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Nate Silver's model for the 2024 election is out, currently predicts a 65% chance of a Trump victory.
  • The election system distorts the vote quite dramatically in the US, that's true.

    However, depending on where you're from left has quite a different meaning from what Americans mean when they say left. E.g. the Democrats don't want to dismantle capitalism or expropriate real estate companies (the city of Berlin seriously looked into this option). Center left has a similar shift in meaning in other countries.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Yes, but at some point it doesn't matter. The AI is trained to replicate human writing. There will be a point where it becomes so good that the result is a perfect replica, where it is indistinguishable from human text. I.e. even a perfect detector will not be able to confidently declare it as AI written, not ever. Because there is no difference.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • I bet AI detection is going to get a lot better over time.

    I doubt it. ChatGPT 3.5 is good enough to rewrite small snippets of text with better phrasing, ChatGPT 4.0 can write a paragraph if given enough support. Good enough as in "the output is indistinguishable from what a human would have written.

    Of course you can do even more with the currently available tools - and get found out.

    There is a way to make AI generated text detectable: by slightly pushing the output towards a consistent pattern a detector can reliably judge long pieces of text as AI generated.
    Imagine if the AI is biased towards consecutive words starting with consecutive letters of the alphabet (e.g. "a blue car" instead of "a navy vehicle".). Not strongly biased, but enough so that when there are 1000 words you can look at the probability of consecutive words starting with consecutive letters of the alphabet and get a clear result.

    There are two problems though: this only works with proprietary systems and only with long texts.

  • What Would You Like To See In Upcoming Updates
  • I have compact view. I tap on a thumbnail to make the image "full screen". In short succession I tap on the screen once, then touch and drag, which zooms the image.

    Since I have it set to dismiss/leave "full screen" via of images by swiping the image up or down I need the tap before dragging to zoom into the image.

  • Elsevier
  • I don't understand the "that's no how PDFs work" criticism.

    Removing data from the original file is the whole point of the exercise! Of course unique tokens can be hidden in plain sight in images, letter spacing, etc. If we want to make sure to remove that we need to degrade the quality of the PDF so that this information is lost in said lossy conversion.

  • ACAB.
  • It's funny because the (far) left vilifies the police and then goes all surprised Pikachu when they turn out to not be manned by far left people.

    Idealism in all honor, but you're not gonna change the system without being in control of the current power structures.

  • G7 Countries Spend 62 Times More on Military Than Humanitarian Aid
  • Interesting that there is a fine difference between humanitarian aid and humanitarian assistance. I doubt many journalist are this strict about their wording, but good to know nonetheless.

    Social welfare provides the exact same things (housing, food, medicine) but instead of some disaster zone somewhere it's for disadvantaged citizens in your own country. Of course, the logistics are massively different, as well as the timeframe during which the services are provided. But it's still basically the same thing: help other humans with fundamental necessities.

    So I would disagree with your claim that it "isn't the same thing at all". It differs in some details, but the central service and fundamental reasoning is the same.

  • G7 Countries Spend 62 Times More on Military Than Humanitarian Aid
  • Additionally, this is total military spending vs foreign humanitarian support. So giving food to children in Gaza counts, but feeding the homeless in your own country does not.

    I still agree with the conclusion, but the headline is kinda rage bait.

  • Apples to Apples
  • Actually, apple varieties are preserved via grafting. If you take an apple seed, the tree that will grow from it only has 50% of the DNA of the tree that made the apple. So there is absolutely no guarantee that the taste was preserved across generations.

  • Seems like I wont be able to even own tbe content I create
  • I am watching a lot of YouTube. Premium would cost 13€/month, or 130€ if paid yearly. I use an ad blocker and don't want any of the extra features that are provided to premium users. So until they manage to make unblockable ads, 130€/year could very reasonably be considered profit for the act of selling my data.

  • 800W Solarpanels + Inverter für 300€ - Legit?

    Ich bin bei auf folgendes Angebot gestoßen:

    800W Inverter, 2x425Wp Solarpanels für nur 303€. Die einzigen negativen Rezessionen, die ich über die Firma finden konnte beklagen lange Lieferzeiten. Aber das ist mir bei dem Preis nicht so wichtig. Definitiv zu gut um wahr zu sein oder legitimes Angebot? Was haltet ihr davon?

    Edit: ich habe das Set am 29. März bestellt mit voraussichtlichem Lieferzeitpunkt Ende April. Das Set kam am 08. April schon an. Ich habs noch nicht aufgebaut (muss noch Halterungen für unser ungewöhnliches Balkongeländer besorgen), aber es ist alles angekommen und war auch ordentlich verpackt und unbeschädigt.


    Reparatur Nabengangschaltung

    Hallo Leute,

    ich hab ein Cube travel pro von 2018 mit einer Shimano Nexus 8 Speed (SG-C6001-8D). Damit bin ich mal im 5 Gang angefahren, wobei die Pedale mit einem Klack vorwärts gesprungen sind.

    Mit der Zeit (1 Jahr seit dem) ist es immer schlimmer geworden. Praktisch ist das Drehmoment, das ich auf die Pedale bringen kann, stark begrenzt. Wenn ich mit etwas Kraft trete macht es "klack klack klack" und die Pedale rutschen zu einem Drittel einfach durch. Das ist besonders ärgerlich am Berg, oder wenn ich schnell fahren will. Beides geht halt einfach nicht mehr.

    Ich habe bereits die Nabe einmal aufgeschraubt, in der Vermutung es hätten sich Metallsplitter oder Rost in der Nabe gebildet, die mit der Zeit das Getriebe zerstören. Aber nix da, es ist alles sauber und noch gut gefettet.

    Würdet ihr eher das Getriebe tauschen oder die gesamte Nabe austauschen? Neu einspeichen oder dem neuen Getriebe das alte Nabengehäuse antun?

    Oder gibt es einen einfachen fix, den ich einfach noch nicht kenne? Ein Kollege hat gemeint es könnte das Lager sein, dass Freilauf ermöglicht aber beim treten blockieren soll. Die Bauteile darin müssen natürlich bestimmte Toleranzen einhalten, und wenn sich durch zu viel Kraft etwas verformt hat kanns nicht mehr funktionieren. Wenn die Gangschaltung springt wird auch viel Schwung, und damit Energie gesammelt, die durchaus was anrichten könnte. So zumindest meine Gedanken. Aber Ahnung hab ich keine.

    Wenn neu Einspeichen privat machbar ist würde ich eine neue Nabe dem Getriebetausch vorziehen. Was habt ihr zum Einspeichen für Erfahrungswerte?
