everyone’s thoughts given all the events of this website over the past week
  • I’ll fully admit that I’m right wing and that I’m a nationalist. However, I believe in capitalistic systems and I believe in light Socialism because I want to see the money out of this nation, where I live in America, be spent on American citizens of all colors, religions and beliefs, I believe in limiting corporate power and I detest any idea that genocide or an ethnic Civil War is the answer to our problems. I believe in a strong justice system, but I also believe in justice reform. I believe and support limiting the federal government power and increasing state power. I believe that America is no longer a republic, but a democratic oligarchy of corporate puppets with very few people that have good intentions. I believe minority communities should be uplifted alongside the majority, because in truth, we’re all just human. I believe in human rights for all people, including the LGBT community but I don’t support teaching gender studies to people below the age of 16. I believe that abortion should be legal in the first trimester, only nationwide, but at the same time I understand why the Supreme Court kicked it back to the states. I believe that people should be able to transition if they want to, but only after age 16 with parental consent, and after age 18, there should be no conflict with it at all. I believe the domestic terrorists from every political ideology should be locked up for treason and the worst offenders sentenced to death. I believe that hard-core pedophiles should automatically receive the death penalty. I believe we need to bring home the troops and downsize our presence overseas greatly. And this is a wild idea of mine, but I believe that we should create a walled off city for the drug addicted, and then it should essentially operate as a treatment center. Another wild idea of mine is waging an all out war on Mexican drug cartels, while at the same time setting up fortress America at the southern border. And finally, I believe in placing bare minimum to national guardsmen with weapons in every school and gun free zone in America to protect against mass shootings. Also, I believe in mandatory lessons in civics and how to properly socialize during the summer months for young people. These are just a few of my ideas.

  • Voters think Trump is a criminal, Biden is too old and DeSantis is a fascist: poll
  • I would rather be on hand with 10 men than absent with 10,000~ Tamerlane It was good speaking with you, take care

  • Voters think Trump is a criminal, Biden is too old and DeSantis is a fascist: poll
  • I’m in agreement with you and i think we share more in common in thought than what we realize, I am not the poster child of bipartisanship given my history on this website and others however, I’ve always been a believer in freedom of thought and speech as it helps us find common ground and find out what we can easily make progress on in this experimental republic known as the United States, it is important to have these conversations, because hyper partisanship amongst the people leads to hyper partisanship in government which inevitably leads to Civil War. A battlefield of debate is a much easier path than a battlefield of lead and blood. I have read the Bible front to back multiple times and sometimes I feel like a terrible person for the things I’ve said to others online and about my fellow man. I guess what I’m saying is the world is evil and it’s easy to get sucked into that evil; although I think there’s more good than evil in this world. It’s entirely up to you, but I’ve created a community that values free-speech, and when I first opened it three years ago, it was filled with people of all kinds of beliefs, and was truly an enlightening place until it was stolen from me by those claiming censorship was the better alternative to what I was offering. Three websites later here I am and I’m offering you the opportunity to speak freely in a community that I moderate where disgusting personal attacks are not allowed and conversation must be kept civil. Although my instance, probably doesn’t have a lot of liberals in it or or liberal minded people are in. I welcome those who want to step outside their comfort zone and echo chambers are to speak to the other side and see where things go even if we don’t always agree, and things get a little tense, but know that as moderator, I will protect your right to speak freely, and without disgusting hostility, and this rum, even though you will find those that disagree with you, I hope to see you there friend

  • Voters think Trump is a criminal, Biden is too old and DeSantis is a fascist: poll
  • We may not agree on everything but i think that ppl need to talk more from both sides and not dismiss the other, ostracizing ppl is wrong, we are all guilty of it, human nature sucks

  • Voters think Trump is a criminal, Biden is too old and DeSantis is a fascist: poll
  • All im saying is my grandmother witnessed it firsthand and extra part of the story, her mother shaved her head as the russians were pillaging the city so she would look like a little boy cz she hadn’t developed breasts yet, that way the russians wouldn’t rape her cz the russians soldiers were ruthless animals, but war is disgusting

  • Voters think Trump is a criminal, Biden is too old and DeSantis is a fascist: poll
  • Ive read about hitlers rise to power, I actually posted a detailed documentary on it as well, ill share it here for reference, I encourage all of you guys to watch it, I would tell you to pay close attention to how german ppl felt hopeless before and then hitler promised such good things. And for the record for those who don’t know nazi were national socialists for reference here is wiki But seriously watch the documentary, it’s extremely informative, (also not for nothing but i been hearing nothing but trump is a nazi, his supporters are nazis for 8 years now so im sorry but lets not pretend comments with dates dont exist, no offense)

  • Voters think Trump is a criminal, Biden is too old and DeSantis is a fascist: poll
  • For me, it’s like trying to convince a Q person that Trump wasn’t some master of political chess and that he had a secret army arresting politicians left and right, I don’t know if you hear what I’m saying maybe I didn’t explain it right. I just think that if Hitler a man who literally was in jail, could devise a plan after getting out of jail of somehow going from unknown guy who wrote Mein Kampf to having a fanatical army armed to the teeth that I think a billionaire would’ve had an easier time, but that’s just my opinion.

  • Voters think Trump is a criminal, Biden is too old and DeSantis is a fascist: poll
  • My grandmother was born in Berlin, Germany in 1938. She watched the Gestapo put a handgun to her grandfathers head and murder him because he wouldn’t give up his grandsons to fight the russians towards the end of the war. Seeing an old woman cry towards the end of her life about the horrors of ww2 and the atrocities of nazis then the subsequent pillaging of berlin by russian soldiers (she witnessed her mother get gang raped by russian soldiers) i find your comment to be ignorant and offensive, Trump isnt a nazi and if he was you would’ve seen him arm his supporters to the teeth with military grade equipment and wholesale murder liberals like it was going out of style