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American Jews likeliest of all U.S. citizens to hold positive view of Muslims
  • Muslims score 20 on the Islamophobia Index? What kind of self-hating 5th dimensional logic is this?

  • 2 flags for losers
  • I can't believe that he forgot the "Lone Star Flag" of Texas and the Thin Blue Line flag. He's a pinko.

  • Camp David summit outlines military alliance against the People’s Republic of China
  • Korea has had a millennia of mostly good relations and trade with China before the split.

  • Niger Military Leaders Give French, German & US Ambassadors 48 Hours to Leave Country
  • Good. It's going to be trickier to expel French forces from the region however.

  • US approves potential $500m sale of military equipment to Taiwan
  • That'll be four F-35 fighters. The wonders of US Military-Industrial complex never fails to amaze me.

  • Fossil methane
  • I wasn't convinced before I used them, but induction stoves perform almost on par with gas stoves while not burning my house down. It's a different game from electric stoves.

  • Latvia PM: Let EU countries with no colonial past lead diplomacy with BRICS+
  • There are a few obvious wrinkles in his plans. Poland, for example, is probably the most significant European country without a past as a colonial power in Africa, Asia or South America but politicians from around the world will not be blind to some of Warsaw’s latest pronouncements on migration. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki recently said he wants to hold a referendum asking citizens whether they support the arrival of “thousands of illegal migrants coming from the Middle East and Africa.”

    So which European country that isn't racist and doesn't have a colonial past?

  • Latvia PM: Let EU countries with no colonial past lead diplomacy with BRICS+
  • Historical sticklers could also note that Latvia had a brief past as a colonial power. The Duchy of Courland, an antecedent to Latvia, held territory on the island of Tobago in the Caribbean and on the Gambia River in West Africa in the mid-1600s.


  • Greece renews its calls for British Museum to return Parthenon Marbles in wake of priceless thefts
  • Eternal reminder that Britain mismanaged Parthenon Marbles so they are permanently damaged.

  • BRICS announces 6 new members
  • Nigeria would be a perfect fit, but they are content siding with the West without even getting benefits like South Korea does.

  • Landlords should have to pay income tax on their rental properties regardless of whether they're rented out or not.
  • 183 days. You self-declare unless the government has a reason to audit. This is a solved problem already and we've been going by these standards for decades.

    It's called establishing a domicile in tax terminology.

  • Italy detains three boats - for the crime of saving hundreds of refugees' lives
  • Europe is complicit in this. Frontex is a European effort, not just Italian.

  • Disaster capitalists target Native lands on Maui
  • On Aug. 15, the Biden Administration announced an inadequate “one time” payment of $700 per household affected by the fires.

    What more could you people possibly want??

  • Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia
  • If only America knew about this trick before 9/11

  • Western doublespeak compilation
  • In practice, people from the global south who are working for only a few years in rich countries are never called expats.

  • Western doublespeak compilation

    We all know that the west uses two different words for the same thing depending on where it is happening.

    e.g. Secret Police vs Plainclothes Officer\ Regime vs Government

    Can we have a compilation thread of these words? I am probably using many of them unconsciously without critical examination.
