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WeirdWriter Robert Kingett

I'm a blind and gay romance writer that loves fiction podcasts, audiobooks, cookies, and cats! I follow more hashtags than people. Because I take frequent social media breaks, the best way to reach me quickly is via my website or email.

Posts 2
Comments 2
SATIRE Tech bro’s doomsday bunkers #Humor #Satire
  • Thank you! I didn't catch on it was satire so shared out of sincerity, at first, but I read the article after I woke up some more and immediately got the satire. I've edited the post, not sure if Lemmy does edits but thank you! @BlueMonday1984

  • SATIRE Tech bro’s doomsday bunkers #Humor #Satire

    "Sam Altman is one of the dullest, most incurious and least creative people to walk this earth."
  • @YourNetworkIsHaunted I honestly was wondering why they were obsessing over IQ so much, but this comment actually made it all click