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UnexampledSalt UnexampledSalt
Posts 18
Comments 57
People who have died and came back, what was your experience?
  • I didnt actually die, but I came pretty close. I lost a ton of blood, started tk get tunnel vision, blacked out, then there was nothing, then I regained consciousness after getting a transfusion. Not sure how long I was out, but they said I was white as a sheet.

  • I am leaving Win10 for Garuda
  • I used garuda for about a year and a half and loved it...mostly. I use a bluetooth headset and controller for gaming and it seems like after every single update, bluetooth broke and i either had to stuggle for hours to try and fix it, or just not use it till another update. Also, a lot of multiplayer games that use anticheat won't work on linux. I just recently switch back to windows because of those hassles.

    If those things aren't comcerns for you then you should love your experience! Best of luck!

  • PRQL (Pipelined Relational Query Language)
  • It's the PReQueL to the SeQueL

  • Don't be nervous!
  • When did you eat a man?

  • Don't be nervous!


    I created another video to introduce new users to Lemmy!

    This video is more from a users perspective and less from an admins! I am trying to up my production quality as I can, let me know what you think!

    Also I shared this with my test account a minute ago and deleted it, sorry for the double share!

    quotes UnexampledSalt

    When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. -Franklin D. Roosevelt

    KO4ABP Server Announcements UnexampledSalt

    Server Maintenance Tonight

    In approximately 1 hour I will be making another attempt to update the server to the latest version.


    Struggling with X6100

    This radio is the most expensive thing I have bought for the hobby so far and it is making me want to cry. I cant figure out why it wont tune up to the dipole I made. It seems to work fine sometimes and just randomly shut off other times. SWR scan seems to be effected by being plugged in to power. ATU seems to be equally hit or miss. I am login my mind. Any help or advice is welcome!

    Guess what? 🎮
  • The Navy also has redundancies and procedures in place for when those controllers fail. The controller doesn't determine whether the crew lives or dies.

  • Had a lot of Field Day fun this weekend
  • Very nice! I didnt have any luck during field day but i did hear a ton of activity and met some new people. All in all it was a good weekend!

  • Plans for field day?
  • Yeah, I'm not huge into the making as many contacts as possible part of the hobby. Right now my focus is actually getting it to work...

  • Messing with some PSK31 on 10m


    Trying out some WSPR from the truck!


    Plans for field day?

    Just realized that today is field day. Gonna go out and see what the local hams are up to. Anyone else have plans?

    Recommendations for a portable HF vertical antenna?
  • One that I am looking at is the Super Antenna MP1DXG

  • Recommendations for a portable HF vertical antenna?

    I am looking for a vertical HF antenna that can pack down small and not be insanely expensive. Any idea?

    Best VPNs
  • I have used ProtonVPN and ProtonMail for years now and I absolutely love their service.

  • how do i become a bot account?
  • There should be a checkbox on your account settings or profile page.

    Here it is on Jerboa. Settings-><Username>'s Settings

  • My plan for the future
  • No need to apologize! I'm here to help!

  • My plan for the future
  • I will definitely join up! For future reference on Lemmy you can make you link using the /c/<community>@<instance.url> format so that I can access it on my instance! e.g. I2P It may have to be searched for on the local instance to work, but I think there might be a fix incoming.

  • Antenna System Identification
  • According to this google groups answer

    "It's actually for the power company system with new technology, every customer will get a new automated meter, equipped with a network radio. The radio transmits meter readings to the access points, housed on the electric pole. This is the access point."

  • I made a Morse Code video!
  • I have realized that the 'Q' portion needs to be fixed.

  • I made a Morse Code video!

    I want to learn Morse Code. I have tried a bunch of different ways and I struggle. I considered how it used to be done, a cassette tape that plays the sounds over and over driving them into your skull. I figured I would make one myself and see if it helped. I feel like I am associating the sounds to the letters more effectively than other methods I have tried. Maybe it will help someone else too!

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Captcha can be enabled, and is on my instance. Also, admins can mark accounts as bot accounts or ban them for certain behaviors.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • we're small but growing.

  • Lemmy Instance for Amateur Radio: lemmy. radio
  • There seem to be a handful of these. I have a budding community at [email protected]

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I can't honestly say for sure. I don't imagine many people would even notice unless it causes some warble in the transmission, which seems unlikely.

  • Would anyone mind an XKCD bot?

    I have made a bot that should be able to get XKCD comics and post them here. Just want to make sure no one would be annoyed by that before implementing it. No more than 1 per day though. Don't wanna be spammy.


    At least we know it wasnt the whales.


    My plan for the future

    Maybe no one cares, but in case you are interested. This drama with Reddit was not only the last straw for me after over 12 years of faithful membership, it was a catalyst.

    I have been interested in a more decentralized internet for a handful of years now and Lemmy is my first step. I have dabbled in Freenet and I2P and now I'm going to roll up my sleeves and get involved.

    I have started my own Lemmy instance and invited people to use it to access the community.

    My next step is to spin up a Freenet node. After that I will be making some more intro videos to explain what it is and how it works.

    After that I will start looking more into I2P and doing the same.

    During this time I will be following closely the development and growth of all 3 and reporting on it as well on my new YouTube channel.

    The internet should be for the users, not for profiteering corporations. This should be our bastion from their greed. I will do my part to make it so.


    Suggestions for an inexpensive antenna analyzer?


    I created a video that should help newer users

    I quickly recorded a video that helps describe what Lemmy is and how to use it! Would love your feedback and share with new users to help get them started!


    Then I realized why the dipole wasn't working.


    X6100 and antenna in a nice portable case!

    Got an X6100 and a dipole antenna and put them in this vmcase from harbor freight. The coax and antenna wires are in the layer of foam under the radio.



    It's a little sparse right now, but feel free to post anything ham radio related while I get things organized!
