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WhipperSnapper WhipperSnapper
Posts 2
Comments 64
Android 15 could let your Pixel Watch control your phone's media output
  • Spotify supports this already (between any devices you're logged into), and it's suuuuuuuuuuuper nice. This is gonna be an excellent QoL upgrade.

  • "No thanks, I research my own charities before making a donation"
  • If you shop at a chain megacorp store, there's probably like 10 layers of people you'd have to pass the info up to, which seems unlikely. Maybe better looking for customer feedback forms in person or online.

    If you shop at a local independent, they either don't do this sort of charity thing, or do it much more directly (as in the money doesn't even flow through their own account) with a local charity or food bank, that sort of thing.

  • [General question to the Android community] Have you given up on the audio jack, or do you still only buy devices that have it?
  • On a related note, does anyone know of cases with a headphone jack built into it? It seems like an obvious thing to make, but I've only seen them mentioned for iPhone.

  • [General question to the Android community] Have you given up on the audio jack, or do you still only buy devices that have it?
  • The main thing for me is simply that the audio connector doesn't pull out nearly as easily as USB-c. Secondary is the fact that I prefer things that don't need to be charged.

    I use wireless buds at work, but whenever I'm home, I prefer to use wired headphones. It's definitely a different strokes for different folks situation.

  • Why do Americans measure everything in cups?
  • Chicken just isn't gonna need to be that precise. It's not an ingredient that mixes with others in that way. That being said, chicken is an item that most recipes would mention by weight. Nobody is going to actually weigh out the chicken; they'll just go with a close measurement, or use potentially use the packaging it came in for reference.

  • Village where my grandma grew up [OC]
  • Pretty sure the lens flare was just added in photoshop. As far as the "tele lens" goes, I think that's just a semantics thing. I agree that shooting straight into the sun like that would make it impossible to get that exposure.

  • To those with 2+ monitors on your machine: What's your use case, and how much does it actually boost your productivity?
  • I'm curious what game. My feeling is it must be something with a constantly changing economy?

  • What's the worst scam you've fallen for (or gotten close to falling for)?
  • Curious what would have happened if you just stopped at $30 up (also remember, $ before the number; ¢ after)

    Was the $30 paid into your account, or in the form of a check or something?

  • Tell me what it means
  • Make any VHS highlight reels?

  • Why don't we have one timezone covering the whole earth?
  • I think they mean concepts like morning and evening, or day and night would remain. The difference would be that in London, midnight would be 12:00am, but in San Fransisco, midnight would be... 16:00 / 4:00pm. Each timezone would have to adjust the numbers, in the same way the southern hemisphere considers January to be in the summer.

  • Congratulations. You played yourself
  • In the case of peppers, birds are immune to the effect of capsaicin. It strikes me as an evolutionary way of ensuring your seeds get spread as far as possible, by something that flies.

    Could just be chance, though, I'm no expert.

  • YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave
  • Not at all a solution, but worth mentioning that in a YouTube URL you can replace /shorts/ with /v/ and get the normal player for the same video.

  • It’s time to ban ‘right-on-red’
  • That's a different situation though. A green arrow means you have full right of way to make the turn. Right-on-red is more like a stop sign.

  • Yellow Barrier Post. [OC]
  • You'll learn pretty quickly how just aperture affects a photo, in how much depth of field you have. The part that's more nuanced is figuring how zoom plays into that as well. Zoom also compresses the depth in a shot, so to speak. The most extreme version you'll see is towns with mountains towering above them that seem like they're in the back yard, but there's really a ton of distance. It just looks almost flat because the photographer is using a really long lens.

    There are apps/calculators that will give you the depth of field for any given focal length and aperture, but I found it to be a lot of trial and error when learning how the various settings work together.

  • Eating beans
  • You don't gotta pay $20 to have a chickpea on you.

  • Why does lemmy have it, so any link takes you off the page instead of opening in a new tab or window?
  • It also has a light mode now. I know that was a drawback for some folks when it was first being mentioned.

  • me_irl
  • I can't decide about that. If I'm the meme, and it's telling me I'm the meme, should the text be readable by me? Or by the person looking at me? And if they can read the text, does it mean they're the meme?

  • Golden Daydream - song written, performed by
  • Man, I find it to be unsettling. Maybe it's hooking into a sort of auditory uncanny valley, or maybe it's just knowing that it's all "fake". The way different portions of the song are mashed together, missing a beat, is sorta interesting. It's like pasting together text a piece at a time, only it's missing the paragraph breaks and instead if just mashed together.

  • Starting the game off strong
  • Preorder bonus

  • Gamers. What was the game that got you into the hobby?
  • Chopper Commando on the PC Jr and River Raid on the Atari 2600 were my first gaming loves.

  • How come I'm seeing "removed" all over the place?

    I gather some server is for some arcane reason censoring naughty words to protect our delicate sensibilities. Is it on my end, on Is it the server people are posting from? Is it something happening in the federation? Is it the Romulans?

    46 Class Tuning Incoming – 28 June

    Working from player feedback and internal data, we’ve developed the following class tuning changes to address several over- and under-performing classes. These adjustments will be applied to the live game with scheduled weekly maintenance on 28 June in this region. Classes Death Knight Blood A...

    Class Tuning Incoming – 28 June

    As a side, it might be nice to eventually have a pvp-centric community, but for now I feel like this falls under WoW general discussion.

    GL to all those warlocks out there, and the healer that love them.
