"So uncouth and absurd that it can only be believed that Nature was motivated by spite or mockery in bringing him into the world at all." - Castiglione I'm here to publicize science and literature blogs, make wisecracks, and find out what interesting people have to say. If you want to know who I am in real life, visit my verification URL.
@lusterko @falcennial That’s a very good thing to do in Moscow. Alas, I suspect it’s not his main purpose.
@Arotrios @The_Picard_Maneuver Inigo was worried about deepfake AI art long before the rest of us.
@Arotrios One of my students once gave up on a physics lab report by writing “Nuke this” on his aborted data-analysis section. It was almost as effective.
@Arotrios That’s a pretty good lineup.
@Arotrios “Oh, Benson, you are so mercifully free from the ravages of intelligence.”