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Vincent392 Vincent392

I am me.

Irish Trains = Based

Not half arsed readme: Dia duit/Hello! I'm Vincent, a based person. I know, Java, C# and I'm currently learning C! (Programming languages) Irish (if you couldn't tell by the Dia duit) Autistic ADHD. Will go on rants if pissed off (just a warning for you) Owner and Maintainer of @vlinux Yeah that's it (Hi @buj)


Posts 1
Comments 2
Alright, Square Enix are probably doing something besides those two FF16 DLCs, since there's a Final Fantasy weekend sale, AND I've gotten 11 recommendations on Steam to do with Final Fantasy.
  • @helloharu @finalfantasy I've been taking, every. Single. Detail, into account.

    1. The references to it in Final Fantasy XVI
    2. Square Enix seemingly putting Final Fantasy IX into a high priority position.
    3. This sale, that includes Zidane on the art of it.
    4. The leak
    5. Final Fantasy IX getting a surge in popularity.

    It all ties in for me.

  • Alright, Square Enix are probably doing something besides those two FF16 DLCs, since there's a Final Fantasy weekend sale, AND I've gotten 11 recommendations on Steam to do with Final Fantasy.

    Alright, Square Enix are probably doing something besides those two FF16 DLCs, since there's a Final Fantasy weekend sale, AND I've gotten 11 recommendations on Steam to do with Final Fantasy. Also this, are they... remaking IX? @finalfantasy @finalfantasy\_community mentioning yous cause of this.
