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Twipped Twipped

JavaScript nerd. Author of The Gender Dysphoria Bible. You might know me as "Curvy and Trans" See also @twipped

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*Permanently Deleted*
  • The amount of empty space in Discovery was just weird.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Flnt is NOT a small town

  • Don't ask me
  • And Beverly appears to be a Species 8472 in drag.

  • *Permanently Deleted*

  • The difference between RAW and RAI
  • Theres is a bug in the current Dwarf Fortress combat AI where soldiers equipped with crossbows will only shoot targets if they can’t path to the target. If they can, they will instead prefer to run up to it and melee with the crossbow.

    I believe you have found their reasoning.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Alas, it is not

    There was an animated tv show that had this as a plot line, where an american man met a woman from japan. I can’t remember what show it was, though. Its a memory barely visible in the back of my brain.

  • Reconstructed ruins of the South palace of Nebuchadnezzar in ancient Babylon (Modern day Hillah,Iraq)
  • I would bet that the interior walls run in cardinal directions, but the exterior walls were built to fit with the rest of the existing structures surrounding the fortress. Fortifications were usually built where there is already a village to support them.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Oh I beg to differ

  • [Spoiler] Shadowheart resolution kinda weird? (Spoilers act 3)
  • My interpretation was that Shar had nothing to do with it, it was Mother Superior making a power play. If you have Shadowheart kill the Nightsong, Shar empowers her to “cleanse” the church of the unfaithful (meaning Mother Superior and her acolytes).

  • 90% Reduction: Scientists Discover Natural Molecule That Eradicates Plaques and Cavities
  • DIM doesn’t increase estrogen, it reduces it. It forces the body to metabolize estradiol into 2-hydroxyestrone, which cannot be converted back to estradiol and has lower binding affinity, so it just gets pissed out. It’s often used for breast and thyroid cancer treatments.

    So yeah, this could be really bad for women.