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UndulyUnruly UndulyUnruly
Posts 7
Comments 221
Clearly someone wants me to stop working and get him lunch already.
  • The floor manager appears to have a different perspective.

  • Clearly someone wants me to stop working and get him lunch already.
  • He wants to have a productive conversation about cable management.

  • All in!

    cross-posted from:

    > For when you want to subtly display your kinks

    What movie have you rewatched the most?
  • You want a toe? I can get ya a toe. Believe me, there are ways dude, you don’t even wanna know about ‘em, believe me. Hell, I can get ya a toe by three o’clock this afternoon, with nail polish.

  • Curled up Beri
  • Standard Issue Cat maybe?

  • Brown fails to rule out McLaren Italian GP team orders
  • fails

    Bruh! Who takes these clowns and their clickbait headlines serious? The failure here is projection for their shitty „journalism“.

    ZB stated perfectly clearly they will discuss it internally and make a decision in private and communicate it when appropriate. This is a levelled, professional approach and the opposite of failure.

  • ich🚂iel
  • Ist das die junge Angela Merkel?

  • Caption This
  • I fucking snorted. Outstanding!

  • Animals that use Drugs
  • The mental images of the consequences of running into, and then having to fight, a jaguar who’s high on ayahuasca is both hilarious and terrifying.

    „Bro, chill out! The strawberry fractals are a mere figment of your imagination and can’t hurt you.“

    „CHRAOW! CHRAOWOW!! Satayskewers!“

  • ich🐌⌚💨
  • Nö, aber wenn du aufmuckst malträtiert und schikaniert dich das Amt sicherheitshalber dich bis du nervlich zusammenbrichst, andernfalls kommst du doch auf dumme Gedanken.

  • ich🐌⌚💨
  • Auf nen Termin im Einwohnermeldeamt Trier musst du solange warten, da kommen die dir 10 Minuten im Verhältnis so unglaublich verdächtig kurz vor, da stellst du dir dis-assoziiert beim Verlassen die Frage, ob du veräppelt wurdest selbst wenn du das ursprünglich angepeilte administrative Endergebnis erreicht hast.

    Selbst die Möglichkeit, auf eine Warteliste zu kommen, egal wie weit in der Zukunft, ist per Routine schlichtweg abgeschaltet, à la “Pech gehabt, aber vielleicht geben wir dir morgen einen Termin für in drei Monaten, vielleicht auch nicht. Musst aber jeden morgen neu checken. Tschö!”


  • ich🇩🇪⚓iel
  • Das maritime Erscheinungsbild verleitet, aber das sind eindeutig schwäbische Abgesandte vom Todesstern Stuttgart

  • Scooter and his pet dog
  • S C O O T E R !


  • Citizen Crimestopper
  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Carrier pigeons bro

    cross-posted from:

    > Would you wear em?


    Creature comforts

    cross-posted from:

    > Popcorn Shrimp > > Stolen from Reddit > > User: Fantastic-Milk9335 > > Popcorn shrimp I ordered at an international American restaurant, circa 2020 picture quality > > > > It was an absolute textural nightmare, to be honest with you. In terms of taste, the flavors didn't combine, so you just had shrimp and popcorn in your mouth.


    Cryogenic promises

    cross-posted from:

    > Thanks, I hate it

    Pizza Crimes UndulyUnruly

    Sacrilege. I will strike you.

    cross-posted from:

    > I think I would take pineapple over this

    Pizza Crimes UndulyUnruly

    Borderline criminality

    cross-posted from:

    > I wanted something quick, tasty and bad for you. So I made ziti pizza


    Pizza on pineapple

    cross-posted from:

    > Pizza on pineapple rule
