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Proton CEO goes full MAGA
  • I was just permabanned for making this comment.

    Reddit is in full censorship mode over this. Oh well not the first time, certainly not the last.

  • Guerrilla NYC subway poster
  • Not justifying the cops shooting up everything, but he 100% had a knife and was acting dangerously. They tried using tasers first which didn't work.

    There are videos. People who are saying that a man was murdered just over couple bucks of fare are purposefully leaving out some crucial details. I get it, but it's dishonest.

  • Guerrilla NYC subway poster
  • It didn't magically disappear, some rando picked it up and walked away with it while the cops were dealing with the guy.

    There are videos of the whole thing online, you should watch them. Fuck the police but let's be honest about that particular situation.

  • Massachusetts health officials will spray pesticides to address mosquito-borne illness
  • I douse myself with picardin when going in the woods. Stuff seems to work better than DEET, is commonly available and doesn't eat away at plastics.